The extension adds hints about possible properties, consistent with the rules applicable to creating/editing themes for Racing League Tools
Current scope for extension is support for 0.9.5 version of RLT Themes
The extension adds hints and validation regarding possible properties, consistent with the rules applicable to creating/editing themes for Racing League Tools
Hover your mouse over color value to see result color
Place your cursor in place where you want to start new block - in place where should be { and hit Ctrl+Alt+R. Choose block of your choice, navigate through defined placeholders using Tab.
Supported blocks:
- BlockRoot
- Canvas
- ColorizeBackground
- Component (create)
- Component (use)
- Dock
- Image
- ItemStack
- Public Property
- Shape
- Stack
- Style (definition)
- Table
- Table - Column
- Table - MultiColumn
- Text
- Theme Description
- Theme Link
- Trigger (single)
- Trigger - Setter
- blocks in layer.json files
- components
- global and public variables
- layout definitions and theme definition
- localization files
global variables - list of global variables with currently set values (hit Ctrl + Space to see list)
components - list of global and local components (hit Ctrl + Space to see list)
data converters
Go to Extensions in your VSCode, search "RLT Theme Helper", hit Install
The project is in an early stage of development. Please report errors
Initial release of RLT Theme Helper
Logic for nested block
Adjusted possible types of data for blocks
- RenderIf - added possible type of value string with patter for variable
- TextOptions - Removed property Text from required list
Adjustments and additions according to Renderer Api v0.9.5-preview1:
- changed filematch for layers
- support for theme_description.json
- support for style property
- support for public_properties.json
- Cleaning up the code
- Dictionary type and properties
- localization support for 0.9.5
More adjustments for 0.9.5 and other possible types of values for specific properties
- allowed use variable values in paddings, margins, itemstackoptions and more
- changed logic for layout_description schema
- changed component logic and properties for 0.9.5 renderer
- added schema for global_vars.json
- TextOptionsExtern marked as deprecated
- Property Component moved from ComponentOptions to main block, disabled additional properties
- Added Required StyleName for Style Block
- Added Object as allowed type for Trigger Values #1
- Adjusted Component related properties logic
- Disabled addtional properties for GridOptions, ItemStackOptions,
- Added examples for some properties
- Added Template deprecation message for ItemStackOptions
- Added string type value for MaxHeight, MaxWidth,
- other minor changes
- Disabled additional properties for public_properties.json
- Changed schema for TableOptions property
- Added Status Bar Item with support information for the currently open file in the active editor
- Extended theme_description.json properties
- Changed main icon of extension
- Extended TriggerPropertyItem properties
- Fixed properties for RequiredLogotypeVariants in theme_description.json
- Fixed wrong $ref to TriggerPropertyItem properties
- Added completion provider for global components
- Added completion provider for global variables
- Added ForceLiveriesLoading property to theme_description.json
- Added completion provider for Data Converters
- Extended json schema to allow define Components in block-containers
- Extended completion provider for global components to allow use with array of components in single file
- Extended completion provider for components defined in block-containers
- Added completion provider for styles defined globally and inside block-containers
- Added properties for ColorizeBackground json schema
- Added Snippet provider for blocks:
- BlockRoot
- Canvas
- ColorizeBackground
- Component (create)
- Component (use)
- Dock
- Image
- ItemStack
- Public Property
- Shape
- Stack
- Style (definition)
- Table
- Table - Column
- Table - MultiColumn
- Text
- Theme Description
- Theme Link
- Trigger (single)
- Trigger - Setter
- Removed unused commands
- Added hover color provider
- extended common scheme by HeightPercent and WidthPercent properties
- extended Trigger scheme by Trigger property for name
- some cleaning work on code