This project exists to create the MusicBrainz VM. If you would like to use the MusicBrainz VM, consider just download a release version from here (eventually):
Beta versions are released here:
Using this project you can make your own MusicBrainz VM. Please note that this project is not supported under Windows. Use a Mac or Linux using VirtualBox and it should work fine.
ONLY DO THIS STEP IF YOU WANT TO GO THE LOOOONG WAY. Download an image from the links above instead:
- Clone this repo
- Install VirtualBox. If you already have it installed, update to the lastest version!
- Install Vagrant. Get the latest version! (1.8.x+)
- run
- Wait.
- Wait some more.
- Really, wait more.
- You're thinking about complaining how slowly this is going? You should wait some more.
- Better be safe than sorry, wait some more.
- With some amount of luck you'll have a working VM without search indexes at this point.
If you encounter an error, ping ruaok in #metabrainz on Freenode.
NOTE: All of the steps below work from vagrant, but you can invoke them from the VM directly as well.
In order to use the search functions of the web site/API you will need to build search indexes. Run:
$ vagrant ssh -- bin/reindex
This process will also take several hours -- be patient. Perhaps it is best to run this overnight.
Once the machine is fully set up, you can connect to the MusicBrainz VM by going to:
The search service is running on port 8080 if you want to connect to it directly.
There are a few scripts to make running the VM a little easier. The set-token script will configure the VM with a replication access token you generate from the MetaBrainz site:
After you've generated the access token, run this:
$ vagrant ssh -- bin/set-token <replication token>
Then, to replicate the data immediately, you can run:
$ vagrant ssh -- bin/replicate now
To replicate the data automatically once an hour, you can run:
$ vagrant ssh -- bin/replicate start
To stop automatic replication, use:
$ vagrant ssh -- bin/replicate stop
If you get a mysterious error about containers not being started or some-such, try running this command:
$ vagrant ssh -- bin/reset-containers
Once the VM is built, a few cleanup bits should be done:
Delete the datadump files from /media/dbdump
Compress the data volume with this command:
vboxmanage modifymedium disk --compact <uuid>