Releases: jmparatte/jm_Scheduler
Releases · jmparatte/jm_Scheduler
2019-01-03: v1.1.0 - Modifying start() which now fails if coroutine already started.
2018-04-30: v1.0.10 - adjustement.
2018-04-30: v1.0.10 - adjustement.
2018-04-29: v1.0.9 - jm_Scheduler is now compatible with EPS32. 5 new Blink examples added.
2018-04-29: v1.0.9 - jm_Scheduler is now compatible with EPS32. 5 new…
v1.0.8 - yield() function corrected.
v1.0.8 - yield() function corrected.
2018-03-27: v1.0.7 - A Cooperative Scheduler Library for Arduino.
2018-03-27: v1.0.7 - A Cooperative Scheduler Library for Arduino.
2018-02-08: Minor adjustements.
v1.0.6 Minor adjustments
2017-10-17: v1.0.5 - Minor adjustments.
2017-10-17: v1.0.5 - Minor adjustments.
Add yield()
Add yield(), sleep(), rearm_async(); Remove void rearm(timestamp_t time, timestamp_t ival);
Asynchronous rearm
To achieve asynchronous rearm and hardware synchronization, the function void rearm(timestamp_t time, timestamp_t ival); have been added.