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This platform allows you to detect presence using Life360. It can also automatically create Home Assistant zones based on Life360 Places.


See Installing and Updating to use Custom Updater. The name of this "element" is "device_tracker.life360".

Alternatively, place a copy of:

life360/ at <config>/custom_components/life360/
life360/ at <config>/custom_components/life360/
life360/manifest.json at <config>/custom_components/life360/manifest.json

where <config> is your Home Assistant configuration directory.

NOTE: Do not download the file by using the link above directly. Rather, click on it, then on the page that comes up use the Raw button.

NOTE: Releases prior to 2.2.0 required two different files to be installed. That is no longer required. There is just the one indicated above now. The other was moved to PyPI and will be installed automatically.

Then add the desired configuration. Here is an example of a typical configuration:

  - platform: life360
    username: !secret life360_username
    password: !secret life360_password
    max_gps_accuracy: 200
    prefix: life360
    show_as_state: driving, moving, places

Home Assistant before 0.86

For manual installation, place a copy of:

life360/ at <config>/custom_components/device_tracker/

numpy on Raspberry Pi

To determine time zone from GPS coordinates (see time_as configuration variable below) the package timezonefinderL is used. That package requires the package numpy. These will both be installed automatically by HA. Note, however, that numpy on Pi usually requires libatlas to be installed. (See this web page for more details.) It can be installed using this command:

sudo apt install libatlas3-base

Note: This is the same step that would be required if using a standard HA component that uses numpy (such as the Trend Binary Sensor), and is only required if you use device_or_utc or device_or_local for time_as.

Configuration variables

  • username: Your Life360 username.
  • password: Your Life360 password.
  • add_zones (Optional): One of: false, only_home, except_home or all. The default is false if zone_interval is not specified, or except_home if zone_interval is specified. If not false, create HA zones based on Life360 Places. Life360 Places whose names match home_place (case insensitive) will only be used when set to only_home or all. Other Places will only be used when set to except_home or all. For legacy reasons, true is also accepted and is equivalent to except_home.
  • driving_speed (MPH or KPH, depending on HA's unit system configuration, Optional): The minimum speed at which the device is considered to be "driving" (and which will also set the driving attribute to true. See also Driving state in chart below.)
  • error_threshold (Optional): The default is zero. See Communication Errors for a detailed description.
  • filename (Optional): The default is life360.conf. The platform will get an authorization token from the Life360 server using your username and password, and it will save the token in a file in the HA config directory (with limited permissions) so that it can reuse it after restarts (and not have to get a new token every time.) If the token eventually expires, a new one will be acquired as needed.
  • home_place (Optional): Default is Home. Name of Life360 Place (if any) that coincides with home location as configured in HA.
  • interval_seconds (Optional): The default is 12. This defines how often the Life360 server will be queried. The resulting device_tracker entities will actually only be updated when the Life360 server provides new location information for each member.
  • max_gps_accuracy (Meters, Optional): If specified, and reported GPS accuracy is larger (i.e., less accurate), then update is ignored.
  • max_update_wait (Optional): If specified, then if Life360 does not provide an update for a member within that maximum time window, the life360 platform will fire an event named life360_update_overdue with the entity_id of the corresponding member's device_tracker entity. Once an update does come it will fire an event named life360_update_restored with the entity_id of the corresponding member's device_tracker entity and another data item named wait that will indicate the amount of time spent waiting for the update. You can use these events in automations to be notified when they occur. See example automations below.
  • members (Optional): Default is to track all Life360 Members in all Circles. If you'd rather only track a specific set of members, then list them with each member specified as first,last, or if they only have one name, then name. Names are case insensitive, and extra spaces are ignored (except within a name, like van Gogh.) For backwards compatibility, a member with a single name can also be entered as name, or ,name.
  • prefix (Optional): Default is to name entities device_tracker.<first_name>_<last_name>, where <first_name> and <last_name> are specified by Life360. If a prefix is specified, then entity will be named device_tracker.<prefix>_<first_name>_<last_name>. If the member only has a first or last name in Life360, then the underscore that would normally separate the names is left out.
  • show_as_state (Optional): One or more of: driving, moving and places. Default is for Device Tracker Component to determine entity state as normal. When specified these can cause the entity's state to show other statuses according to the States chart below.
  • time_as (Optional): One of utc, local, device_or_utc or device_or_local. Default is utc which shows time attributes in UTC. local shows time attributes per HA's time_zone configuration. device_or_utc and device_or_local attempt to determine the time zone in which the device is located based on its GPS coordinates. The name of the time zone (or unknown) will be shown in a new attribute named time_zone. If the time zone can be determined, then time attributes will be shown in that time zone. If the time zone cannot be determined, then time attributes will be shown in UTC if device_or_utc is selected, or in HA's local time zone if device_or_local is selected.
  • warning_threshold (Optional): The default is communication errors will only be logged as ERRORs (not WARNINGs.) See Communication Errors for a detailed description.
  • zone_interval (Optional): The default is only to create HA zones at startup. If specified, will also update HA zones per Life360 Places periodically. Only applies if add_zones is not explicitly set to false.


