This template exists to make it easier for you to get started writing an adapter for Sails.js.
$ sails generate adapter foo
(see for the source.)
This version of the adapter is for the upcoming v0.10 release of Sails / Waterline. Check out the 0.8 branch for the original stuff.
It's usually pretty easy to add your own adapters for integrating with proprietary systems or existing open APIs. For most things, it's as easy as require('some-module')
and mapping the appropriate methods to match waterline semantics. To get started:
- Fork this repository
- Set up your
file. Sails.js adapter module names are of the form sails-*, where * is the name of the datastore or service you're integrating with. - Build your adapter.
Configure the interfaces you plan to support (and targeted version of Sails/Waterline) in the adapter's package.json
"sailsAdapter": {
"sailsVersion": "~0.10.0",
"implements": [
In your adapter's directory, run:
$ npm test
You're welcome to write proprietary adapters and use them any way you wish-- these instructions are for releasing an open-source adapter.
Create a new public repo and add it as a remote (`git remote add origin
Make sure you attribute yourself as the author and set the license in the package.json to "MIT".
Run the tests one last time.
Do a pull request to sails-docs adding your repo to
. Please let us know about any special instructions for usage/testing. -
We'll update the documentation with information about your new adapter
Then everyone will adore you with lavish praises. Mike might even send you jelly beans.
npm version patch
git push && git push --tags
npm publish
Waterline is a new kind of storage and retrieval engine for Sails.js. It provides a uniform API for accessing stuff from different kinds of databases, protocols, and 3rd party APIs. That means you write the same code to get users, whether they live in mySQL, LDAP, MongoDB, or Facebook.