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Welcome to the FairSync wiki! Here we document the usage of the tool for Endusers (Map-Moderators)
FairSync is a tool to connect Maps. Mainly developed in partnership with the MapofTomorrow.org, it should connect maps with places for the social-ecological transformation.
- to make initiatives and organisations more visible on maps and in volunteer-guides by synchronising them between platforms.
- to reduce the effort of manual mapping and maintenance of entries but still comply with data protection regulations in the EU.
- to provide searchers the most complete overviews of transformation projects on their favourite platforms. Having to use several platforms in order to find all sustainable places for a region or a topic, is over!
If you want to use the tool to import creativ-commons-Data (ODbL) from other Maps into your plattform, we recommend to install your own Version of FairSync on your server. Code and setup instruction: https://codeberg.org/slowtec/fairsync
In the code you finde "Mappers" for any API the tool can work with. (Writing new Mappers for new API is quite simple and can be done within one day) But to be able to modify Data in another DB you need to get the tokens for each plattform and add it in the settings dialog. The Tokens will be saved in your browser, not on any server. Whenever changing your browser, you have to enter it again.
Token for ofDB / kartevonmorgen.org
To recieve the token for the openfairDB (Backend of the MapofTomorrow) you need to login with your Pilot-Account on https://ofdb.io/dashboard
If you have no Pilot rights yet, register there AND write to helmut at Kartevonmorgen.org to get approved as pilot/ Mapadmin.
The FairSync Tool logs all changes, if activated, to have all data for undo-actions and for automatical updates, when implemented later.
To activate the logging, you need to create a log-file under https://logs.fairsync.de/#
The default is https://logs.fairsync.de/v0/logs/fairsync.csv
Where to get the toke for the logfile from???
Your Instance of FairSync just writes in your own "main" logfile, but you are able to read logfiles from other platforms and check for contradicting interpretations of duplicates. (unlogical connections get colourd in red)
The first function is the possibility to import Data into the ofDB/ Kartevonmorgen.org by a csv file.
CSV-Format Please use exactly these headline-names:
id | created_at | created_by | version | name | description | lat | lng | street | zip | city | country | state | homepage | contact_name | contact_email | contact_phone | opening_hours | founded_on | categories | tags | license | image_url | image_link_url | avg_rating |
96809b0390c746aa95348a1a7190b90e | 1570220384 | 4 | Bergwaldprojekt e.V. | Das Bergwaldprojekt arbeitet dtl.weit mit Freiwilligen, um die Ökosysteme zu erhalten, den TeilnehmerInnen die Bedeutung & Gefährdung der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen bewusst zu machen und mehr Menschen zu einem nachhaltigen Lebenswandel zu bewegen. | 49.7999705932103 | 9.924155925365238 | Veitshöchheimer Str. 1b | 97080 | Würzburg | https://www.bergwaldprojekt.de/ | info@bergwaldprojekt.de | 0931 - 452 62 61 | 2cd00bebec0c48ba9db761da48678134 | bergwälder,bildung,biodiversität,biotoppflege,bne,ehrenamt,einfachjetztmachen,freiwilligenarbeit,kulturlandschaften,moorwiedervernässung,naturnah,naturschutz,transition,waldumbau,ökosysteme | CC0-1.0 | 1.25 | ||||||||
67bafaea8b0649caadb6b008a198c69d | 1654428991 | 29 | ökoligenta - Das Netz der Wandelbewegung | Wandel-Plattform, die die Gesamtheit der Wandelbewegung möglichst vollständig abzubilden versucht. Hier kommen viele Ideen und Initiativen zum gesellschaftlichen Wandel zusammen. | 49.80090836053756 | 9.981252024872811 | Angermaierstraße 46 | 97076 | Würzburg | de | https://www.xn--koligenta-z7a.de/ | langer@oekoligenta.de | 0170-7539993 | 2cd00bebec0c48ba9db761da48678134 | einewelt,enkelinnentauglichkeit,enkeltauglichkeit,gutes-leben,klimafitkarte,kvm-plattformpartner,lebenswertezukunft,m4h,makers,mitweltfestival,nachhaltig,nachhaltige-zukunft,nachhaltigkeit,netzwerk,netzwerk-zukunft,projekte,sdg,sdg-fibel-hessen,sdg1,sdg10,sdg11,sdg12,sdg13,sdg14,sdg15,sdg16,sdg17,sdg2,sdg3,sdg4,sdg5,sdg6,sdg7,sdg8,sdg9,sdgs,sozial-ökologische-transformation,transition,vernetzung,wandel,wandel-campus-netz,wandelbewegung,wandelbündnis,wandellab,wandellab2022,wc18,weltbewusst,wirtschaftssystem-für-gutes-leben-für-alles,zukunft,ökoligenta-netz,ökologie | CC0-1.0 | 0.9166666666666666 |