- Redmond, WA, US
- @jhillyerd@hachyderm.io
ttys3 / nomad-lsp
Forked from juliosueiras/nomad-lspLanguage Server Protocol for Nomad
📎 GitHub Action for PR annotations with clippy warnings
A Nomad task driver for systemd-nspawn
dlenski / python-vipaccess
Forked from cyrozap/python-vipaccessA free software implementation of Symantec's VIP Access application and protocol
rtic-rs / defmt-app-template
Forked from knurling-rs/app-templateQuickly set up a `probe-run` + `defmt` + `flip-link` embedded project running the RTIC scheduler
pvvx / ATC_MiThermometer
Forked from atc1441/ATC_MiThermometerCustom firmware for the Xiaomi Thermometers and Telink Flasher
sarfata / pi-blaster
Forked from richardghirst/PiBitsPWM on the Raspberry pi - done properly (in hardware, stable)
RexWheeler / FIMDelta
Forked from pieceofsummer/FIMDeltaHelper utility to selectively apply changes between developer and production FIM2010 servers
rkgrep / jquery.sparkline
Forked from gwatts/jquery.sparklineA plugin for the jQuery javascript library to generate small sparkline charts directly in the browser
egggo / inbucket
Forked from inbucket/inbucketInbucket: disposable webmail service (similar to Mailinator) with built in SMTP, POP3, REST servers
guard / guard-go
Forked from vcastellm/guard-goRun and restart go programs when changed
mavricknz / ldap
Forked from hsoj/ldapBasic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language.
hsoj / ldap
Forked from mmitton/ldapBasic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language.