A tool to keep track of recipes and plan meals.
- Highlight active page in nav bar.
- Add limits to meal randomization(eg. 1 chicken, 2 turkey)
- Combine duplicate items for single overall shopping list (as opposed to 1 list per meal)
- Add filter.
- Hyperlink source if url.
- Add pagination.
- Add filter.
- Add type (spice, vegetable, protein, dairy, etc.)
- Add pagination.
- Give option to add/remove ingredients on the edit meal screen.
- Type to search for ingredient to include.
- Make a list of measurement types to prepopulate: tablespoon, pound, ounce, etc. (This will simplify shopping list aggregation).
- Allow fractions and decimals for quantity. (eg. 1/4 cup)
- Be able to edit meal ingredients.
- Show list of meal ingredients when adding to meal.
- Fix loading of meal ingredient item name.