- Fix context.read exception in providers
- made some minor modification in example to ahcieve the standards of dartfmt
- update readme file
- update depencencies
- Fix MobxStatefulProvider exception on dispose , Thanks to wbemanuel
- change from [Provider.of(context)] to [Context.read()] and [Context.watch()]
- now the package depends on the latest version of [mobx] [1.2.1+1],[flutter_mobx] [1.1.0+1] and [provider] [4.3.1]
- updated dependencies
- change [MobxStatefulProvider] to [MobxStatefulObserver]
- change [MobxStatelessProvider] to [MobxStatelessObserver]
- add [MobxStatefulProvider] which provides the store to its children from the [Provider] package
- add [MobxWidgetProvider] which observes the state of the store which is provided from [Provider] packge
- add missing export statement
- added example folder
- improve reamde file
- TODO: Describe initial release.