a web app which allows users to add and manage their travel bucket list
to run the database, in Terminal run: createdb bucket_list psql -d bucket_list -f db/bucket)list.sql
to populate the database seed data, in Terminal run: python3 run console.py
to run the flask environment, in Terminal run: flask run
Build an app to track someone's travel adventures.
- The app should allow the user to track countries and cities they want to visit and those they have visited.
- The user should be able to create and edit countries
- Each country should have one or more cities to visit
- The user should be able to create and delete entries for cities
- The app should allow the user to mark destinations as visited or still to see
- Have separate pages for destinations visited and those still to visit
- Add sights to the destination cities
- Search for destination by continent, city or country
- Any other ideas you might come up with
This app used psycopg, flask, python3.