diff --git a/AppSrc/Dashboard.wo b/AppSrc/Dashboard.wo
index 8ea36a5..70cf454 100644
--- a/AppSrc/Dashboard.wo
+++ b/AppSrc/Dashboard.wo
@@ -97,11 +97,24 @@ Object oDashboard is a cWebView
Send NavigatePath
+ Object oTileMediaStreamRecording is a cWebHtmlBox
+ Set pbServerOnClick to True
+ Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
+ Set psHtml to '
MediaStream Recording API
record from user device or screen
+ WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oMediaStreamRecordingDemo
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send NavigatePath
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
Object oTileNetworkInformation is a cWebHtmlBox
Set pbServerOnClick to True
Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
Set psHtml to '
Network Information API
get information on the current network connection
+ Set piColumnIndex to 1
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oNetworkInformationDemo
@@ -114,7 +127,7 @@ Object oDashboard is a cWebView
Set pbServerOnClick to True
Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
Set psHtml to '
Notifications API
display system notifications
- Set piColumnIndex to 1
+ Set piColumnIndex to 2
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oNotificationsDemo
@@ -127,7 +140,7 @@ Object oDashboard is a cWebView
Set pbServerOnClick to True
Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
Set psHtml to '
Page Visibility API
know when a document becomes visible or hidden
- Set piColumnIndex to 2
+ Set piColumnIndex to 0
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oPageVisibilityDemo
@@ -140,6 +153,7 @@ Object oDashboard is a cWebView
Set pbServerOnClick to True
Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
Set psHtml to '
Screen Orientation API
information about the current orientation of the document
+ Set piColumnIndex to 1
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oScreenOrientationDemo
@@ -152,7 +166,7 @@ Object oDashboard is a cWebView
Set pbServerOnClick to True
Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
Set psHtml to '
Screen Wake Lock API
prevent devices from dimming or locking the screen
- Set piColumnIndex to 1
+ Set piColumnIndex to 2
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oScreenWakeLockDemo
@@ -165,7 +179,7 @@ Object oDashboard is a cWebView
Set pbServerOnClick to True
Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
Set psHtml to '
Sensor APIs
access to device sensors
- Set piColumnIndex to 2
+ Set piColumnIndex to 0
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oSensorDemo
@@ -178,6 +192,7 @@ Object oDashboard is a cWebView
Set pbServerOnClick to True
Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
Set psHtml to '
Vibration API
access to vibration hardware
+ Set piColumnIndex to 1
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oVibrationDemo
@@ -190,7 +205,7 @@ Object oDashboard is a cWebView
Set pbServerOnClick to True
Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
Set psHtml to '
Web Share API
share content from your application
- Set piColumnIndex to 1
+ Set piColumnIndex to 2
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oWebShareDemo
@@ -203,7 +218,7 @@ Object oDashboard is a cWebView
Set pbServerOnClick to True
Set psCSSClass to "Tile"
Set psHtml to '
Web Storage API
store data in the browser
- Set piColumnIndex to 2
+ Set piColumnIndex to 0
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateForward oWebStorageDemo
diff --git a/AppSrc/MediaStreamRecordingDemo.wo b/AppSrc/MediaStreamRecordingDemo.wo
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..022bbfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AppSrc/MediaStreamRecordingDemo.wo
@@ -0,0 +1,1047 @@
+Use cWebView.pkg
+Use cWebPanel.pkg
+Use cWebButton.pkg
+Use cLogger.pkg
+Use cMediaStreamAPI.pkg
+Use cMediaStreamRecordingAPI.pkg
+Use cWebCheckBox.pkg
+Use cWebCombo.pkg
+Use cWebHtmlBox.pkg
+Use cWebGroup.pkg
+Use cWebAccordionContainer.pkg
+Use cWebAccordionCard.pkg
+Use cWebFloatingPanel.pkg
+Object oMediaStreamRecordingDemo is a cWebView
+ Set peWebViewStyle to wvsDrillDown
+ Set peViewType to vtUndefined
+ Set pbShowCaption to False
+ Set psCaption to "MediaStream Recording Demo"
+ Set piMaxWidth to 1024
+ Set piColumnCount to 6
+ Set pbServerOnShow to True
+ { WebProperty=Server }
+ Property tInputDeviceInfo[] pstDevices
+ Object oUserMediaStream is a cUserMediaStreamAPI
+ Set pbServerOnMicrophonePermissionChange to True
+ Set pbServerOnCameraPermissionChange to True
+ Set pbServerOnEnumerateDevices to True
+ Procedure OnMicrophonePermissionChange
+ String sPerm
+ WebGet psMicrophonePermission to sPerm
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Microphone permission changed to '%1'", sPerm))
+ If (sPerm = "granted") Begin
+ WebGet psCameraPermission to sPerm
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnRequestPermission to (sPerm <> "granted")
+ End
+ Else Begin
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnRequestPermission to True
+ End
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnCameraPermissionChange
+ String sPerm
+ WebGet psCameraPermission to sPerm
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Camera permission changed to '%1'", sPerm))
+ If (sPerm = "granted") Begin
+ WebGet psMicrophonePermission to sPerm
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnRequestPermission to (sPerm <> "granted")
+ End
+ Else Begin
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnRequestPermission to True
+ End
