Download a beta version of the VM:
Please note that we currently only support VirtualBox. We cannot help with other virtualization software. The VM will run on any system that VirtualBox supports.
By default the VM will create a private network and be assigned the IP address . In order to log into the machine with SSH, do this from the host machine:
$ ssh
Log in with username "vagrant" and password "vagrant".
In order to use the search functions of the web site/API you will need to build search indexes. Run:
$ bin/reindex
This process will also take several hours -- be patient. Perhaps it is best to run this overnight. Please don't complain to us about how long this takes.
Once the machine is fully set up, you can connect to the MusicBrainz VM by going to:
The search service is running on port 8080 if you want to connect to it directly.
There are a few scripts to make running the VM a little easier.
Use the set-token script to set the replication token to access the Live Data Feed. There is no need for you to manually edit the file! The set-token script will configure the VM with a replication access token you generate from the MetaBrainz site:
After you've generated the access token, run this:
$ bin/set-token <replication token>
Then, to replicate the data immediately, you can run:
$ bin/replicate now
To replicate the data automatically once an hour, you can run:
$ bin/replicate start
To stop automatic replication, use:
$ bin/replicate stop
If you get a mysterious error about containers not being started or some-such, try running this command:
$ vagrant ssh -- bin/reset-containers
Then try the command again that failed.
If any of the scripts above do not work, please tell us what you have done, what you were trying to do and the output of:
$ docker ps
$ docker-compose -f /home/vagrant/musicbrainz/musicbrainz-docker/docker-compose.yml
Submit the issue to the "MusicBrainz Virtual Machines" (MBVM) project.