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Kevin Cox edited this page Nov 3, 2013 · 3 revisions

Submitting Issues

By far the easiest way to get involved to to submit problems you find with SBA. Try to be descriptive but if you can't find the details don't be afraid to post, we'll try to help you track them down. Our issue tracker is on Launchpad.

Testing New Versions

Submitting issues is fun and there are more issues on the newest versions of autosizer. Look for the packages in the download page and try the latest releases.

A great way to hear about new packages that are out for testing is in our Google Groups mailing list. Here you will be notified about new versions and you can participate in general discussion about SBA.

Submitting Code

If you would like to contribute simply make the changes in your git repository and generate a patch. The best places to put patches are on the associated issue or in the mailing list (attachments are supported). That way we can have a discussion about the patch. You can also fork the repo and submit a pull request.

If you need any help send us a message in the mailing list.

Writing Documentation

There aren't many docs that we need but if you are ever unsure of what a setting does ask about it in the mailing list and feel free to update the wiki with new information.


Does Searchbar Autosizer not speak your language? It doesn't have to be that way. Simply pull down a copy of the git repo and add or modify the l10n files located in chrome/locale/ to suit your language and submit a patch (see "Submitting Code"). If you aren't a code monkey that is all right, we are here to help. Here a a bunch of resources to get you started.

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