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnEnumerateDevices tInputDeviceInfo[] stDevices
+ Integer i iCount
+ Move (SizeOfArray(stDevices)) to iCount
+ If (iCount = 0) Begin
+ Send Log of oLogger "No devices available"
+ End
+ Else Begin
+ For i from 0 to (iCount - 1)
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("%1 - %2", stDevices[i].kind, stDevices[i].label))
+ Loop
+ End
+ WebSet pstDevices of oMediaStreamRecordingDemo to stDevices
+ Send Refill of oWebComboAudio
+ Send Refill of oWebComboVideo
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnError String sErrorName String sErrorMessage
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("%1: %2", sErrorName, sErrorMessage))
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oDisplayMediaStream is a cDisplayMediaStreamAPI
+ End_Object
+ Object oMediaStreamRecording is a cMediaStreamRecordingAPI
+ Set pbServerOnError to True
+ Set pbServerOnConnect to True
+ Set pbServerOnDisconnect to True
+ Set pbServerOnStart to True
+ Set pbServerOnStop to True
+ Set pbServerOnPause to True
+ Set pbServerOnResume to True
+ Set pbServerOnDataAvailable to True
+ Procedure OnError String sErrorName String sErrorMessage
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("%1: %2", sErrorName, sErrorMessage))
+ End_Procedure
+ Function InfoDisplay tMediaTrackSettings stSettings Returns String
+ String s br
+ Move (Character(13) + Character(10) + " ") to br
+ // Common settings
+ If (stSettings.deviceId <> "") Move (s + br + "deviceId: " + stSettings.deviceId) to s
+ If (stSettings.groupId <> "") Move (s + br + "groupId: " + stSettings.groupId) to s
+ // Audio settings
+ If (stSettings.autoGainControl <> "") Move (s + br + "autoGainControl: " + stSettings.autoGainControl) to s
+ If (stSettings.channelCount <> "") Move (s + br + "channelCount: " + stSettings.channelCount) to s
+ If (stSettings.echoCancellation <> "") Move (s + br + "echoCancellation: " + stSettings.echoCancellation) to s
+ If (stSettings.latency <> "") Move (s + br + "latency: " + stSettings.latency) to s
+ If (stSettings.noiseSuppression <> "") Move (s + br + "noiseSuppression: " + stSettings.noiseSuppression) to s
+ If (stSettings.sampleRate <> "") Move (s + br + "sampleRate: " + stSettings.sampleRate) to s
+ If (stSettings.sampleSize <> "") Move (s + br + "sampleSize: " + stSettings.sampleSize) to s
+ // Video settings
+ If (stSettings.aspectRatio <> "") Move (s + br + "aspectRatio: " + stSettings.aspectRatio) to s
+ If (stSettings.facingMode <> "") Move (s + br + "facingMode: " + stSettings.facingMode) to s
+ If (stSettings.frameRate <> "") Move (s + br + "frameRate: " + stSettings.frameRate) to s
+ If (stSettings.height <> "") Move (s + br + "height: " + stSettings.height) to s
+ If (stSettings.width <> "") Move (s + br + "width: " + stSettings.width) to s
+ If (stSettings.resizeMode <> "") Move (s + br + "resizeMode: " + stSettings.resizeMode) to s
+ // Display settings
+ If (stSettings.cursor <> "") Move (s + br + "cursor: " + stSettings.cursor) to s
+ If (stSettings.displaySurface <> "") Move (s + br + "displaySurface: " + stSettings.displaySurface) to s
+ If (stSettings.logicalSurface <> "") Move (s + br + "logicalSurface: " + stSettings.logicalSurface) to s
+ Function_Return s
+ End_Function
+ Procedure OnConnect String sState tMediaStreamInfo stInfo //String sMimeType Integer iVideoBitsPerSecond Integer iAudioBitsPerSecond String sAudioBitrateMode
+ Integer i
+ String sInfo
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Connected, state: %1, mime: %2, video: %3 Mbps, audio: %4 Kbps, mode: %5", sState, stInfo.mimeType, (stInfo.videoBitsPerSecond/1000000.0), (stInfo.audioBitsPerSecond/1000.0), stInfo.audioBitrateMode))
+ For i from 0 to (SizeOfArray(stInfo.tracks) - 1)
+ Get InfoDisplay stInfo.tracks[i].settings to sInfo
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Track %1 (%2, %3):%4", (i+1), stInfo.tracks[i].kind, stInfo.tracks[i].label, sInfo))
+ Loop
+ Send UpdateButtonStates of oWebMainPanel sState
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnDisconnect
+ Send Log of oLogger "Disconnected"
+ Send UpdateButtonStates of oWebMainPanel ""
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnStart String sState
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Recording started, state: %1", sState))
+ Send UpdateButtonStates of oWebMainPanel sState
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnStop String sState
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Recording stopped, state: %1", sState))
+ Send UpdateButtonStates of oWebMainPanel sState
+ Send AttachRecording "my-video-element"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnPause String sState
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Recording paused, state: %1", sState))
+ Send UpdateButtonStates of oWebMainPanel sState
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnResume String sState
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Recording resumed, state: %1", sState))
+ Send UpdateButtonStates of oWebMainPanel sState
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnDataAvailable String sMimeType UChar[] ucData
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Received %1 bytes, mime: %2", SizeOfArray(ucData), sMimeType))
+ // This is where we would store the received data
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebMainPanel is a cWebPanel
+ Set piColumnCount to 12
+ WebSetResponsive piColumnCount rmMobile to 6
+ Object oWebLabel is a cWebLabel
+ Set psCaption to "Supported?"
