{ "display_information": { "name": "Chloe", "description": "A powerful AI assistant", "background_color": "#000000", "long_description": "Chloe is a powerful AI Assistant written in Go that leverages OpenAI technologies (ChatGPT, Whisper, and DALL-E) along with Google's Text-to-Speech engine to provide versatile and comprehensive assistance.\r\n\r\nIt offers multiple interfaces and utilizes the Chain of Thought approach to understand and respond to complex instructions." }, "features": { "bot_user": { "display_name": "Chloe", "always_online": true }, "slash_commands": [ { "command": "/generate", "description": "Generate an image using DALL-E", "usage_hint": "a cat with a cute yellow hat", "should_escape": false }, { "command": "/forget", "description": "Wipe all context and reset the conversation with the bot", "should_escape": false }, { "command": "/tts", "description": "Converts text to speech", "usage_hint": "Hello World!", "should_escape": false }, { "command": "/action", "description": "Perform an action", "usage_hint": "latex $f(x) = \\frac{\\sqrt{x +20}}{2\\pi} +\\hbar \\sum y\\partial y$", "should_escape": false } ] }, "oauth_config": { "scopes": { "bot": [ "app_mentions:read", "channels:history", "channels:join", "chat:write", "channels:manage", "channels:read", "commands", "chat:write.public", "chat:write.customize", "files:read", "files:write", "emoji:read", "groups:read", "groups:write", "groups:history", "im:read", "im:write", "im:history", "metadata.message:read", "links.embed:write", "links:read", "links:write", "mpim:write", "mpim:history", "reactions:read", "reminders:read", "reminders:write", "mpim:read", "remote_files:read", "remote_files:write", "remote_files:share", "reactions:write", "team:read", "users:read", "users.profile:read", "users:read.email" ] } }, "settings": { "event_subscriptions": { "bot_events": [ "app_mention", "app_uninstalled", "channel_left", "file_created", "file_shared", "link_shared", "message.channels", "message.groups", "message.im", "message.mpim", "reaction_added", "reaction_removed", "tokens_revoked" ] }, "interactivity": { "is_enabled": true }, "org_deploy_enabled": false, "socket_mode_enabled": true, "token_rotation_enabled": false } }