A tiny ROS(2)-less tool for the conversion of ROS(2) NavSatFix messages to .gpx.
(I also needed an excuse to test uv)
uv pip install git+https://github.com/juliangaal/rosgpx
usage: rosgpx [-h] --bag BAG [--output OUTPUT] --topic TOPIC [--min-valid-state MIN_VALID_STATE] [--stuff | --no-stuff]
[--force | --no-force] [--frame-id FRAME_ID]
A tiny ROS(2)-less tool for the conversion of ROS(2) NavSatFix messages to .gpx
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bag BAG Path to the input ROS 2 bag file (default: None)
--output OUTPUT Path to the output GPX file (default: None)
--topic TOPIC The topic name to filter (default: None)
--min-valid-state MIN_VALID_STATE
The topic name to filter (default: 0)
--stuff, --no-stuff Stuff the output GPX file into the rosbag directory (Only supported in ros2) (default: None)
--force, --no-force Force overwriting existing output GPX file (default: None)
--frame-id FRAME_ID Frame ID to filter by (default: None)
with uv: uv run rosgpx
Visualize the gpx in, e.g., https://evrignaud.github.io/gpx-viewer/
Thanks to rosbags for parsing and gpxpy for handling the xml part.