Crater is a tool for compiling and running tests for every crate on (and a few on GitHub). It is mainly used for checking the extent of breakage when implementing potentially breaking changes and ensuring lack of breakage by running beta vs stable compiler versions.
You should request a crater run if your PR makes large changes to the compiler or could cause breakage. If you are unsure, feel free to ask your PR's reviewer.
The rust team maintains a few machines that can be used for running crater runs on the changes introduced by a PR. If your PR needs a crater run, leave a comment for the triage team in the PR thread. Please inform the team whether you require a "check-only" crater run, a "build only" crater run, or a "build-and-test" crater run. The difference is primarily in time; the conservative (if you're not sure) option is to go for the build-and-test run. If making changes that will only have an effect at compile-time (e.g., implementing a new trait) then you only need a check run.
Your PR will be enqueued by the triage team and the results will be posted when they are ready. Check runs will take around ~3-4 days, with the other two taking 5-6 days on average.
While crater is really useful, it is also important to be aware of a few caveats:
Not all code is on! There is a lot of code in repos on GitHub and elsewhere. Also, companies may not wish to publish their code. Thus, a successful crater run is not a magically green light that there will be no breakage; you still need to be careful.
Crater only runs Linux builds on x86_64. Thus, other architectures and platforms are not tested. Critically, this includes Windows.
Many crates are not tested. This could be for a lot of reasons, including that the crate doesn't compile any more (e.g. used old nightly features), has broken or flaky tests, requires network access, or other reasons.
Before crater can be run,
@bors try
needs to succeed in building artifacts. This means that if your code doesn't compile, you cannot run crater.