This project explores and analyzes the health impact of localized power outages in New York City. "Empower" folder contains relevant data for the story.
- For electric medical equipment data, the historical data from emPOWER program was used. emPOWER is a program by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where they track the number of Medicare beneficiaries how use electric medical equipment.
- For outage data, the historical data downloded from NYU power outage dashboard was used.
- For complaint data, 311 Complaints data downloaded from NYC Open Data, year 2010-present( was used.
- The data cleaning for electric medical equipment data can be found in the "empower" folder, in "empower_nyc.ipynb."
- All data anlysis was done in the jupyter notebook.
- All explorative visualization was done in the same notebook. Same data was exported to create visualization using datawrapper.