- Support Hierarchical Data Format, HDF5/NetCDF4 and Rich Parallel I/O Interface in Spark
- Optimize I/O Performance on HPC with Lustre Filesystems Tuning
- Input is a HDF5 file
- Output is a RDD object
#Download and Compile H5Spark
- git clone https://github.com/valiantljk/h5spark.git
- cd h5spark
- module load sbt (if on NERSC's machine, if not, please install sbt first)
- sbt package
#Use in Pyspark Scripts
Add the h5spark path to your python path:
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:path_to_h5spark/src/main/python/h5spark
Then your python codes will be like so:
from pyspark import SparkContext
import os,sys
import h5py
import read
def test_h5sparkReadsingle():
sc = SparkContext(appName="h5sparktest")
print "rdd count:",rdd.count()
if __name__ == '__main__':
Current h5spark python read API:
Read single file:
h5read(sc,(file,dataset),mode='single', partitions)
Read multiple files:
Takes in a list of (file, dataset) tuples, one such tuple or the name of a file that contains a list of files and returns rdd with each row as a record
h5read(sc,file_list_or_txt_file,mode='multi', partitions)
Besides, we do have the functions to return indexedrow and indexedrowmatrix
#Use in Scala Codes
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:your_project_dir/lib
- cp h5spark/target/scala-2.10/h5spark_2.10-1.0.jar your_project_dir/lib/
- cp h5spark/lib/* your_project_dir/lib/
- Then in your codes, you can use it like:
import org.nersc.io._
object readtest {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
val sc = new SparkContext()
val rdd = read.h5read (sc,"oceanTemps.h5","temperatures", 3000)
val count= rdd.count()
logger.info("\nRDD_Count: "+count+" , Total number of rows of all hdf5 files\n")
Current h5spark scala read API supports:
val rdd = read.h5read_point (sc, inputpath, variablename, partition) //load n-D data into RDD[(value:Double,key:Long)]
val rdd = read.h5read (sc, inputpath, variablename, partition) //load n-D data into RDD[Array[Double]]
val rdd = read.h5read_vec (sc,inputpath, variablename, partition) //Load n-D data into RDD[DenseVector]
val rdd = read.h5read_irow (sc,inputpath, variablename, partition) //Load n-D data into RDD[IndexedRow]
val rdd = read.h5read_imat (sc,inputpath, variablename, partition) //Load n-D data into IndexedRowMatrix
#Sample Batch Job Script on Cori If you have an NERSC account(email consult@nersc.gov to get one), you can try with the batch scripts:
- Python version: sbatch spark-python.sh
- Scala version: sbatch spark-scala.sh
#Questions and Support
- If you are using NERSC's machine, please feel free to email consult@nersc.gov
- If not, you can send your questions to jalnliu@lbl.gov
#Citation J.L. Liu, E. Racah, Q. Koziol, R. S. Canon, A. Gittens, L. Gerhardt, S. Byna, M. F. Ringenburg, Prabhat. "H5Spark: Bridging the I/O Gap between Spark and Scientific Data Formats on HPC Systems", Cray User Group, 2016, (Paper, Slides, Bib)
- Tested at full scale on Cori phase 1, with 1600 nodes, 51200 cores. H5Spark took 2 minutes to load 16 TBs HDF5 2D data
- H5Spark takes 35 seconds in loading 2 TB data, while MPI uses 15 seconds.