We are Kidlink team!
Name | Bangkit-ID | Learning Path |
Fernando Michael Hebert | M009D4KY3121 | Machine Learning |
Ghifari Ahmad | M009D4KY2516 | Machine Learning |
Bryan Ilman Raihan | M010D4KY3056 | Machine Learning |
Marcellinus Elbert | C010D4KY0892 | Cloud Computing |
Naufal Weise Widyatama | C010D4KY1145 | Cloud Computing |
Muhammad Fajar Baihaqi | A009D4KY4272 | Mobile Development |
Hoka Cristian Son | A012D4KY4243 | Mobile Development |
KidLink is a friendly app where children can communicate comfortably. KidLink aims to prevent children from experiencing verbal abuse and provide an educational platform for children to communicate in a friendly manner.
- Make sure your phone's Android version is above 8.0 (Android Oreo).
- Download the .apk file from this repository's release section, or use this link.
- To use features like making orders, you need to give location permission so our app can pin your location and show the orders on the map screen.