prettier for Sublime Text 2/3
Prettier is an opinionated JavaScript formatter inspired by refmt with advanced support for language features from ES2017, JSX, and Flow. It removes all original styling and ensures that all outputted JavaScript conforms to a consistent style. (See this blog post)
Enable autoformat
then save the file and it gets formatted.
## go to your ST packages folder. maybe something like …
cd ~/Library/"Application Support/Sublime Text 2"/Packages
# clone this repo
git clone jsprettier
cd jsprettier
npm install
On windows open cmd and:
cd %APPDATA%\"Sublime Text 3"\Packages
git clone jsprettier
cd jsprettier
npm install
// autoformat on save
"autoformat": false,
// array of extensions for autoformat
"extensions": ["js", "jsx", "sublime-settings"],
// options for prettier
"options": {
// Fit code within this line limit
"printWidth": 120,
// Number of spaces it should use per tab
"tabWidth": 2
// Use the flow parser instead of babylon
"useFlowParser": false,
// If true, will use single instead of double quotes
"singleQuote": true,
// Controls the printing of trailing commas wherever possible
"trailingComma": false,
// Controls the printing of spaces inside array and objects
"bracketSpacing": true
"alert-errors": true,
// path to nodejs
"node-path": "node",
// if true it will format the whole file even if you have a selection active
"ignore-selection": false
Command palette:
- JSPrettier: Format the current file
- JSPrettier: Toggle autoformat
- JSPrettier: Settings - Default
- JSPrettier: Settings - User
Preferences -> Package Settings -> Sublime JSPrettier
Keyboard shortcut
If you want to trigger the formatting on a keyboard shortcut you will need to:
- Go to Preferences -> Key Bindings - User
- Insert the configuration to call the
{ "keys": ["ctrl+q"], "command": "format_javascript" },
If you find any bugs feel free to report them here
Pull requests are also encouraged.
Big thanks to ionutvmi for sublime-jsfmt which this plugin is based off of