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111 lines (86 loc) · 3.75 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (86 loc) · 3.75 KB

#Alt text

  1. Support Hierarchical Data Format, HDF5/NetCDF4 and Rich Parallel I/O Interface in Spark
  2. Optimize I/O Performance on HPC with Lustre Filesystems Tuning

Input and Output

  1. Input is a HDF5 file
  2. Output is a RDD object

#Download and Compile H5Spark

  1. git clone
  2. cd h5spark
  3. module load sbt (if on NERSC's machine, if not, please install sbt first)
  4. sbt package

#Use in Pyspark Scripts

Add the h5spark path to your python path:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:path_to_h5spark/src/main/python/h5spark

Then your python codes will be like so:

from pyspark import SparkContext
import os,sys
import h5py
import read

def test_h5sparkReadsingle():
     sc = SparkContext(appName="h5sparktest")
     print "rdd count:",rdd.count()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Current h5spark python read API:

Read single file:

h5read(sc,(file,dataset),mode='single', partitions)

Read multiple files:

Takes in a list of (file, dataset) tuples, one such tuple or the name of a file that contains a list of files and returns rdd with each row as a record

h5read(sc,file_list_or_txt_file,mode='multi', partitions)

Besides, we do have the functions to return indexedrow and indexedrowmatrix


#Use in Scala Codes

  1. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:your_project_dir/lib
  2. cp h5spark/target/scala-2.10/h5spark_2.10-1.0.jar your_project_dir/lib/
  3. cp h5spark/lib/* your_project_dir/lib/
  4. Then in your codes, you can use it like:

object readtest {
 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    var logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
    val sc = new SparkContext()
    val rdd = read.h5read (sc,"oceanTemps.h5","temperatures", 3000)
    val count= rdd.count()"\nRDD_Count: "+count+" , Total number of rows of all hdf5 files\n")


Current h5spark scala read API supports:

val rdd = read.h5read_point (sc, inputpath, variablename, partition) //load n-D data into RDD[(value:Double,key:Long)]
val rdd = read.h5read (sc, inputpath, variablename, partition) //load n-D data into RDD[Array[Double]]
val rdd = read.h5read_vec (sc,inputpath, variablename, partition) //Load n-D data into RDD[DenseVector] 
val rdd = read.h5read_irow (sc,inputpath, variablename, partition) //Load n-D data into RDD[IndexedRow] 
val rdd = read.h5read_imat (sc,inputpath, variablename, partition) //Load n-D data into IndexedRowMatrix

#Sample Batch Job Script on Cori If you have an NERSC account(email to get one), you can try with the batch scripts:

  1. Python version: sbatch
  2. Scala version: sbatch

#Questions and Support

  1. If you are using NERSC's machine, please feel free to email
  2. If not, you can send your questions to

#Citation J.L. Liu, E. Racah, Q. Koziol, R. S. Canon, A. Gittens, L. Gerhardt, S. Byna, M. F. Ringenburg, Prabhat. "H5Spark: Bridging the I/O Gap between Spark and Scientific Data Formats on HPC Systems", Cray User Group, 2016, (Paper, Slides, Bib)


  1. Tested at full scale on Cori phase 1, with 1600 nodes, 51200 cores. H5Spark took 2 minutes to load 16 TBs HDF5 2D data
  2. H5Spark takes 35 seconds in loading 2 TB data, while MPI uses 15 seconds.