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Программа выбирает сторону победителя (Свет или Тьма), опираясь на статистические данные

После запуска программы:

  1. Напишите имя 5 героев через пробел для стороны Света (нажмите enter)
  2. Напишите имя 5 героев через пробел для стороны Тьмы (нажмите enter)
  3. Исходы: Radiant = Свет, Dire = Тьма, Pass = минимальное превосходство одного из сторон

The program selects the winning side (Radiant or Dire) based on statistical data.

After launching the program:

  1. Write the names of 5 heroes separated by spaces for the Radiant side (press enter)
  2. Write the names of 5 heroes separated by spaces for the Dire side (press enter)
  3. Outcomes: Radiant, Dire, Pass = minimal advantage of one side

List of all Dota 2 heroes (Список всех героев Dota 2): abaddon, alchemist, ancient-apparition, anti-mage, arc-warden, axe, bane, batrider, beastmaster, bloodseeker, bounty-hunter, brewmaster, bristleback, broodmother, centaur-warrunner, chaos-knight, chen, clinkz, clockwerk, crystal-maiden, dark-seer, dark-willow, dazzle, death-prophet, disruptor, doom, dragon-knight, drow-ranger, earth-spirit, earthshaker, elder-titan, ember-spirit, enchantress, enigma, faceless-void, grimstroke, gyrocopter, huskar, invoker, io, jakiro, juggernaut, keeper-of-the-light, kunkka, legion-commander, leshrac, lich, lifestealer, lina, lion, lone-druid, luna, lycan, magnus, mars, medusa, meepo, mirana, monkey-king, morphling, naga-siren, nature's-prophet, necrophos, night-stalker, nyx-assassin, ogre-magi, omniknight, oracle, outworld-destroyer, pangolier, phantom-assassin, phantom-lancer, phoenix, puck, pudge, pugna, queen-of-pain, razor, riki, rubick, sand-king, shadow-demon, shadow-fiend, shadow-shaman, silencer, skywrath-mage, slardar, slark, snapfire, sniper, spectre, spirit-breaker, storm-spirit, sven, techies, templar-assassin, terrorblade, tidehunter, timbersaw, tinker, tiny, treant-protector, troll-warlord, tusk, underlord, undying, ursa, vengeful-spirit, venomancer, viper, visage, void-spirit, warlock, weaver, windranger, winter-wyvern, witch-doctor, wraith-king


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