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- Getting started with custom Visual Testing
author: kazurayam
In this article I will explain how develop a screenshot-comparison testing against an Application-Under-Test you choose.
Here I assume you have read the following articles.
and you have created a new Katalon Studio project. Of course, you can name it as you want, but here I assume the project is called TheProject
I assume that you have imported
into ThePoject
using com.github.kazurayam.visualtestinginks
When you start developing custom Visual Testing in Katalon Studio, the 1st thing you should do is to define a short name which identifies
your target AUT. The example uses CURA
. So what would you call your test? Any name you like. I would recommend the symbol to be short to make the codes readable.
Just in the following description, let me assume that you selected a symbol MAYA
As User Guide of visualtestinginks described, you should have got a set of Katalon Studio resources named CURA
Now you want to copy them and rename them with new name MAYA
├── Object Repository
│ └── MAYA
│ ├── Page_Appointment
│ │ ├── button_Book
│ │ ├── h2_Make
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├── select_Tokyo CURA Healthcare
│ │ └──
│ ├── Page_AppointmentConfirmation
│ │ ├── a_Go to
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├── Page_Homepage
│ │ └── a_Make
│ └── Page_Login
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── Profiles
│ ├── MAYA_DevelopmentEnv.glbl
│ ├── MAYA_ProductionEnv.glbl
├── Scripts
│ ├── MAYA
│ ├── ImageDiff_chronos
│ ├── ImageDiff_twins
│ ├── Login
│ ├── restorePrevisousScreenshots
│ └── visitSite
├── Test Cases
│ ├── MAYA
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── Test Suites
│ ├── MAYA
│ ├── Execute_chronos.ts
│ ├── Execute_chronos_headless.ts
│ ├── Execute_twins.ts
│ ├── Execute_twins_headless.ts
│ ├── chronos_capture.groovy
│ ├── chronos_capture.ts
│ ├── chronos_exam.groovy
│ ├── chronos_exam.ts
│ ├── twins_capture.groovy
│ ├── twins_capture.ts
│ ├── twins_exam.groovy
│ └── twins_exam.ts
├── vt-run-MAYA-chronos.bat
├── vt-run-MAYA-twins.bat
- In the
Test Suites/MAYA
folder, there are few resources that need to be changed. For exampleTest Suites/MAPA/Execute_twins
still has the definition refering toCURA
components:Please edit the definition so that refer to
resources. The following resources needs to be edited similarly.
Test Suites/MAYA/chronos_capture
Test Suites/MAYA/chronos_exam
Test Suites/MAYA/Execute_chronos
Test Suites/MAYA/Execute_chronos_headless
Test Suites/MAYA/Execute_twins
Test Suites/MAYA/Execute_twins_headless
Test Suites/MAYA/twins_capture
Test Suites/MAYA/twins_exam
- In the
Test Cases/MAYA
folder, there are some resources that need to be corrected:CURA
Test Cases/MAYA/ImageDiff_chronos
String TESTSUITE_ID = 'CURA/chronos_capture' // should be changed to 'MAYA_chronos_capture'
Test Cases/MAYA/ImageDiff_twins
String TESTSUITE_ID = 'CURA/twins_capture' // -> 'MAYA/twins_capture'
- The core part of cutomization is
Test Cases/MAYA/visiteSite
. This script visits you AUT and take screenshots. You should rewrite this script completely. and 99% of your customization should be on this script. - You would want to renew the
Object Repository
as you want. Just do it.
You would want to rewrite The Test Casees/MAYA/visitSite
completely to target your AUT. Just do it as orginaly Katalon Studio programming. All you need to know is how to save screenshots into files.
The Test Cases/CURA/visitSite
has following lines. This is the core part of taking screenshot and saving it into files.
import com.kazurayam.materials.MaterialRepository
import com.kazurayam.visualtesting.ManagedGlobalVariable as MGV
MaterialRepository mr = (MaterialRepository)GlobalVariable[MGV.MATERIAL_REPOSITORY.getName()]
Path png3 = mr.resolveScreenshotPathByURLPathComponents(
new URL(WebUI.getUrl()),
CustomKeywords.'com.kazurayam.ksbackyard.ScreenshotDriver.takeEntirePage'(driver, png3.toFile(), 500)
In the above code, theMaterialRepository mr = ...
portion would look mysterious. In fact, here is hidden a magic. But you can read the source code at Test Listeners/VTListener
and Keywords/com/kazurayam/visualtesting/VisualTestingListenerImpl
. If you want to dig into them, please do.
