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Ethereum Simulation

require "ewasm.k"
require "data.k"

    imports EWASM-SYNTAX
    imports WASM-SYNTAX
    imports DRIVER

module DRIVER
    imports EWASM

An Ewasm program is the invocation of an Ethereum contract containing Ewasm code.

Running smart contracts

Execution of Ethereum code is always triggered by a single transaction. To test and query the blockchain state, we also allow direct client calls in the form of EEIMethods.

    syntax Stmt ::= EthereumCommand
 // -------------------------------

Depending on context, it may make sense to give call data either as bytes (the canonical representation in this implementation), as a Wasm data string, or as an integer. When the call data represents bytes or a data string, the conversion is straight-forward. However, when the call data is a representation, it is interpreted as big-endian; this is the convention of giving Ethereum call data, addresses and values.

    syntax CallData ::= Bytes | DataString | Int
    syntax Bytes ::= CallData2Bytes(CallData) [function]
    syntax Int   ::= CallData2Int  (CallData) [function]
 // ----------------------------------------------------
    rule CallData2Bytes(CD:Bytes)      => CD
    rule CallData2Bytes(CD:DataString) => #DS2Bytes(CD)
    rule CallData2Bytes(CD:Int)        => Int2Bytes(CD, LE, Unsigned)

    rule CallData2Int(CD:Bytes)      => Bytes2Int(CD, BE, Unsigned)
    rule CallData2Int(CD:DataString) => Bytes2Int(#DS2Bytes(CD), LE, Unsigned)
    rule CallData2Int(CD:Int)        => CD

TODO: Don't call it "Address" TODO: Allow using calldata for addresses.

    syntax WasmInt
    syntax EthereumCommand ::= "#invokeContract" CallData CallData CallData
    syntax EthereumCommand ::= "#invoke" Int WasmString
 // ---------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #invokeContract ACCTFROM ACCTTO CALLDATA => #invoke MODADDR #mainName ... </k>
         <acct> _ => CallData2Int(ACCTTO) </acct>
         <caller> _ => CallData2Int(ACCTFROM) </caller>
         <callData> _ => CallData2Bytes(CALLDATA) </callData>
         <returnData> _ => .Bytes </returnData>
           <id> ACCTTO </id>
           <code> MODADDR </code>

    rule <k> #invoke MODADDR FNAME => ( invoke FADDR ) ... </k>
           <modIdx> MODADDR </modIdx>
           <exports> ... FNAME |-> TFIDX ... </exports>
           <funcIds> FIDS </funcIds>
           <funcAddrs> ... #ContextLookup(FIDS, TFIDX) |-> FADDR ... </funcAddrs>

End of execution

TODO: Move to Ewasm.

An Ewasm execution ends in either a call to finish or revert (controlled exit), or with a trap (exceptional exit). In the case of a controlled exit, we want to clean up the execution state. This works essentially as a trap, ending all execution in the <k> cell, but keeping things like assertions and ethereum commands.

    rule <k> #waiting(eei.revert) => #cleanup ... </k>
         <statusCode> EVMC_REVERT  </statusCode>
    rule <k> #waiting(eei.finish) => #cleanup ... </k>
         <statusCode> EVMC_SUCCESS </statusCode>

    syntax EthereumCommand ::= "#cleanup"
 // -----------------------------------------
    rule <k> #cleanup ~> (L:Label   => .) ... </k>
    rule <k> #cleanup ~> (F:Frame   => .) ... </k>
    rule <k> #cleanup ~> (I:Instr   => .) ... </k>
    rule <k> #cleanup ~> (IS:Instrs => .) ... </k>
    rule <k> #cleanup ~> (D:Defn    => .) ... </k>
    rule <k> #cleanup ~> (DS:Defns  => .) ... </k>

    rule <k> #cleanup ~> (S:Stmt SS:Stmts => S ~> SS) ... </k>

    rule <k> (#cleanup ~> E:EthereumCommand) => E ... </k>

Setting up the blockchain state

Creating accounts

    syntax EthereumCommand ::= "#createContract" CallData ModuleDecl
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #createContract ADDRESS CODE => CODE ~> #storeModuleAt CallData2Int(ADDRESS) ... </k>

    syntax EthereumCommand ::= "#storeModuleAt" CallData
 // ----------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #storeModuleAt ADDRESS => . ... </k>
         <curModIdx> CUR </curModIdx>
         => <account>
              <id> CallData2Int(ADDRESS) </id>
              <code> CUR </code>

Initializing storage.

    syntax EthereumCommand ::= "#setStorage"    CallData ":" CallData "|->" CallData
                             | "#setStorageAux" Int          Int            Int
 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    rule <k> #setStorage ADDRESS : LOC |-> VAL => #setStorageAux CallData2Int(ADDRESS) CallData2Int(LOC) CallData2Int(VAL) ... </k>
    rule <k> #setStorageAux ADDRESS LOC VAL => . ... </k>
           <id> ADDRESS </id>
           <storage> STORAGE => STORAGE[LOC <- VAL] </storage>
