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Joern Query Database ("Joern-Scan")

This is the central query database for the open-source code analysis platform Joern. It has two purposes:

  • It provides the batteries required to turn Joern into a ready-to-run code scanning tool.
  • Its queries serve as examples useful for those looking to write their own queries.
  • built on JDK11 but runs on JRE > 1.8

The query database is distributed as a standalone library that includes Joern as a dependency. This means that it is not necessary to install Joern to make use of the queries in the database.

At the same time, the database is a Joern extension, that is, when dynamically loaded at startup, its functionality becomes available on the interactive Joern shell and in Joern scripts.

You can fork this project to build your own custom queries and scanners or kindly send a PR to to this repo to have them considered for inclusion in the default distribution.

Installing and running

The installation script downloads joern and installs it in a sub-directory. The query database is installed as an extension.


You can run all queries as follows:

./joern-scan path/to/code

For example,

mkdir foo
echo "int foo(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) {}" > foo/foo.c
./joern-scan foo

runs all queries on the sample code in the directory foo, determining that the function foo has too many parameters.

Adding your own queries

Please follow the rules below for a tear-free query writing experience:

  • Queries in the package io.joern.scanners are picked up automatically at runtime, so please put your queries there.
  • Each query must begin with the annotation @q and must be placed in a query bundle. A query bundle is simply an object that derives from QueryBundle
  • Queries can have parameters,but you must provide a default value for each parameter
  • Please add unit tests for queries. These also serve as a spec for what your query does.
  • Please format the code before sending a PR using sbt scalafmt and sbt test:scalafmt

Take a look at the query bundle Metrics at src/main/scala/io/joern/scanners/c/Metrics.scala as an example:

object Metrics extends QueryBundle {

  def tooManyParameters(n: Int = 4): Query =
      name = "too-many-params",
      author = Crew.fabs,
      title = s"Number of parameters larger than $n",
      description = s"This query identifies functions with more than $n formal parameters",
      score = 1.0,
      withStrRep({ cpg =>
        cpg.method.internal.filter(_.parameter.size > n)
      tags = List(QueryTags.metrics)

  def tooHighComplexity(n: Int = 4): Query =
      name = "too-high-complexity",
      author = Crew.fabs,
      title = s"Cyclomatic complexity higher than $n",
      description = s"This query identifies functions with a cyclomatic complexity higher than $n",
      score = 1.0,
      withStrRep({ cpg =>
        cpg.method.internal.filter(_.controlStructure.size > n)
      tags = List(QueryTags.metrics)

Corresponding tests for queries are located in src/test/scala/io/joern/scanners. For example, tests for the metrics queries are located in src/test/scala/io/joern/scanners/c/MetricsTests.scala:

class MetricsTests extends Suite {

  override val code = """
    int too_many_params(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e) {

  "find functions with too many parameters" in {
    Metrics.tooManyParameters(4)(cpg).map(_.evidence) match {
      case List(List(method: nodes.Method)) => shouldBe "too_many_params"
      case _ => fail

These tests can be run individually from the IntelliJ IDE during query development.

Building/Testing the database

We use the Scala Build Tool (sbt). Please make sure you have sbt installed. The version does not matter as sbt will fetch the required version based on the build file (build.sbt).

Once sbt is installed, you can build and test the database as follows:

sbt test

You can test newly developed queries

If you want to test newly created queries with joern-scan as follows:

./ && ./joern-scan <src>

Exporting the database to JSON

After running, you can launch

./joern-scan --dump

to create a file named querydb.json that contains the list of all available queries along with its meta information.