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v24.6.8 - 🔄 Sync Hub, 🔌Plugins Unloading, 🔔 UI Notifications

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@jokob-sk jokob-sk released this 08 Jun 14:04
· 1157 commits to main since this release

Alright, let's see how many bugs I missed. This is a big release 🎁

This month's NetAlertX release includes three big new features: In-app user notifications, Plugin unloading with the LOADED_PLUGINS setting (making the app much faster), and a new Sync Hub (🧪) plugin. This will enable you to synchronize data from otherwise unscannable LANs/VLANs into one NetAlertX instance. Read the guide here.

Also, you can now get Reconnected devices notifications 📶 of devices that trigger down alerts.

Thank you to everyone in the community helping with this release, especially @vladaurosh 🙏 who helped me keep the docker image small even with the need for some of the cryptography libraries for the new functionality.

I also scored the @NetAlertX Twitter handle, let's see if I'll use it 😅

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🏘️ Community

📚Docs updates


  • You can now load new or unload unneeded plugins to speed up the application via the LOADED_PLUGINS setting (🆕) #669
  • Further Settings screen optimization to prevent incorrect loads/setting saves (🚑)


  • A new SYNC plugin allowing you to synchronize multiple instances into one central location (🆕)
  • The INTRNT plugin now has a default 3-retry policy adjustable with the INTRNT_RETRIES setting to minimize false internet down reports (🆕) #667
  • The newly added MQTT setting MQTT_PRESENCE_SENSOR_TYPE was breaking the notifications (🚑) #664
  • MQTT messages now contain the First/Last session per device (🆕) #697

🖼 UI

  • A DB-locked icon will be displayed in the Header when the app can't write to the DB (🆕) #685
  • In-app Notification log (🆕)

💠Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

Other Info

🆕 - New features 🚑 - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes 🧪 - Experimental/work in progress

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v24.5.9...v24.6.8