Order of precedence is from higher to lower.

show_as_state State Conditions
places home Place or check-in name (see below) matches home_place setting.
places Place or check-in name Member is in a Life360 defined "Place" or member has "checked in" via the Life360 app (and name does not match home_place setting.)
N/A home Device GPS coordinates are located in zone.home.
N/A HA zone name Device GPS coordinates are located in a HA defined zone (other than zone.home.)
driving Driving The Life360 server indicates the device "isDriving", or if driving_speed (see above) has been specified and the speed derived from the value provided by the Life360 server is at or above that value.
moving Moving The Life360 server indicates the device is "inTransit".
N/A not_home None of the above are true.

Additional attributes

Attribute Description
address Address of current location, or none.
at_loc_since Date and time when first at current location (in UTC.)
battery_charging Device is charging (true/false.)
driving Device movement indicates driving (true/false.)
entity_picture Member's "avatar" if one is provided by Life360.
last_seen Date and time when Life360 last updated your location (in UTC.)
moving Device is moving (true/false.)
raw_speed "Raw" speed value provided by Life360 server. (Units unknown.)
speed Estimated speed of device (in MPH or KPH depending on HA's unit system configuration.)
time_zone The name of the time zone in which the device is located, or unknown if it cannot be determined. Only exists if device_or_utc or device_or_local is chosen for time_as.
wifi_on Device WiFi is turned on (true/false.)

NOTE: entity_picture will only be set to Member's avatar the very first time the device is seen. This is just how the device_tracker component-level code works. If an avatar is changed later the HA device_tracker entity's picture will not be updated automatically. If you want HA to use the new avatar you will need to manually edit known_devices.yaml.


Service Description
device_tracker.life360_zones_from_places Update HA zones from Life360 Places per add_zones configuration. Only available if add_zones is not false.

Home - Home Assistant vs Life360

Normally HA device trackers are "Home" when they enter zone.home. (See Zone documentation for details about how this zone is defined.) And Life360 normally considers your device "Home" when it enters the Place that coincides with your home (i.e., the Life360 "Home Place.") Since the definitions of these areas can be different, this can lead to a disagreement between HA and Life360 as to whether or not you're "Home." There are three basic ways to avoid this situation.

The first is to manually make sure these two areas are defined the same -- i.e., same location and radius.

The second is to include places in the HA life360 show_as_state configuration variable. Whenever Life360 determines you are in its Home Place the corresponding HA device tracker's state will be set to home (see home_place config variable.) But for this to solve the problem zone.home must be entirely contained within Life360's Home Place. If it isn't, and if you enter zone.home but not Life360's Home Place, then it is still possible for the two systems to disagree (i.e., HA indicating you're Home, but Life360 showing you're not.)

The third, and probably the easiest and most foolproof way, is to configure this platform to automatically update zone.home to be the exact same size, and at the exact same location, as Life360's Home Place. To enable this, set add_zones to only_home or all.

Communication Errors

It is not uncommon for communication errors to occur between Home Assistant and the Life360 server. This can happen for many reasons, including Internet connection issues, Life360 server load, etc. However, in most cases, they are temporary and do not significantly affect the ability to keep device_tracker entities up to date.

Therefore an optional filtering mechanism has been implemented to prevent inconsequential communication errors from filling the log, while still logging unusual error activity. Two thresholds are defined: warning_threshold and error_threshold. When a particular type of communication error happens on consecutive update cycles, it will not be logged until the number of occurences exceeds these thresholds. When the number exceeds warning_threshold (but does not exceed error_threshold, and only if warning_threshold is defined) it will be logged as a WARNING. Once the number exceeds error_threshold it will be logged as an ERROR. Only two consecutive communication errors of a particular type will be logged as an ERROR, after which it will no longer be logged until it stops occuring.


