For circular (2D) or spherical (3D) objects, please refer to the other library.

This library numerically solves the motion of elliptic bodies governed by the Newton-Euler equations suspended in viscous liquid by means of the finite-difference and the immersed-boundary methods.
Please refer to the documentation for details.
- MPI-parallelised
- Eulerian-based (no Lagrangian points) IBM
- Collision model between ellipses
Create working directory
mkdir /path/to/your/working/directory cd /path/to/your/working/directory
Fetch source
git clone cd EllipsesInFlows
docker build -t simplenavierstokessolver:latest . docker run -it --rm --cpuset-cpus="0-1" -u runner -v ${PWD}:/home/runner simplenavierstokessolver:latest make output make all
mpirun -n 2 ./a.out
Several examples can be found in the documentation.