Code run on step function activity servers.
General Boss Python3 library used by many of the VMs running Boss code.
Helps the developer dynamically create AWS credentials and create a boto3 sesssion.
Helps with reading data from the boss config file (/etc/boss/boss.config).
Generic utilities used in multiple locations.
Helps the developer connect to the target Vault server with the given url and access token.
Code that runs on the cache manager server.
Defines most lambda functions used by Boss.
Contains symbolic links to the files in the lambda folder for easier importing for tests.
Unit tests for the lambda functions.
If these directions end up out of date, the CircleCI configuration can be
inspected for additional guidance: .circleci/config.yml
The lambda functions require Python files contained in boss-manage.git/lib
Make these available by creating a symlink to that folder on your machine and
name it bossnames
# From the root of the boss-tools repo:
ln -s ~/Documents/MICrONS/boss-manage/lib bossnames
These Boss repos need to be either installed or in your PYTHONPATH
environment variable:
- heaviside
- ndingest
- spdb
# Example using PYTHONPATH when all repos are sub-folders of ~/Documents/MICrONS:
export PYTHONPATH=~/Documents/MICrONS:~/Documents/MICrONS/spdb:~/Documents/MICrONS/boss-manage/lib/heaviside.git
In the ndingest repo:
cd settings
cp settings.ini.test settings.ini
The cache manager tests need /etc/boss/boss.config
and they need to be able
to write log output to /var/log/boss
From the root of this repo:
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/boss
sudo chown <your username> /var/log/boss
sudo mkdir -p /etc/boss
sudo chown <your username> /etc/boss
cp cachemgr/test/boss.config /etc/boss
spdb has a C library that must be compiled. See its
instructions on building.
Run tests from the root of the repo, but run each sub-folder separately.
python -m unittest discover activities
python -m unittest discover bossutils
python -m unittest discover cachemgr
python -m unittest discover lmbdtest
Use or redistribution of the Boss system in source and/or binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- Redistributions of source code or binary forms must both retain any copyright notices and adhere to licenses for any and all 3rd party software (e.g. Apache).
- End-user documentation or notices, whether included as part of a redistribution or disseminated as part of a legal or scientific disclosure (e.g. publication) or advertisement, must include the following acknowledgement: The Boss software system was designed and developed by the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL).
- The names "The Boss", "JHU/APL", "Johns Hopkins University", "Applied Physics Laboratory", "MICrONS", or "IARPA" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without prior written permission. For written permission, please contact
- This source code and library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but is provided without any warranty of any kind.