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebHtmlBox is a cWebHtmlBox
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psHtml to '
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebLabel2 is a cWebLabel
+ Set psCaption to "The MediaStream Recording API lets you capture data generated by a MediaStream or HTMLMediaElement, meaning you can record from devices, screen or media elements on page. Select your capture sources below, and click 'Connect' to create a stream, then 'Start recording' to record. Recording will only include the first audio and video stream you select."
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebLabel3 is a cWebLabel
+ Set psCaption to "Note that Firefox does not support querying device permissions, so in Firefox permissions will always show as unknown, and you won't know if enumerating devices will work."
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebGroup1 is a cWebGroup
+ Set pbShowBorder to False
+ Set pbShowCaption to False
+ Set piColumnSpan to 6
+ Object oCbDevice is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psCaption to "Record from user device"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Include tracks from microphone and/or camera devices"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oWebGroupDevice to bChecked
+ If (bChecked) Begin
+ Send AddStream of oMediaStreamRecording oUserMediaStream
+ End
+ Else Begin
+ Send RemoveStream of oMediaStreamRecording oUserMediaStream
+ End
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebGroupDevice is a cWebGroup
+ Set piColumnCount to 6
+ Set pbShowCaption to False
+ Set pbEnabled to False
+ Object oCbAudio is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnSpan to 2
+ Set psCaption to "Audio"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Include an audio track"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbAudio of oUserMediaStream to bChecked
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oCbVideo is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnIndex to 2
+ Set piColumnSpan to 2
+ Set psCaption to "Video"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Include a video track"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbVideo of oUserMediaStream to bChecked
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnRequestPermission is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnSpan to 3
+ Set psCaption to "Request permission"
+ Set psToolTip to "Ask user to grant permission to use devices of the types selected above (audio/video)"
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send RequestPermission of oUserMediaStream
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnEnumerate is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnIndex to 3
+ Set piColumnSpan to 3
+ Set psCaption to "Enumerate devices"
+ Set psToolTip to "Get a list of all audio and video devices - only works if user has previously granted permission"
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send EnumerateDevices of oUserMediaStream
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebComboAudio is a cWebCombo
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psLabel to "Select audio device:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Select a specific audio device to use - click 'Enumerate devices' above to fill this dropdown"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ tInputDeviceInfo[] stDevices
+ Integer i
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ WebGet pstDevices of oMediaStreamRecordingDemo to stDevices
+ Send AddComboItem "" "Default"
+ For i from 0 to (SizeOfArray(stDevices) - 1)
+ If (stDevices[i].kind = MS_KIND_AUDIO) Begin
+ Send AddComboItem stDevices[i].deviceId stDevices[i].label
+ End
+ Loop
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet psAudioDeviceId of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebComboVideo is a cWebCombo
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psLabel to "Select video device:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Select a specific video device to use - click 'Enumerate devices' above to fill this dropdown"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ tInputDeviceInfo[] stDevices
+ Integer i
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ WebGet pstDevices of oMediaStreamRecordingDemo to stDevices
+ Send AddComboItem "" "Default"
+ For i from 0 to (SizeOfArray(stDevices) - 1)
+ If (stDevices[i].kind = MS_KIND_VIDEO) Begin
+ Send AddComboItem stDevices[i].deviceId stDevices[i].label
+ End
+ Loop
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet psVideoDeviceId of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnOtherIdeals is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psCaption to "Choose other ideals"
+ Set pbShowLabel to True
+ Set psLabel to "And/or:"
+ Set psToolTip to "Set track ideals - the browser will try to fulfill these when you click 'Connect', but nothing is guaranteed"
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send Show of oFloatIdeals
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oFloatIdeals is a cWebFloatingPanel
+ Set piColumnCount to 2
+ Set piWidth to 650
+ Set psCssClass to "Shadow WithArrow"
+ Set phoFloatByControl to oBtnOtherIdeals
+ Set pbHideOnBlur to True
+ Object oGroupAudioIdeals is a cWebGroup
+ Set psCaption to "Audio ideals"
+ Set piColumnCount to 1
+ Set piColumnSpan to 1
+ Object oWebCombo1 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Auto gain control:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Do you want auto gain control on/off?"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_ON "On"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_OFF "Off"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet peAutoGainControl of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo2 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Channel count:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "How many channels would you like? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 1 "1 - Mono"
+ Send AddComboItem 2 "2 - Stereo"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet piChannelCount of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo3 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Echo cancellation:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Do you want echo cancellation on/off?"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_ON "On"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_OFF "Off"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet peEchoCancellation of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo4 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Latency:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired latency? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 0 "Lowest possible"
+ Send AddComboItem 0.5 "500 ms"
+ Send AddComboItem 1 "1000 ms"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet pnLatency of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo5 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Noise suppression:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Do you want noise suppression on/off?"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_ON "On"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_OFF "Off"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet peNoiseSuppression of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo6 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Sample rate:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired sample rate? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 8000 "8 KHz"
