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24.4.17 - 🚀Introducing NetAlertX, ✨unlimited Icons, and settings for 🔧tweaking the UI

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@jokob-sk jokob-sk released this 17 Apr 09:34
· 1436 commits to main since this release

New stuff arrived 🎁

I hope you like the new name and logo. 😅

After thinking for about a year about it I decided to rename the project to 🚀NetAlertX. This will help prevent confusion about which fork someone is using, and differentiate it from the now stale upstream project. With about 1800 or so commits over the stale project, I thought, this project deserved a new name. It will also remove the confusion about only supporting Raspberry Pi's 😵

On top of the rename, I implemented ✨unlimited icons - just find an SVG you like and use it 😄. Migrating existing icons and making the UI play nicely with the change took some effort, but it should be working smoothly now. There are also a couple of UI tweaking settings, so check out the changes below. 🔽

A shout-out to @vladaurosh for quickly helping as I'm sometimes blind and thanks to @wintergew for some UI tweaks. 🙏 There was also @zilvernet who reported a bunch of issues and tested the new icon functionality 👍 Oh and @YoSafeguard added a full Russian translation 🌍💪

Please read the below carefully, but in general, I hope the transition will be smooth and should be mostly fully automated.


Screen 1 Screen 2
Screen 3 Screen 4

💔 Breaking changes

Sometimes I have to introduce breaking changes

The rename from PiAlert to NetAlertX should be pretty straightforward and existing setups should work fine. Still, caution is recommended. On a high-level this is what has changed:

  • Existing configuration, database and devices should automatically come over without issues.
  • I will keep updating the pi.alert docker hub image for now, but aim to retire it by the end of the year
  • device name & manufacturer in the MQTT messages and sensors (HomeAssistant) changed from PiAlert to NetAlertX
  • app or netalertx (NetAlertX) prefixes and names are used instead of pialert
  • If you mapped/mounted any other folders, make sure you change the base mounting location as per the Migration guide.

🏘️ Community

📚Docs updates


  • You can configure to hide some sections in the Devices page via the UI_DEV_SECTIONS setting #612 (🆕)
  • Set the UI_REFRESH setting to auto-refresh the UI #614 (🆕)
  • You can now specify a pre-defined list of icons via the UI_ICONS (🆕)


  • Un-discoverable devices are now always marked as Online #617 (🆕)

🖼 UI

  • Support of SVG icons (🆕)
  • You can now set the UI to auto-reload if you are running NetAlert in a kiosk-like setup #614 (🆕)
  • Further revamp of the navigation (🚑)
  • A ticker is displayed if you are using old PiAlert mount locations (🚑)
  • The < > arrows were not cycling thru the filtered results #627 (🚑)
  • The Tools tab didn't use the correct IP address if you navigated via the < > on the device details #626 (🚑)
  • Pro Font Awesome icons mounted into the container work again #594 (🚑)
  • Russian translation by @YoSafeguard (🆕)

💠Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

  • The container timezone was different from the app's timezone #599 (🚑)
  • The detailed NMAP scan didn't work due to a missing package #623 (🚑)

Other Info

🆕 - New features 🚑 - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

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