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OpenAPI Transformers

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A collection of classes for transforming OpenAPI documents, particularly for compatibility with code generators like Autorest and OpenAPI Generator.

Introductory Example

To rename all Schema Objects defined in components of an OpenAPI document:

import RenameComponentsTransformer from '@kevinoid/openapi-transformers';
import openapi from './openapi.json' with { type: 'json' };

function renameSchema(schemaName) {
    return `New${schemaName}`;

const transformer = new RenameComponentsTransformer({ schemas: renameSchema });

To remove headers from responses in an OpenAPI document:

openapi-transformer -t @kevinoid/openapi-transformers/remove-response-headers.js <openapi-old.json >openapi-new.json


Transformer Description
AddTagToOperationIdsTransformer Prefix operationId with the first tag name and an underscore.
AddXMsEnumNameTransformer Add from schema name, if not present.
AddXMsEnumValueNamesTransformer Add to enums where the name generated by Autorest differs from the Microsoft C# Capitalization Rules for Identifiers.
AdditionalPropertiesToObjectTransformer Replace boolean additionalProperties with a Schema.
AdditionalPropertiesToUnconstrainedTransformer Replace additionalProperties (and patternProperties) with an unconstrained schema alongside other properties.
AnyOfNullToNullableTransformer Replace type: 'null' in anyOf with nullable: true (for OAS 3.0).
BinaryStringToFileTransformer Replace type: string with format: binary (or format: file) with type: file.
BoolEnumToBoolTransformer Replace enum: [true, false] with type: boolean.
ClearHtmlResponseSchemaTransformer Remove response content for the text/html media type.
ClientParamsToGlobalTransformer Move parameters with x-ms-parameter-location: client defined on Path Item Objects and Operation Objects to the Components or Definitions Object.
ConstToEnumTransformer Convert Schema Objects with const to enum.
AssertPropertiesTransformer Throw an Error when given properties are present.
EscapeEnumValuesTransformer Escape string enum values appropriately for C# string literals.
ExclusiveMinMaxToBoolTransformer Convert Schema Objects with numeric values for exclusiveMaximum and/or exclusiveMinimum to boolean values with corresponding maximum and/or minimum.
FormatToTypeTransformer Convert known formats in an OAS3 doc to types.
InlineNonObjectSchemaTransformer Inline schemas with non-object type.
MergeAllOfTransformer Merge allOf schemas into the parent schema.
MergeAnyOfTransformer Merge anyOf schemas into the parent schema.
MergeOneOfTransformer Merge oneOf schemas into the parent schema.
NullableNotRequiredTransformer Make properties which are nullable non-required.
NullableToTypeNullTransformer Add 'null' to type of Schema Objects with nullable: true or x-nullable: true.
OpenApi31To30Transformer Convert an OpenAPI 3.1.* document to OpenAPI 3.0.3.
PathParametersToOperationTransformer Move parameters defined on Path Item Objects to the beginning of the parameters array of the Operation Objects.
PatternPropertiesToAdditionalPropertiesTransformer Combine any patternProperties into additionalProperties.
QueriesToXMsPathsTransformer Move paths with query parameters from paths to x-ms-paths.
ReadOnlyNotRequiredTransformer Ensure readOnly schema properties are not required.
RefPathParametersTransformer Move Parameters defined on Path Item Objects to global parameters which are referenced in the Path Item.
RemoveDefaultOnlyResponseProducesTransformer Remove produces from Operations with only a default response.
RemovePathsWithServersTransformer Remove Path Item Objects which have servers.
RemoveQueryFromPathsTransformer Remove query component of path in Paths Object.
RemoveRefSiblingsTransformer Remove properties from Reference Objects.
RemoveRequestBodyTransformer Remove requestBody from operations on a given set of HTTP methods.
RemoveResponseHeadersTransformer Remove headers from Response objects.
RemoveSecuritySchemeIfTransformer Remove security schemes matching a given predicate.
RemoveTypeIfTransformer Remove type from Schema Objects where type matches a given predicate.
RenameComponentsTransformer Rename components.
ReplacedByToDescriptionTransformer Convert x-deprecated.replaced-by to x-deprecated.description, if not present.
ServerVarsToPathParamsTransformer Convert Server Variables in path portion to Parameters on Path Item Objects.
ServerVarsToParamHostTransformer Convert Server Variables in host portion to x-ms-parameterized-host.
TypeNullToEnumTransformer Convert Schema Objects with type: 'null' to enum: [null].
TypeNullToNullableTransformer Convert Schema Objects with 'null' in type to nullable: true.
UrlencodedToStringTransformer Change request parameter types to string for operations which only consume application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
XEnumToXMsEnumTransformer Convert x-enum-descriptions and x-enum-varnames to x-ms-enum.


This package can be installed using npm, either globally or locally, by running:

npm install @kevinoid/openapi-transformers


More examples can be found in the test specifications.

API Docs

To use this module as a library, see the API Documentation.


Contributions are appreciated. Contributors agree to abide by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. If this is your first time contributing to a Free and Open Source Software project, consider reading How to Contribute to Open Source in the Open Source Guides.

If the desired change is large, complex, backwards-incompatible, can have significantly differing implementations, or may not be in scope for this project, opening an issue before writing the code can avoid frustration and save a lot of time and effort.


This project is available under the terms of the MIT License. See the summary at TLDRLegal.


A collection of classes to transform OpenAPI documents.







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