+ Send AddComboItem 16000 "16 KHz"
+ Send AddComboItem 48000 "48 KHz"
+ Send AddComboItem 96000 "96 KHz"
+ Send AddComboItem 192000 "192 KHz"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet piSampleRate of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo7 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Sample size:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired sample size? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 8 "8 bits"
+ Send AddComboItem 16 "16 bits"
+ Send AddComboItem 32 "32 bits"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet piSampleRate of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ End_Object
+ Object oGroupVideoIdeals is a cWebGroup
+ Set psCaption to "Video ideals"
+ Set piColumnCount to 1
+ Set piColumnIndex to 1
+ Set piColumnSpan to 1
+ Object oWebCombo1 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Aspect ratio:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired aspect ratio? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 1 "1:1"
+ Send AddComboItem (4.0/3.0) "4:3"
+ Send AddComboItem (14.0/9.0) "14:9"
+ Send AddComboItem (16.0/10.0) "16:10"
+ Send AddComboItem (16.0/9.0) "16:9"
+ Send AddComboItem 1.85 "1.85:1"
+ Send AddComboItem 2 "2:1"
+ Send AddComboItem 2.4 "2.40:1"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet pnAspectRatio of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo2 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Facing mode:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Do you want a camera facing user, environment, left or right?"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_FACING_MODE_USER "User"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_FACING_MODE_ENVIRONMENT "Environment"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_FACING_MODE_LEFT "Left"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_FACING_MODE_RIGHT "Right"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet peFacingMode of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo3 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Frame rate:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired frame rate? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 20 "20 fps"
+ Send AddComboItem 25 "25 fps"
+ Send AddComboItem 30 "30 fps"
+ Send AddComboItem 60 "60 fps"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet pnFrameRate of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo4 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Height:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired height? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 360 "360 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 480 "480 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 720 "720 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 1080 "1080 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 1200 "1200 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 1600 "1600 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 2160 "2160 px"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet piHeight of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo5 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Width:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired width? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 640 "640 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 1280 "1280 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 1600 "1600 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 1920 "1920 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 2560 "2560 px"
+ Send AddComboItem 3840 "3840 px"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet piWidth of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo6 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Resize mode:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Can the browser crop and scale a video source or not?"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_RESIZE_MODE_NONE "None"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_RESIZE_MODE_CROP_AND_SCALE "Crop and scale"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet peResizeMode of oUserMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ End_Object
+ End_Object
+ End_Object
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebGroup2 is a cWebGroup
+ Set piColumnIndex to 6
+ Set piColumnSpan to 6
+ Set pbShowBorder to False
+ Set pbShowCaption to False
+ Object oCbDisplay is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psCaption to "Record from display"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Include tracks from screen and internal audio sources"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oWebGroupDisplay to bChecked
+ If (bChecked) Begin
+ Send AddStream of oMediaStreamRecording oDisplayMediaStream
+ End
+ Else Begin
+ Send RemoveStream of oMediaStreamRecording oDisplayMediaStream
+ End
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebGroupDisplay is a cWebGroup
+ Set piColumnCount to 6
+ Set pbShowCaption to False
+ Set pbEnabled to False
+ Object oCbAudio is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnSpan to 3
+ Set psCaption to "Include audio"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Include an audio track"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbAudio of oDisplayMediaStream to bChecked
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oCbSystemAudio to bChecked
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oCbSystemAudio is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnIndex to 3
+ Set piColumnSpan to 3
+ Set psCaption to "Include system audio"
+ Set psValue to "1"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set pbEnabled to False
+ Set psToolTip to "Include other system audio, playing outside of the chosen surface"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbSystemAudio of oDisplayMediaStream to bChecked
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oCbSelfBrowserSurface is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnSpan to 3
+ Set psCaption to "Allow current tab"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Allow user to select the current browser tab - do not check this if the current tab is going to show the stream"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbSelfBrowserSurface of oDisplayMediaStream to bChecked
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oCbPreferCurrentTab to bChecked
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oCbPreferCurrentTab is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnIndex to 3
+ Set piColumnSpan to 3
+ Set psCaption to "Prefer current tab"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set pbEnabled to False
+ Set psToolTip to "Prefer user to select the current browser tab (will only allow that tab in Chrome/Edge)"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbPreferCurrentTab of oDisplayMediaStream to bChecked
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oCbSurfaceSwitching is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psCaption to "Include controls to switch shared tab"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Ask browser to let user switch shared tab"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbSurfaceSwitching of oDisplayMediaStream to bChecked
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oCbMonitors is a cWebCheckbox
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psCaption to "Allow sharing entire screens"
