The Cloud Native Computing Foundation defines the legal status of the contributed code in a Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
Only original source code from CLA signatories can be accepted into kubernetes.
This policy does not apply to third_party and vendor.
There are two versions of the CLA:
- One for individual contributors submitting contributions on their own behalf.
- One for corporations to sign for contributions submitted by their employees.
It is important to read and understand this legal agreement.
Click one of:
- Individual signup to sign up as an individual or as an employee of a signed organization.
- Corporation signup to sign as a corporation representative and manage signups from your organization.
Once you get to the sign in form, click "Log in with Github":
Ensure that the e-mail address you use when completing this form matches the one you will use for your commits.
If you are signing up as an employee, you must use your official person@organization.domain email address in the CNCF account registration page.
Once you have created your account, follow the instructions to complete the signing process via Hellosign.
Your Github email address must match the same address you use when signing the CLA. Github has documentation on setting email addresses.
You must also set your git e-mail to match this e-mail address as well.
If you've already submitted a PR you can correct your and
and then use use git commit --ammend --reset-author
and then git push
correct the PR.
The Linux Foundation
You have signed CNCF Individual Contributor License Agreement. You can see your document anytime by clicking View on HelloSign.
Once you have this, the CLA authorizer bot will authorize your PRs.
If you are having problems with signed the CLA send a mail to:
Someone from the CNCF will respond to your ticket to help.
If you are a Kubernetes GitHub organization or repo owner, and would like to setup the Linux Foundation CNCF CLA check for your repositories, please read the docs on setting up the CNCF CLA check