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- Use ELK stack to make analyizing logs more bearable
- Blue operation: investigation of the attack itself using tools which enable is to analyse the logs.
- Red operation: re-creating attacks to see how it was carried out
- Remote Code Execution(RCE): Uploading a script that the server runs gives the attacker control over it.
- Cross-site scripting attack(XSS): Uploading an HTML file that contains an XSS code which will steal a cookie and send it back to the attacker's server.
- system() PHP function: input field is then run against the underlying operating system, and the output is displayed to the user
- Always expect detection gaps.
- Cyber Kill chain: Initial recon; initial compromise; establish foothold; escalate privileges; internal recon; move laterally; maintain presence; complete mission.
- MITRE ATT&CK: A popular framework for understanding the different techniques and tactics that threat actors perform through the kill chain
- Atomic Red Team library: a collection of red team test cases that are mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK framework.
- Performing atomic testing on Windows:
- Running attack simulation:
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Invoke-AtomicTest {MITRE Code} -ShowDetails
- -Checkprereq flag to show prerequisite.
- -TestNumbers to use the specific test.
- -cleanup to clean up the logs
- System monitor log is stored in: Event Viewer => Applications and Services => Microsoft => Windows => Sysmon => Operational
- Extensible Markup Language (XML): a commonly used method to transport and store data in a structured format that humans and machines can easily understand.
- Document Type Definition (DTD): a set of rules that defines the structure of an XML document