+ Set psValue to "1"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Allow sharing entire screens (not just windows or tabs)"
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ Boolean bChecked
+ Get GetChecked to bChecked
+ WebSet pbMonitorTypeSurfaces of oDisplayMediaStream to bChecked
+ Send Refill of oWebComboDisplaySurface
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebComboDisplaySurface is a cWebCombo
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psLabel to "Suggested surface"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set psToolTip to "Which kind of surface do you suggest user to share"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Boolean bMonitor
+ Get GetChecked of oCbMonitors to bMonitor
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DEFAULT "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem MSAPI_DISPLAY_SURFACE_BROWSER "Browser tab"
+ If (bMonitor) Begin
+ End
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet peDisplaySurface of oDisplayMediaStream to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ End_Object
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnRecordingParameters is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnSpan to 0
+ Set psCaption to "Set advanced recording parameters"
+ Set psToolTip to "This is where you can configure the recorder"
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send Show of oFloatRecordingParameters
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oFloatRecordingParameters is a cWebFloatingPanel
+ Set piWidth to 400
+ Set psCssClass to "Shadow WithArrow"
+ Set pbHideOnBlur to True
+ Set phoFloatByControl to oBtnRecordingParameters
+ Object oWebCombo1 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Mime type:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set piLabelOffset to 180
+ Set psToolTip to "Set your desired container format and codec - not all of these are guaranteed to be supported, select one to check"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem "" "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/webm;codecs=vp9" "video/webm - vp9"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/webm;codecs=vp8" "video/webm - vp8"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/webm;codecs=avc1" "video/webm - avc1"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/webm;codecs=av1" "video/webm - av1"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/webm;codecs=h264" "video/webm - h264"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/webm;codecs=opus" "video/webm - opus"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/webm;codecs=pcm" "video/webm - pcm"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/mp4;codecs=vp9" "video/mp4 - vp9"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/mp4;codecs=avc1" "video/mp4 - avc1"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/mp4;codecs=opus" "video/mp4 - opus"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp9" "video/x-matroska - vp9"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/x-matroska;codecs=vp8" "video/x-matroska - vp8"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/x-matroska;codecs=avc1" "video/x-matroska - avc1"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/x-matroska;codecs=av1" "video/x-matroska - av1"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/x-matroska;codecs=h264" "video/x-matroska - h264"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/x-matroska;codecs=opus" "video/x-matroska - opus"
+ Send AddComboItem "video/x-matroska;codecs=pcm" "video/x-matroska - pcm"
+ Send AddComboItem "audio/webm;codecs=opus" "audio/webm - opus"
+ Send AddComboItem "audio/webm;codecs=pcm" "audio/webm - pcm"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure MimeTypeSupported String sMimeType Boolean bResult
+ If (bResult) Begin
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Mime type '%1' is supported", sMimeType))
+ End
+ Else Begin
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Mime type '%1' is NOT supported", sMimeType))
+ End
+ End_Procedure
+ WebPublishProcedure MimeTypeSupported
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet psMimeType of oMediaStreamRecording to sNewValue
+ Send IsTypeSupported of oMediaStreamRecording Self (RefProc(MimeTypeSupported)) sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo2 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Audio bitrate:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set piLabelOffset to 180
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired audio bitrate? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem 0 "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 64000 "64 Kbps (low-quality MP3)"
+ Send AddComboItem 128000 "128 Kbps (voice/meeting)"
+ Send AddComboItem 160000 "160 Kbps (music streaming)"
+ Send AddComboItem 192000 "192 Kbps (720p video)"
+ Send AddComboItem 320000 "320 Kbps (full HD video)"
+ Send AddComboItem 1411000 "1411 Kbps (CD quality)"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet piAudioBitsPerSecond of oMediaStreamRecording to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo3 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Video bitrate:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set piLabelOffset to 180
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired video bitrate? (these are just examples)"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem 0 "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 1000000 "1 Mbps"
+ Send AddComboItem 2500000 "2.5 Mbps"
+ Send AddComboItem 4000000 "4 Mbps"
+ Send AddComboItem 6000000 "6 Mbps"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet piVideoBitsPerSecond of oMediaStreamRecording to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+// Not showing this, because it doesn't make a lot of sense
+// Object oWebCombo4 is a cWebCombo
+// Set psLabel to "Shared bps:"
+// Set pbServerOnChange to True
+// Set piLabelOffset to 180
+// Procedure OnFill
+// Forward Send OnFill
+// Send AddComboItem 0 "Default"
+// End_Procedure
+// Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+// WebSet piBitsPerSecond of oMediaStreamRecording to sNewValue
+// End_Procedure
+// End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo5 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Audio bitrate mode:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set piLabelOffset to 180
+ Set psToolTip to "Do you want constant or variable audio bitrate?"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem MSR_DEFAULT "Default"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet peAudioBitrateMode of oMediaStreamRecording to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo6 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Keyframe interval duration:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set piLabelOffset to 180
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired keyframe interval in time?"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem 0 "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 0.5 "0.5 seconds"
+ Send AddComboItem 1 "1 second"
+ Send AddComboItem 2 "2 seconds"
+ Send AddComboItem 4 "4 seconds"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet pnVideoKeyFrameIntervalDuration of oMediaStreamRecording to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oWebCombo7 is a cWebCombo
+ Set psLabel to "Keyframe interval count:"
+ Set pbServerOnChange to True
+ Set piLabelOffset to 180
+ Set psToolTip to "What is your desired keyframe interval in frames?"