Example full configuration

  - platform: life360
    username: !secret life360_username
    password: !secret life360_password
    add_zones: all
    # MPH, assuming imperial units.
    # If using metric (KPH), equivalent would be 29
    driving_speed: 18
    filename: life360.conf
    home_place: Home
    interval_seconds: 10
    max_gps_accuracy: 200
      minutes: 45
      - mike, smith
      - Joe
      - Jones
    prefix: life360
    show_as_state: driving, moving
    time_as: device_or_local
      minutes: 15
    # Set comm error thresholds so first is not logged,
    # second is logged as a WARNING, and third and fourth
    # are logged as ERRORs.
    warning_threshold: 1
    error_threshold: 2

Example overdue update automations

  - alias: Life360 Overdue Update
      platform: event
      event_type: life360_update_overdue
      service: notify.email_me
        title: Life360 update overdue
        message: >
          Update for {{
            state_attr(, 'friendly_name') or
          }} is overdue.

  - alias: Life360 Update Restored
      platform: event
      event_type: life360_update_restored
      service: notify.email_me
        title: Life360 update restored
        message: >
          Update for {{
            state_attr(, 'friendly_name') or
          }} restored after {{ }}.

Time zone examples

This example assumes time_as is set to device_or_utc or device_or_local. It determines the difference between the time zone in which the device is located and the time_zone in HA's configuration. A positive value means the device's time zone is ahead of (or later than, or east of) the local time zone.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: My time zone offset
        unit_of_measurement: hr
        value_template: >
          {% set state = states.device_tracker.life360_me %}
          {% if state.attributes is defined and
                state.attributes.time_zone is defined and
                state.attributes.time_zone != 'unknown' %}
            {% set n = now() %}
            {{ (n.astimezone(state.attributes.last_seen.tzinfo).utcoffset() -
                n.utcoffset()).total_seconds()/3600 }}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}

This example converts a time attribute to the local time zone. It works no matter which time zone the attribute is in.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: My last_seen time in local time zone
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('device_tracker.life360_me', last_seen').astimezone(now().tzinfo) }}


Life360 does not apparently officially support its REST API for use with other than its own apps. This integration is based on reverse engineering that has been done by the open source community, and an API token that was somehow discovered by the same community. At any time Life360 could disable that token or otherwise change its REST API such that this custom component would no longer work.

Release Notes

Date Version Notes
20180907 1.0.0 Initial support for Custom Updater.
20180910 1.1.0 Add address attribute.
20180912 1.2.0 Filter excessive errors.
20180912 1.3.0 Allow entries in members configuration variable that only have one name to be entered without comma.
20180918 1.4.0 Handle members that don't share their location in one or more circles.
20180928 1.5.0 Add raw_speed and speed attributes and driving_speed config option. Derive driving attribute from speed if possible.
20181002 1.5.1 Limit speed attribute to non-negative values.
20181016 1.6.0 Update as soon as initialization is complete.
20181025 1.6.1 BREAKING CHANGE: Event names were too long. Shorten them by removing device_tracker. prefixes.
20181102 2.0.0 Add optional feature to create HA zones based on Life360 Places.
20181109 2.1.0 BREAKING CHANGE: Change charging attribute to the more common battery_charging attribute. Instead of a float, make battery attribute an int like it should have been originally.
20181120 2.2.0 Communications module moved to PyPI.
20181130 2.3.0 Add optional home_place configuration variable.
20181130 2.3.1 Do not add zone for Life360 Places whose name matches home_place.
20190123 2.4.0 Add time_as option.
20190129 2.5.0 Add waring_threshold and error_threshold.
20190208 2.6.0 Add only_home, except_home and all options for add_zones, and add device_tracker.life360_zones_from_places service. Update life360 package from PyPI to 2.1.0.
20190219 2.7.0 Treat errors (other than login errors) as warnings during setup and continue. Bump life360 package to 2.2.0.
20190222 2.8.0 Delay firing events at startup so automations have a chance to get ready.
20190321 2.9.0 Bump life360 package to 3.0.0 which saves credentials in authorization cache file and checks if the credentials have changed when loading. If they have changed, cache is discarded and a new authorization token is obtained and cached.
20190419 2.9.1 Add manifest.json required by 0.92.
20190419 2.9.2 ... and apparently custom_updater needs an file, too.
20190419 2.9.3 ... and older HA versions still need REQUIREMENTS & DEPENDENCIES!
20190422 2.9.4 ... and they need to be in the right place!!
20190423 2.9.5 Fix flake8 & pylint errors and move some error checking to custom configuration validators.