Once executed, this script creates a file at
As you can see, mr.resolveScreenshotPathByURLPathComoponents()
call determines the file path. How is it done?
portion is fixed.
The directory name CURA.twins_capture
is derived from the Test Suite name CURA/twins_capture
The directory name yyyyMMdd_hhmmss
is derived from the timestamp when the Test Suite was executed.
The directory name CURA.visitSite
is derived from the Test Case name CURA/visitSite
Finally the file name appointment.php%23summary.png
is derived from the page URL
The API doc of the Materials
library is available here:
Please check the sample codes of the following resolveXXX
methods of com.kazurayam.material.MaterialRepository
- resolveScreenshotPathByURLPathComponents --- primary candidate to use
- resolveScreeshotPath
- resolveMaterialPath --- if you prefer names independent from URL string
Object Repository/MAYA/*
--- you would not need files copied form "CURA" any longer once you created your own Test Cases/MAYA/visitSite
. You can delete them. You can create new Test Objects. Completely up to you.
In Test Cases/CURA/ImageDiff_twins
, you find this line:
double criteriaPercentage = 1.0
CustomKeywords.'com.kazurayam.visualtesting.ImageDiffer.runTwins'(TESTSUITE_ID, criteriaPercentage)
The criteriaPercentage is a number larger than or equal to 0.0, smaller than or equal to 100.0.
If a difference image of 2 PNG files has difference percentage larger than the criteriaPercentage,
then the Test Cases/CURA/ImageDiff_twins
fails. The Materials/index.html
will show the failure with
purple-colored background.
You can tune the value of criteriaPercentage in your Test Cases/MAYA/ImageDiff_twins
as you want. You may set it to be 0.01, 1.0, 5.0 or 30.0. It is the only factor you can tune for test sensitivity.
If you set a smaller number to the criteriaPercentage, then the test becomes more sensitive and tends to fail more often. In other words, it is likely that the test becomes more false-negative. If you set a larger number, then test becomes tolerant for image-difference and test to fail less --- it becomes more false-positive.
What value is suitable for your AUT? --- Just make many experiments and get your own idea.
Please have a look at Test Cases/CURA/restorePreviousScreenshots
WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase("Test Cases/VT/restorePreviousTSuiteResult"), ["STRATEGY":"last"])
//WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase("Test Cases/VT/restorePreviousTSuiteResult"), ["STRATEGY":"1hourAgo"])
//WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase("Test Cases/VT/restorePreviousTSuiteResult"), ["STRATEGY":"18pmLastEvening"])
What this 1 line does?
The Test Cases/VT/restorePreviousTSuiteResult
script selects a set of screenshots previously took. The current screenshots will be compared against them.
The scripts accepts various "STRATEGY", which you can see at Test Cases/VT/restorePreviousTSuiteResult
: restore the last shot previous to the current10minutesAgo
: restore the shot of 1 hour ago or older30minutesAgo
: restore the shot of 1 hour ago or older1hourAgo
: restore the shot of 1 hour ago or older2hoursAgo
: restore the shot of 2 hours ago or older6amToday
: restore the shot taken before 6AM today9amToday
: restore the shot taken before 6AM today12amToday
: restore the shot taken before 6AM today15pmToday
: restore the shot taken before 6AM today18pmToday
: restore the shot taken before 6AM today21pmToday
: restore the shot taken before 6AM today18pmLastEvening
: restore the shot of last evening 18:00 or older
The Test Suite Collection Test Suites/CURA/Execute_chronos
targets to the URL .
Please visit this URL yourself, and try pushing Reflesh button several times. You will notice 2 points.
- A timestamp like
2019/5/2 1:32:50 UTC
is displayed. The timestamp changes everytime you refleshed the screen. Timestamp makes the current screenshot slightly different form the previous one. - The background image (a photo of Teddy Bear) sometimes get dark. I inserted a JavaScript to toggle the brightness of the image. I did it intensionally to make this URL suitable for demonstrating screenshot-comparison testing.
Now, have a look at Test Cases/CURA/ImageDiff_chorons
. In that code, you find this line:
import com.kazurayam.visualtesting.ImageCollectionDifferDriver.ChronosOptions
ChronosOptions options = new ChronosOptions.Builder().