+ Procedure OnFill
+ Forward Send OnFill
+ Send AddComboItem 0 "Default"
+ Send AddComboItem 10 "10 frames"
+ Send AddComboItem 20 "20 frames"
+ Send AddComboItem 30 "30 frames"
+ Send AddComboItem 45 "45 frames"
+ Send AddComboItem 60 "60 frames"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure OnChange String sNewValue String sOldValue
+ WebSet piVideoKeyFrameIntervalCount of oMediaStreamRecording to sNewValue
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnConnect is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnSpan to 2
+ Set psCaption to "Connect"
+ Set psToolTip to "Establish a media stream based on chosen parameters and connect to it - in this demo it will play below, but it doesn't have to"
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send Connect of oMediaStreamRecording "my-video-element"
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnStart is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnIndex to 2
+ Set piColumnSpan to 2
+ Set psCaption to "Start recording"
+ Set pbEnabled to False
+ Set psToolTip to "Start recording from the media stream - in this demo the recorder will send data to the server every second, but you can use another interval, or no interval at all to get the entire recording when it ends"
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send Start of oMediaStreamRecording 1000
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnPause is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnIndex to 4
+ Set piColumnSpan to 2
+ Set psCaption to "Pause recording"
+ Set pbEnabled to False
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send Pause of oMediaStreamRecording
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnResume is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnIndex to 6
+ Set piColumnSpan to 2
+ Set psCaption to "Resume recording"
+ Set pbEnabled to False
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send Resume of oMediaStreamRecording
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnStop is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnIndex to 8
+ Set piColumnSpan to 2
+ Set psCaption to "Stop recording"
+ Set pbEnabled to False
+ Set psToolTip to "End the recording, triggering the OnStop event, which in this demo will attach the recording to the video element below (but you don't have to)"
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send Stop of oMediaStreamRecording
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Object oBtnDisconnect is a cWebButton
+ Set piColumnIndex to 10
+ Set piColumnSpan to 2
+ Set psCaption to "Disconnect"
+ Set pbEnabled to False
+ Set psToolTip to "Close the media stream, releasing all resources held"
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send Disconnect of oMediaStreamRecording
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
+ Procedure UpdateButtonStates String sState
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnConnect to (sState = "")
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnStart to (sState = "inactive")
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnPause to (sState = "recording")
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnResume to (sState = "paused")
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnStop to ((sState = "recording") or (sState = "paused"))
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnDisconnect to (sState <> "")
+ End_Procedure
+ Object oVideo is a cWebHtmlBox
+ Set piColumnIndex to 2
+ Set piColumnSpan to 8
+ Set psHtml to ''
+ Set psToolTip to "Mostly for demo purposes, we alternate between showing the live media stream and the recording here, as the component has features for both, but displaying media streams is really outside the scope of this API"
+ End_Object
+ Object oLogger is a cLogger
+ Set piMinHeight to 200
+ End_Object
+ End_Object
+ Procedure OnShow
+ Boolean bIsSupported
+ String sPermMic sPermCam
+ Forward Send OnShow
+ WebGet pbIsSupported of oMediaStreamRecording to bIsSupported
+ If (bIsSupported) Begin
+ WebSet psCaption of oWebLabel to "MediaStream Recording API is supported"
+ WebSet psTextColor of oWebLabel to "green"
+ WebGet psMicrophonePermission of oUserMediaStream to sPermMic
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Microphone permission is '%1'", sPermMic))
+ WebGet psCameraPermission of oUserMediaStream to sPermCam
+ Send Log of oLogger (SFormat("Camera permission is '%1'", sPermCam))
+ If ((sPermMic = "granted") and (sPermCam = "granted")) Begin
+ WebSet pbEnabled of oBtnRequestPermission to False
+ End
+ End
+ Else Begin
+ WebSet psCaption of oWebLabel to "MediaStream Recording API is NOT supported (try any modern browser)"
+ WebSet psTextColor of oWebLabel to "red"
+ End
+ End_Procedure
diff --git a/AppSrc/WebApp.src b/AppSrc/WebApp.src
index 26ea991..8dd23e6 100644
--- a/AppSrc/WebApp.src
+++ b/AppSrc/WebApp.src
@@ -108,6 +108,15 @@ Object oWebApp is a cWebApp
+ Object oWebMenuItemMediaStreamRecording is a cWebMenuItem
+ Set psCaption to "MediaStream Recording Demo"
+ WebRegisterPath ntNavigateBegin oMediaStreamRecordingDemo
+ Procedure OnClick
+ Send NavigatePath
+ End_Procedure
+ End_Object
Object oWebMenuItemNetworkInformation is a cWebMenuItem
Set psCaption to "Network Information Demo"
WebRegisterPath ntNavigateBegin oNetworkInformationDemo
@@ -275,6 +284,7 @@ Object oWebApp is a cWebApp
Use SensorDemo.wo
Use ScreenOrientationDemo.wo
Use WebStorageDemo.wo
+ Use MediaStreamRecordingDemo.wo
Set phoDefaultView to oDashboard
diff --git a/AppSrc/cMediaStreamAPI.pkg b/AppSrc/cMediaStreamAPI.pkg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f9abd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AppSrc/cMediaStreamAPI.pkg
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+Use cWebObject.pkg
+Define MS_KIND_VIDEO for "videoinput"
+Define MS_KIND_AUDIO for "audioinput"
+Struct tInputDeviceInfo
+ String deviceId
+ String groupId
+ String kind // MS_KIND_VIDEO or MS_KIND_AUDIO
+ String label
+Define MSAPI_DEFAULT for -1
+ Define MSAPI_OFF
+ Define MSAPI_ON
+// Abstract base class, don't create instances of this
+Class cMediaStream is a cWebObject
+ Procedure Construct_Object
+ Forward Send Construct_Object
