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By the KaraCos Team
- Git clone this repo somewhere in your drive
- Download nodejs for you plateform and extract it in the ./bin directory.
- Edit ./BootWeb and set NODEJS and NPM variables (according to your ./bin/nodejs folder name).
- cd in the directory ./lib and run npm install.
- lanch ./BootWeb start default
BootWeb app
- create : Create an application
- delete : Remove an application
- mount : Mount an application in a server routing namespace
- umount : Umount an application from a server routing namespace
- list : List availables applications
- show : List Mounted application
- build : Compile all JS and create a zip of the given app
- commit : Commit an app to a BootWeb repository
- pull : Pull an app from a BootWeb repository
BootWeb server
- add : Create a server
- rm : Remove a server
- start : Start a server
- stop : Stop a server
- status : Get the current status of a server
- restart : Restart a server
- console : Get a shell to administer a Live server
- backup : Create a backup of a server