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Car Management Application

This project is a Car Management Application that allows users to create, view, edit, and delete cars. Each car can contain up to 10 images, a title, a description, and tags (e.g., car type, company, dealer). The application includes user authentication and restricts each user to managing only their own cars. Additionally, users can search through their cars.

  • Get the cookies from network tab after login and use it as a bearer token directly.


  • User Authentication: Users can register, log in, and manage their session securely.
  • Car CRUD Operations: Users can add, view, update, and delete cars.
  • Image Upload: Users can upload up to 10 images per car. Images are stored using Vercel Blob Storage.
  • Responsive Design: Built with responsiveness in mind, with support for both mobile and desktop views.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Next.js, TypeScript, React, Tailwind CSS
  • Backend: NextAuth for authentication, MongoDB (with Mongoose) for database management
  • Image Storage: Vercel Blob Storage for image management
  • Validation: Zod for schema validation
  • Documentation: Swagger UI for API documentation
  • Deployment: Vercel

Getting Started


  • Node.js
  • MongoDB Atlas (or local MongoDB instance)
  • Environment variables for MONGODB_URI and NEXTAUTH_SECRET


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    cd car-management-app
    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables:

    • Create a .env.local file in the root of the project.
    • Add the following variables:
      MONGODB_URI=<Your MongoDB URI>
      NEXTAUTH_SECRET=<Your NextAuth secret>
  4. Run the development server:

    npm run dev

    Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to see the application.

Project Structure

├── app/
│   ├── api/                   # API routes
│   │   ├── auth/              # NextAuth setup
│   │   ├── add-car/           # Route to add a new car
│   │   ├── delete-car/        # Route to delete a car by ID
│   │   ├── list-cars/         # Route to list all cars of the user
│   └── components/
│       ├── custom/            # Custom components (CarList, AddCar, etc.)
│       └── ui/                # UI components (Button, Form, etc.)
├── lib/
│   └── dbConnect.ts           # MongoDB connection utility
├── models/
│   ├── User.ts                # User model
│   └── Car.ts                 # Car model
└── types/
    └── ApiResponse.ts         # Types for API responses

API Endpoints


  • POST /api/signin: User login via credentials.

Car Management

  • POST /api/add-car: Add a new car to the user's collection.
  • GET /api/list-cars: Get a list of all cars owned by the authenticated user.
  • DELETE /api/delete-car/{id}: Delete a specific car by ID along with its associated images from blob storage.

Swagger API Documentation

The application includes Swagger documentation to describe the available API endpoints. Visit /api-doc in your deployed application to view and test the API directly in the browser.

Example Swagger Comments

Each API route is annotated with Swagger comments to automatically generate the API documentation.

For example, here’s how the GET /api/list-cars route is documented:

 * @swagger
 * /api/list-cars:
 *   get:
 *     summary: Get all cars for the authenticated user
 *     description: Fetches all cars associated with the authenticated user.
 *     security:
 *       - BearerAuth: []
 *     responses:
 *       200:
 *         description: Successfully fetched cars


  1. Sign Up / Log In: Register or log in to access the application.
  2. Add a Car: Use the "Add Car" tab to upload car details, including images.
  3. View Your Cars: View a list of all cars you have added.
  4. Edit or Delete a Car: Edit or delete cars from your list as needed.

Image Upload

  • Images are uploaded to Vercel Blob Storage with a maximum of 10 images per car.
  • Max image size is 4.5MB.
  • Deleting a car also deletes its images from blob storage.

Important Considerations

  • Ensure that all environment variables are correctly configured for MongoDB and NextAuth.
  • Data Validation: All data is validated using Zod to prevent invalid data from being entered into the database.

Future Improvements

  • Enhanced Search: Implement more advanced search filters.
  • User Roles: Add different roles (e.g., admin, user) for more control.
  • Image Management: Add image editing capabilities.
  • Search Functionality: Allows users to search for cars based on title, description, or tags.