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24.3.19 - Multi-edit ✏, Alpine πŸ”, Navigation 🧭 and voting on next Icons πŸ—³

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@jokob-sk jokob-sk released this 18 Mar 21:10
· 1565 commits to main since this release

Hey everyone πŸ‘‹, I have some updates to share!

@vladaurosh made a huge contribution with a rebase to AlpineπŸ’ͺπŸ” This should make things run smoother and the image is over 70% smaller. I might need a bit of help ironing out any issues in the bare-metal scripts. If you are using those, please help out if you can.

I've spent time updating the UI with better navigation 🧭 and a simple multi-device edit ✏ function. I've beefed up the docs with backup tips πŸ’Ύ and the community kicked off translations for Russian, Norwegian, and French 🌎. There are some handy new features for devs to play with, like a nifty docker environment variable for resetting instances or dropdowns populated with SQL queries.

Plus, I want your input! Head over here and let me know if you prefer network independence with self-hosting or if you're all about having options in the next icon pack. Voting closes in a week πŸ—³

There might be some πŸ’” Breaking changes depending on your setup, so check them out below.

Keep the feedback coming - I'm all ears!


Screen 1 Screen 2
Screen 3 Screen 4

πŸ’” Breaking changes

Sometimes I have to introduce breaking changes - it breaks my heart, but we must move forward

  • Due to the rebase to Alpine the bare-metal scripts may need some debugging and fixes. I did my best and the installation is running, but someone might need to help to make sure PHP/nginx is set up appropriately.
  • There are now 2 NGINX files for PiAlert, one for the bare-metal Debian install (pialert.debian.conf), and one for the docker container (pialert.template.conf). Both can be found in the install folder. Map or use the one appropriate for your setup.
  • This version has changed the behavior of how the ownership of the /config and /db folders is handled. There's no need to set owner and group for those directories, as the container will change it to 101:82 as that's needed by the nginx webserver running inside. Thus the HOST_USER_ID and HOST_USER_GID variables became obsolete.

🏘️ Community

  • Do you prefer being independent in self-hosting or choice in the next icon pack selection? Vote here βœ…πŸ—³

πŸ“šDocs updates

  • How to approach Backups of your configuration (πŸ†•)
  • The community started translation of the core UI for Russian, Norwegian, and French. Check the progress, and contribute in Weblate. (πŸ†•)


  • For development and testing, to delete the database and config folders, you can now always reset your instance on container restart using the new ALWAYS_FRESH_INSTALL docker environment variable (πŸ†•)


  • The PAHO library used for MQTT changed how messages are sent and the publisher was not working #580 (πŸš‘)
  • Pushover has now a target device setting, implemented by #588 @Schlump (πŸš‘)


  • Multi-edit of common fields #571 (πŸ†•)
  • Cache expiration improvements (πŸš‘)
  • Navigation improvements with nested menus (πŸ†•)

πŸ’ Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

  • Re-base to Alpine bringing the image size down by around 70% by @vladaurosh πŸ™(πŸ†•)
  • Added options_params support to dynamically populate dropdowns with database queries (πŸ†•)

Other Info

πŸ†• - New features πŸš‘ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes πŸ§ͺ - Experimental feature

Previous releases:

Full Changelog: jokob-sk/Pi.Alert@v24.3.19...v24.3.19