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This is my personal repository used for taking notes about iOS reverse engineering tools usage. As I work on solutions aiming to detect malicious activity I need to have a basic understanding of what reverse engineering looks like from the inside. And my goal here is to gather notes and structure my knowledge.

This setup was used for iPhone 7 iOS 13.1.3, macOS Big Sur in July 2021

Setting up an environment

Jailbreak the device

I've used checkra1n 0.12.4 beta:


Set up SSH

Follow instructions in Cydia. Install OpenSSH from Cydia (any author will do). Connect to your device by its IP address like

$ ssh root@

The initial password is alpine Change the password to a more secure one

$ passwd

Install Frida on the device

Open Cydia and add Frida repository to sources Find Frida package in it and install it. Alternatevly, you can do this through SSH.

Set up your Mac

You need to have npm and pip3 installed.

Install applesign

$ npm install -g applesign

Install insert_dylib:

$ cd ~/Documents
$ git clone
$ cd insert_dylib
$ xcodebuild
$ cp build/Release/insert_dylib /usr/local/bin/insert_dylib

Install Frida tools

$ pip3 install frida-tools

Install objection

$ pip3 install objection

Install ios-deploy

$ npm install -g ios-deploy

Getting an .ipa file

There are 3 approaches I suggest:

  1. Get a encrypted .ipa easily through SSH. It is useful if you need an unprotected data like .plist file.
  2. Do it manually using Frida. I still need to learn how to do this 😅
  3. Use ready-to-go scripts and tool (that is what I do). As of right now I recommend bagbak
$ bagbak MyApplicationName -z

Troubleshooting bagbak

Required node version: 14.x (my: 14.17.0)

Required bagbak version: 2.0

Installed Frida version: 14.2.18

If there is a ploblem with missing Frida Gadget: Check current Frida version. Go to its Github Releases: and download Frida Gadget for iOS for the Frida version you have. Then, copy it to the required place.

frida --version
mkdir -p ~/.cache/frida
cp frida-gadget.dylib ~/.cache/frida/gadget-ios.dylib

Patching and signing

You need a valid provisioning profile. You can create a test app in Xcode and run it on the device. It will create a profile for you and objection should be able to find it. To find you signing ID use:

$ security find-identity -p codesigning -v

Get an .ipa from the device and use objection to insert Frida's .dylib. Use an ID from the result above:

$ objection patchipa -c 42ABCDEF99 -s MyApplicationName.ipa

Alternatevly you can specify provisioning file manually. To get it from DerivedData: /MyApplicationName-lwjh.../Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/

$ objection patchipa --source MyApplicationName.ipa --codesign-signature 42ABCDEF99 --provision-file embedded.mobileprovision

Unzip the patched .ipa file to see a Payload folder. Install a patched .app on the device:

$ ios-deploy --bundle ./Payload/ -W -d

Troubleshooting failed application verificarion

applesign 3.7.0 is not compatible with objection 1.9.6. You will get an error when installing with ios-deploy:

[ 57%] ExtractingPackage
[ 60%] InspectingPackage
[ 60%] TakingInstallLock
[ 65%] PreflightingApplication
[ 65%] InstallingEmbeddedProfile
[ 70%] VerifyingApplication
2020-12-08 14:45:30.398 ios-deploy[30091:873131] [ !! ] Error 0xe800003a: The application could not be verified. AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication(0, device, url, options, install_callback, 0)


  • Downgrade applesign or
  • Sign it one more time adding -c
$ applesign -m embedded.mobileprovision -i 42ABCDEF99 -c -o signed.ipa MyApplicationName-frida-codesigned.ipa

The problen went away with the next setup:

ios-deploy: 1.11.4

applesign: 3.8.0

objection: 1.11.0

Using objection

Run the app on the device.

Use frida to see running processes

$ frida-ps -Uia

Find your app and launch objection

$ objection --gadget "com.hello.myapp" explore


Also, use it with fancy UI with passionfruit


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