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napkin math

noise latency

Noise protocol nanoseconds/op seconds/op
Noise_XX_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s 271939 0.000271939
Noise_pqXX_Kyber768X25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s 843680 0.00084368
  • This test only performs cryptographic operations. Our noise benchmark test measures the client and server performing the handshake and then the server encrypts a plaintext message and the client decrypts it:

See our specification for more information:

sphinx latency

Primitive Sphinx type nanoseconds/op seconds/op
X25519 KEM 80093 8.009×10−5
X25519 NIKE 160233 0.000160233
Kyber512 KEM 43758 4.3758e-5
Kyber768 KEM 57049 5.7049e-5
Kyber1024 KEM 72173 7.2173e-5
Kyber768 X25519 Hybrid KEM 87816 8.7816e-5
CTIDH512 NIKE 336995975 0.336995975
CTIDH1024 NIKE 18599579037 18.599579037
CTIDH2048 NIKE 17056742100 17.0567421
CTIDH1024 KEM 11408217346 11.408217346
  • NIKE Sphinx is slower than KEM Sphinx because NIKE Sphinx must perform two public key operations per hop.

  • However the other tradeoff is that KEM Sphinx requires a much bigger cryptographic object size: the sphinx packet header size will be very large!

See our specifications for more information:

bandwidth overhead

Sphinx overhead

Primitive Sphinx Type Header Size Num Hops
X25519 NIKE 476 5
X25519 NIKE 886 10
Kyber512 KEM 5052 5
Kyber512 KEM 9302 10
Kyber768 KEM 6972 5
Kyber768 KEM 12822 10
Kyber1024 KEM 9852 5
Kyber1024 KEM 18102 10
Kyber768 X25519 Hybrid KEM 7164 5
Kyber768 X25519 Hybrid KEM 13174 10

Since we can set the Sphinx packet payload to any size we want, we have a lot of control over it's overhead ratio.

Noise overhead

  • Our Noise transport messages incure a 16 byte overhead byte we use ChaCha20-Poly1305.

  • Currently we have set the maximum Noise message size to 1300000 bytes. On principle we will always set our Noise message size big enough to encapsulate our Sphinx packets.

Additional protocol overheads

Name Overhead
IPv4 20 bytes
UDP 8 bytes
QUIC v1 20 bytes
appox. TLS 32 bytes

for ipv4 the QUIC payload size is 1354?

Sphinx + QUIC overheads formula

Goal: To ensure all QUIC packets are the same size and maxing out payload size.

We calculate the overhead ratio for transmitting application payloads over Sphinx/QUIC/UDP/IPv4.

  • p is the Sphinx payload size
  • h is the Sphinx header size
  • s is the Sphinx packet size, which is p + h
  • n is the Noise overhead
  • m is the Noise message size which is s+n
  • q is the overhead impose by QUIC/UDP/IPv4
  • i is the payload size that can be transported in single QUIC packet

The Noise message will be divided into many QUIC packets. Let N equal the number of QUIC packets needed to transport a Noise message:

N = ceil(m / i)

The total overhead for transmitting the p Sphinx payload bytes over IPv4/UDP/QUIC would then be:

(N * q) + n + h

Therefore, the bandwidth overhead ratio can be calculated as the total overhead divided by the total data transmitted. This will give us:

Bandwidth Overhead Ratio = Total Overhead / Total Data Transmitted

Bandwidth Overhead Ratio = '(s / p) + additional_neglible_overhead' 

Latency in signature schemes

  1. ed25519 + Spincs+ shake-256f ref impl
human@computer ~/code/katzenpost/core/crypto/sign/bench/ed25519sphincsplus (add_signature_benchmarks) $ CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW=-DPARAMS=sphincs-shake-256f go test -bench=.
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
BenchmarkSign-8     	      4	336805352 ns/op
BenchmarkVerify-8   	     84	 13665171 ns/op
ok	7.769s
human@computer ~/code/katzenpost/core/crypto/sign/bench/ed25519sphincsplus (add_signature_benchmarks) $
  1. ed25519 + Spincs+ haraka-256f ref impl
CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW=-DPARAMS=sphincs-haraka-256f go test -bench=.
goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
BenchmarkSign-8     	      4	324248455 ns/op
BenchmarkVerify-8   	     86	 12765333 ns/op
ok	7.661s