+ { WebProperty=Client DesignTime=False }
+ Property Boolean pbIsSupported False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnError False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnError ""
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure End_Construct_Object
+ Forward Send End_Construct_Object
+ WebPublishProcedure OnError
+ End_Procedure
+ { MethodType=Event }
+ Procedure OnError String sErrorName String sErrorMessage
+ End_Procedure
+Class cUserMediaStreamAPI is a cMediaStream
+ Procedure Construct_Object
+ Forward Send Construct_Object
+ { WebProperty=Client DesignTime=False }
+ Property String psMicrophonePermission ""
+ { WebProperty=Client DesignTime=False }
+ Property String psCameraPermission ""
+ // Set to True to include an audio stream
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Audio }
+ Property Boolean pbAudio False
+ // Set to a deviceId from OnEnumerateDevices to request a specific device
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Audio }
+ Property String psAudioDeviceId ""
+ // Set to MSAPI_ON to request auto gain control, or MSAPI_OFF to request no auto gain control
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Audio EnumList="MSAPI_DEFAULT, MSAPI_ON, MSAPI_OFF" }
+ Property Integer peAutoGainControl MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to a positive integer to request a specific number of channels (1=mono, 2=stereo, etc)
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Audio }
+ Property Integer piChannelCount MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to MSAPI_ON to request echo cancellation, or MSAPI_OFF to request no echo cancellation
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Audio EnumList="MSAPI_DEFAULT, MSAPI_ON, MSAPI_OFF" }
+ Property Integer peEchoCancellation MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to a non-negative number to request a specific latency in seconds
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Audio }
+ Property Number pnLatency MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to MSAPI_ON to request noise suppression, or MSAPI_OFF to request no noise suppression
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Audio EnumList="MSAPI_DEFAULT, MSAPI_ON, MSAPI_OFF" }
+ Property Integer peNoiseSuppression MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to a positive integer to request a specific samplerate
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Audio }
+ Property Integer piSampleRate MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to a positive integer to request a specific sample size in bits per linear sample
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Audio }
+ Property Integer piSampleSize MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to True to include a video stream
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Video }
+ Property Boolean pbVideo False
+ // Set to a deviceId from OnEnumerateDevices to request a specific device
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Video }
+ Property String psVideoDeviceId ""
+ // Set to a positive number to request a specific aspect ratio
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Video }
+ Property Number pnAspectRatio MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to one of the MSAPI_FACING_MODE_* values to request a camera facing a specific way
+ Property Integer peFacingMode MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to a positive number to request a specific frame rate in frames per second
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Video }
+ Property Number pnFrameRate MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to a positive integer to request a specific height in pixels
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Video }
+ Property Integer piHeight MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to a positive integer to request a specific width in pixels
+ { WebProperty=Client Category=Video }
+ Property Integer piWidth MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ // Set to MSAPI_RESZIE_MODE_NONE to request original source resolution, or MSAPI_RESIZE_MODE_CROP_AND_SCALE to allow cropping and scaling to match constraints
+ Property Integer peResizeMode MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnMicrophonePermissionChange False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnMicrophonePermissionChange ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnCameraPermissionChange False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnCameraPermissionChange ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnEnumerateDevices False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnEnumerateDevices ""
+ Set psJSClass to "WebAPIs.UserMediaStream"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure End_Construct_Object
+ Forward Send End_Construct_Object
+ WebPublishProcedure OnMicrophonePermissionChange
+ WebPublishProcedure OnCameraPermissionChange
+ WebPublishProcedure OnEnumerateDevicesProxy
+ End_Procedure
+ // You need permission in order to get information on available devices - if you don't already have it, call this to prompt user
+ Procedure RequestPermission
+ Send ClientAction "requestPermission"
+ End_Procedure
+ // Once you have permission, call this to get a list of available devices
+ Procedure EnumerateDevices
+ Send ClientAction "enumerateDevices"
+ End_Procedure
+ { Visibility=Private }
+ Procedure OnEnumerateDevicesProxy
+ Handle hoJson
+ tInputDeviceInfo[] stDevices
+ Get phoActionJsonData to hoJson
+ Get JsonToDataType of hoJson to stDevices
+ Send OnEnumerateDevices stDevices
+ End_Procedure
+ { MethodType=Event }
+ Procedure OnMicrophonePermissionChange
+ End_Procedure
+ { MethodType=Event }
+ Procedure OnCameraPermissionChange
+ End_Procedure
+ { MethodType=Event }
+ Procedure OnEnumerateDevices tInputDeviceInfo[] stDevices
+ End_Procedure
+Class cDisplayMediaStreamAPI is a cMediaStream
+ Procedure Construct_Object
+ Forward Send Construct_Object
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Audio" }
+ Property Boolean pbAudio False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Video" }
+ Property Boolean pbMonitorTypeSurfaces True
