A collection of classes for transforming OpenAPI documents, particularly for compatibility with code generators like Autorest and OpenAPI Generator.
To rename all Schema Objects defined in components
of an OpenAPI document:
import RenameComponentsTransformer from '@kevinoid/openapi-transformers';
import openapi from './openapi.json' with { type: 'json' };
function renameSchema(schemaName) {
return `New${schemaName}`;
const transformer = new RenameComponentsTransformer({ schemas: renameSchema });
Example with @kevinoid/openapi-transformer-cli
To remove headers
from responses in an OpenAPI document:
openapi-transformer -t @kevinoid/openapi-transformers/remove-response-headers.js <openapi-old.json >openapi-new.json
Transformer | Description |
AddTagToOperationIdsTransformer | Prefix operationId with the first tag name and an underscore. |
AddXMsEnumNameTransformer | Add x-ms-enum.name from schema name, if not present. |
AddXMsEnumValueNamesTransformer | Add x-ms-enum.values.name to enums where the name generated by Autorest differs from the Microsoft C# Capitalization Rules for Identifiers. |
AdditionalPropertiesToObjectTransformer | Replace boolean additionalProperties with a Schema. |
AdditionalPropertiesToUnconstrainedTransformer | Replace additionalProperties (and patternProperties ) with an unconstrained schema alongside other properties. |
AnyOfNullToNullableTransformer | Replace type: 'null' in anyOf with nullable: true (for OAS 3.0). |
BinaryStringToFileTransformer | Replace type: string with format: binary (or format: file ) with type: file . |
BoolEnumToBoolTransformer | Replace enum: [true, false] with type: boolean . |
ClearHtmlResponseSchemaTransformer | Remove response content for the text/html media type. |
ClientParamsToGlobalTransformer | Move parameters with x-ms-parameter-location: client defined on Path Item Objects and Operation Objects to the Components or Definitions Object. |
ConstToEnumTransformer | Convert Schema Objects with const to enum . |
AssertPropertiesTransformer | Throw an Error when given properties are present. |
EscapeEnumValuesTransformer | Escape string enum values appropriately for C# string literals. |
ExclusiveMinMaxToBoolTransformer | Convert Schema Objects with numeric values for exclusiveMaximum and/or exclusiveMinimum to boolean values with corresponding maximum and/or minimum . |
FormatToTypeTransformer | Convert known formats in an OAS3 doc to types. |
InlineNonObjectSchemaTransformer | Inline schemas with non-object type. |
MergeAllOfTransformer | Merge allOf schemas into the parent schema. |
MergeAnyOfTransformer | Merge anyOf schemas into the parent schema. |
MergeOneOfTransformer | Merge oneOf schemas into the parent schema. |
NullableNotRequiredTransformer | Make properties which are nullable non-required . |
NullableToTypeNullTransformer | Add 'null' to type of Schema Objects with nullable: true or x-nullable: true . |
OpenApi31To30Transformer | Convert an OpenAPI 3.1.* document to OpenAPI 3.0.3. |
PathParametersToOperationTransformer | Move parameters defined on Path Item Objects to the beginning of the parameters array of the Operation Objects. |
PatternPropertiesToAdditionalPropertiesTransformer | Combine any patternProperties into additionalProperties . |
QueriesToXMsPathsTransformer | Move paths with query parameters from paths to x-ms-paths . |
ReadOnlyNotRequiredTransformer | Ensure readOnly schema properties are not required . |
RefPathParametersTransformer | Move Parameters defined on Path Item Objects to global parameters which are referenced in the Path Item. |
RemoveDefaultOnlyResponseProducesTransformer | Remove produces from Operations with only a default response. |
RemovePathsWithServersTransformer | Remove Path Item Objects which have servers . |
RemoveQueryFromPathsTransformer | Remove query component of path in Paths Object. |
RemoveRefSiblingsTransformer | Remove properties from Reference Objects. |
RemoveRequestBodyTransformer | Remove requestBody from operations on a given set of HTTP methods. |
RemoveResponseHeadersTransformer | Remove headers from Response objects. |
RemoveSecuritySchemeIfTransformer | Remove security schemes matching a given predicate. |
RemoveTypeIfTransformer | Remove type from Schema Objects where type matches a given predicate. |
RenameComponentsTransformer | Rename components . |
ReplacedByToDescriptionTransformer | Convert x-deprecated.replaced-by to x-deprecated.description , if not present. |
ServerVarsToPathParamsTransformer | Convert Server Variables in path portion to Parameters on Path Item Objects. |
ServerVarsToParamHostTransformer | Convert Server Variables in host portion to x-ms-parameterized-host . |
TypeNullToEnumTransformer | Convert Schema Objects with type: 'null' to enum: [null] . |
TypeNullToNullableTransformer | Convert Schema Objects with 'null' in type to nullable: true . |
UrlencodedToStringTransformer | Change request parameter types to string for operations which only consume application/x-www-form-urlencoded . |
XEnumToXMsEnumTransformer | Convert x-enum-descriptions and x-enum-varnames to x-ms-enum . |
This package can be installed using npm, either globally or locally, by running:
npm install @kevinoid/openapi-transformers
More examples can be found in the test specifications.
To use this module as a library, see the API Documentation.
Contributions are appreciated. Contributors agree to abide by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. If this is your first time contributing to a Free and Open Source Software project, consider reading How to Contribute to Open Source in the Open Source Guides.
If the desired change is large, complex, backwards-incompatible, can have significantly differing implementations, or may not be in scope for this project, opening an issue before writing the code can avoid frustration and save a lot of time and effort.
This project is available under the terms of the MIT License. See the summary at TLDRLegal.