CustomKeywords.'com.kazurayam.visualtesting.ImageDiffer.runChronos'(TESTSUITE_ID, options)
The com.kazurayam.visualtesting.ImageCollectionDifferDriver.ChronosOptions
object can contain 2 options: filterDataLessThan
and shiftCriteriaPercentageBy
. These options control the behavior of com.kazurayam.visualtesting.ImageDiffer.runChronos call.
What is the meaning of these options? A concrete example would explain best. Let me present a case.
I executed Test Suites/CURA/Execute_chronos
10 times. A JSON file Materials/CURA.chronos_exam/20190502_100304/CURA.ImageDiff_chronos/image-delta-stats.json
was created. In there you can find some statistics about the image-deltas of previous screenshots.
"path": "CURA.visitSite/home.png",
"degree": 10,
"sum": 89.47,
"mean": 8.947,
"variance": 3.494861290885145,
"standardDeviation": 1.8694548111374998,
"tDistribution": 1.8331129326620088,
"confidenceInterval": {
"lowerBound": 7.863312177615391,
"uppderBound": 10.030687822384607,
"confidenceLevel": 0.95
"criteriaPercentage": 10.04,
"data": [
"imageDeltaList": [
"a": "20190502_114009",
"b": "20190502_113806",
"d": 0.23,
"cached": false
"a": "20190502_113806",
"b": "20190502_110956",
"d": 0.18,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_110956",
"b": "20190502_104112",
"d": 0.28,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_104112",
"b": "20190502_103800",
"d": 0.26,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_103800",
"b": "20190502_103545",
"d": 0.19,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_103545",
"b": "20190502_103149",
"d": 42.88,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_103149",
"b": "20190502_102845",
"d": 42.90,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_102845",
"b": "20190502_102421",
"d": 1.21,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_102421",
"b": "20190502_102153",
"d": 1.20,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_102153",
"b": "20190502_101957",
"d": 0.14,
"cached": true
data: [0.23, 0.18, 0.28, 0.26, 0.19, 42.88, 42.9, 1.21, 1.2, 0.14]
--- these are the percentage of image-difference of the image CURA.visiteSite/home.png
. The timestamp always changes; it causes small differences. The background-image sometimes goes dark; it causes significant image difference around 42% to 43%.
The data is a typical bimodal distribution. I should screen the data to make the data useful.
I am interested in the significant image difference only, and do not want to be disturbed by the small differences caused by timestamp. I can use filterDataLessThan(2.0)
option to ignore differences less than 2.0%.
Now let me try:
"path": "CURA.visitSite/home.png",
"degree": 2,
"sum": 86.33,
"mean": 43.165,
"variance": 0.5244044240850744,
"standardDeviation": 0.7241577342575818,
"tDistribution": 6.313751514675079,
"confidenceInterval": {
"lowerBound": 39.9320003221718,
"uppderBound": 46.397999677828196,
"confidenceLevel": 0.95
"criteriaPercentage": 48.40,
"data": [
"imageDeltaList": [
"a": "20190502_121454",
"b": "20190502_121216",
"d": 0.17,
"cached": false
"a": "20190502_121216",
"b": "20190502_120951",
"d": 0.17,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_120951",
"b": "20190502_120623",
"d": 1.18,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_120623",
"b": "20190502_120352",
"d": 43.44,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_120352",
"b": "20190502_120113",
"d": 42.89,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_120113",
"b": "20190502_115905",
"d": 1.24,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_115905",
"b": "20190502_115616",
"d": 1.23,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_115616",
"b": "20190502_114009",
"d": 1.22,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_114009",
"b": "20190502_113806",
"d": 0.23,
"cached": true
"a": "20190502_113806",
"b": "20190502_110956",
"d": 0.18,
"cached": true
Now I got data: [43.44, 42.89]
--- here small diffs are ignored.
The com.kazurayam.visualtesting.ImageDiffer.runChronos
applies Interval Estimation to deduce criteriaPercentage
based on the data. In the above example, it was "criteriaPercentage": 48.40
. If the image difference of the current screenshot from the last one exceed 48.40, then the test should fail. Otherwise succeeds.
What use of shiftCriteriaPercentageBy(10.0)
option? --- the criteriaPercentage will be = the value calculated on the data using Interval Estimation method + intentional shift of 10.0.
ShiftCriteriaPercentageBy is useful to intensionally tune how much the test should be sensitive about image-diffs.