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Video" }
+ Property Boolean pbPreferCurrentTab False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Video" }
+ Property Boolean pbSelfBrowserSurface False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Video" }
+ Property Boolean pbSurfaceSwitching False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Audio" }
+ Property Boolean pbSystemAudio True
+ Property Integer peDisplaySurface MSAPI_DEFAULT
+ Set psJSClass to "WebAPIs.DisplayMediaStream"
+ End_Procedure
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AppSrc/cMediaStreamRecordingAPI.pkg b/AppSrc/cMediaStreamRecordingAPI.pkg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdab168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AppSrc/cMediaStreamRecordingAPI.pkg
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+Use cWebObject.pkg
+Use cCharTranslate.pkg
+Struct tMediaTrackSettings
+ String deviceId
+ String groupId
+ String autoGainControl
+ String channelCount
+ String echoCancellation
+ String latency
+ String noiseSuppression
+ String sampleRate
+ String sampleSize
+ String aspectRatio
+ String facingMode
+ String frameRate
+ String height
+ String width
+ String resizeMode
+ String cursor
+ String displaySurface
+ String logicalSurface
+Struct tMediaStreamTrackInfo
+ String kind
+ String label
+ tMediaTrackSettings settings
+Struct tMediaStreamInfo
+ String mimeType
+ Integer videoBitsPerSecond
+ Integer audioBitsPerSecond
+ String audioBitrateMode
+ tMediaStreamTrackInfo[] tracks
+Define MSR_DEFAULT for -1
+Class cMediaStreamRecordingAPI is a cWebObject
+ Procedure Construct_Object
+ Forward Send Construct_Object
+ { WebProperty=Client DesignTime=False }
+ Property Boolean pbIsSupported False
+ { WebProperty=Client Visibility=Private }
+ Property String[] paMediaStreams
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Recording parameters" }
+ Property String psMimeType ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Recording parameters" }
+ Property Integer piAudioBitsPerSecond 0
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Recording parameters" }
+ Property Integer piVideoBitsPerSecond 0
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Recording parameters" }
+ Property Integer piBitsPerSecond 0
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Recording parameters" EnumList="MSR_AUDIO_BITRATE_MODE_CONSTANT, MSR_AUDIO_BITRATE_MODE_VARIABLE" }
+ Property Integer peAudioBitrateMode MSR_DEFAULT
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Recording parameters" }
+ Property Number pnVideoKeyFrameIntervalDuration 0
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Recording parameters" }
+ Property Integer piVideoKeyFrameIntervalCount 0
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnConnect False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnConnect ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnDisconnect False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnDisconnect ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnError False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnError ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnPause False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnPause ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnResume False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnResume ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnStart False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnStart ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnStop False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnStop ""
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Server events" }
+ Property Boolean pbServerOnDataAvailable False
+ { WebProperty=Client Category="Client events" }
+ Property String psClientOnDataAvailable ""
+ Object oCharTranslate is a cCharTranslate
+ End_Object
+ Set psJSClass to "WebAPIs.MediaStreamRecording"
+ End_Procedure
+ Procedure End_Construct_Object
+ Forward Send End_Construct_Object
+ WebPublishProcedure OnConnectProxy
+ WebPublishProcedure OnDisconnect
+ WebPublishProcedure OnError
+ WebPublishProcedure OnPause
+ WebPublishProcedure OnResume
+ WebPublishProcedure OnStart
+ WebPublishProcedure OnStop
+ WebPublishProcedure OnDataAvailableProxy
+ End_Procedure
+ // Call this to check if a mime type is supported by the browser
+ // Will call the provided message with String sMimeType and Boolean bResult
+ Procedure IsTypeSupported Handle hoReturnObj Handle hoReturnMsg String sMimeType
+ String sReturnMessage
+ String[] aParams
+ Get WebMethodName of hoReturnObj hoReturnMsg to sReturnMessage
+ If (sReturnMessage <> "") Begin
+ Get WebObjectName of hoReturnObj to aParams[0]
+ Move sReturnMessage to aParams[1]
+ Move sMimeType to aParams[2]
+ Send ClientAction "isTypeSupported" aParams
+ End
+ End_Procedure
+ // Add a stream to this recording, make sure to call this before "connect"
+ Procedure AddStream Handle hoMediaStream
+ String sMediaStream
+ Boolean bIsMediaStream
+ String[] saMediaStreams
+ Integer iIndex
+ Get WebObjectName of hoMediaStream to sMediaStream
+ Get IsObjectOfClass of hoMediaStream (RefClass(cMediaStream)) to bIsMediaStream
+ If (bIsMediaStream) Begin
+ WebGet paMediaStreams to saMediaStreams
+ Move (SearchArray(sMediaStream, saMediaStreams)) to iIndex
+ If (iIndex = -1) Begin
+ Move sMediaStream to saMediaStreams[SizeOfArray(saMediaStreams)]
+ WebSet paMediaStreams to saMediaStreams
+ End
+ End
+ Else Begin
+ Error DFERR_BAD_PARAMETER (SFormat("%1 is not a media stream", sMediaStream))
+ End
+ End_Procedure
+ // Remove a stream from this recording, only takes effect next time "connect" is called
+ Procedure RemoveStream Handle hoMediaStream
+ String sMediaStream
+ String[] saMediaStreams
+ Integer iIndex
+ Get WebObjectName of hoMediaStream to sMediaStream
+ WebGet paMediaStreams to saMediaStreams
+ Move (SearchArray(sMediaStream, saMediaStreams)) to iIndex
+ If (iIndex <> -1) Begin
+ Move (RemoveFromArray(saMediaStreams, iIndex)) to saMediaStreams
+ WebSet paMediaStreams to saMediaStreams
+ End
+ End_Procedure
+ // Connect to the media stream to prepare for recording
+ // If you pass the id of a media element (