55 commits
to release-v7.13.x
since this release
What's Changed
- [KIECLOUD-721] - Prepare RHPAM Operators for CVE respin by @spolti in #894
- [KIECLOUD-723] - Update RHPAM and BAMOE bundle due CVE respin by @spolti in #896
- [KIECLOUD-725] - Update RHPAM and BAMOE bundle for CVE respin by @spolti in #900
- [RHPAM-4704] - NoSuchMethodException: Method setURL not found by @spolti in #903
- [RHPAM-4713] - Do not set URL envs if jdbcUrl property is not set by @spolti in #905
- Update RHPAM and BAMOE bundle for CVE respin by @davidesalerno in #909
- [KIECLOUD-731] - Bump RHPAM and BAMOE version in the next branch by @spolti in #911
- [RHPAM-4754] - Unable to set direct-verification=true individually in LDAP realm by operator by @spolti in #913
- Merge next on release by @spolti in #917
Full Changelog: 7.13.3-5...7.13.4-1