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Backup Files

Boney Bun edited this page Oct 20, 2017 · 3 revisions

Backup Important Files

Cited from Wikipedia:

a backup, or the process of backing up, refers to the copying and archiving of computer data so it may be used to restore the original after a data loss event. 

We see the backup as an additional layer in case something terrible happens.

Having extra layer, we hope the new server can be up again as soon as possible after unexpected event.

Docker images of kartoza/pg-backup, kartoza/docker-sftp-backup, and docker-btsync are used to do this job.

Before running the images, all images are required to be obtained locally.


This section provides technical explanation on how to implement the PostGIS database backup. You can simply skip this part as the project has implemented this type of backup.

Getting the image


The easiest way to get an image is by pulling the image:

docker pull kartoza/pg-backup:9.4


Although it takes more time to build an image, building the image locally will enable us to customise the image later.

Get the code from github by typing:

git clone

Then, type:

cd docker-pg-backup

Next, build it:

docker build -t kartoza/pg-backups .

Running the image

If downloading the image is chosen, you can run the image by typing the following command:

docker run --name="backups" --hostname="pg-backups" --link=watchkeeper_db_1:db -v backups:/backups -e PGUSER=bob -e PGPASSWORD=secret -link db -i -d kartoza/pg-backup

If you decide to build the image yourself, make sure you have already in the repo folder. Then type this command in the shell:

docker-compose up -d dbbackup

Note that you need docker-compose.yml. The sample of docker-compose.yml is given below:

  image: kartoza/pg-backup:9.4
  hostname: pg-backups
    - ./backups:/backups
    - db:db
    # These are all defaults anyway, but setting explicitly in
    # case we ever want to ever use different credentials
    - PGUSER=docker
    - PGPASSWORD=docker
    - PGPORT=5432
    - PGHOST=db
    - PGDATABASE=gis  


docker-sftp-backup can be used to store all important files (ex: thumbnails, user home folders), including the one from the kartoza/pg-backup.

It also can utilise spaces as the app will constantly delete the old files.

Getting the image

To get the image, first we need to clone the repo first by typing:

git clone

Suppose we would like to store the code in /home, then running the above command, will create a directory in the following path:


Go to /home/docker-sftp-backup by typing:

cd /home/docker-sftp-backup

Now, we can build the image using:

docker build -t kartoza/sftp-backup .

Running the image

To verify whether we have the image, we can type:

docker ps | grep sftp-backup

Make sure the sftp-backup image is on the list.

If we build the image from the scratch, make sure we are on the same directory as the cloned folder (/home/docker-sftp-backup).

Running the image is by using the following command:

docker-compose up -d sftpbackup

Before running the command, you may want to set up the environment first.

Open docker-compose.yml, then modify the parameters to your need.

A sample of docker-compose.yml:

  image: kartoza/sftp-backup
  hostname: sftp-backup
    # mount stored backups folder to a folder in docker container
    - ./backups:/backups
    # mount source for the backups folder to a folder in docker container
    - /home/target_dirs:/targets
    - DAILY=14
    - MONTHLY=12
    - YEARLY=3
    # set this to the target/source folder where the backup comes from
    - TARGET_FOLDER=/targets
    - sftp_credential.env

Please note that we specify sftp_credential.env file here. This file contains the required credentials to use sftp protocol. A sample of sftp_credential.env is:

export DUMPPREFIX=backup
export TARGET_FOLDER=/targets
export DAILY=7
export MONTHLY=12
export YEARLY=3
export USE_SFTP_BACKUP=False
export SFTP_HOST=localhost
export SFTP_USER=user
export SFTP_PASSWORD=password
export SFTP_DIR=/


This image runs BitTorrent Sync.

When there are several servers or storages, docker-btsync can be used to distribute the backup across these sites.

We can also use this image as an alternative data transmitting against FTP protocol.

The location of the backup folders is required and to be specified.

Then, it will auto sync with any BT clients installed in the targeted servers and/or storages.

Getting the image

Download the github repo:

git clone

Then, type:

docker build -t kartoza/btsync .

Another way to build the image without download the repo is:

docker build -t kartoza/btsync git://

Running the image


docker-compose up -d kartoza/btsync

Don't forget to set btsync.conf accordingly, including the shared_folders parameters.