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178 lines (112 loc) · 7.32 KB
  • Version 19:

    • Minor changes to rfp-run, made during CHIME commissioning
  • Version 18:

    • Very minor changes, needed for consistency with bonsai v13
  • Version 17:

    • Very minor changes, needed for consistency with bonsai v12
  • Version 16:

    • In v16, the low-level logic in rf_pipelines was largely rewritten! The low-level building blocks (streams, transforms, etc.) have a different API now, and any "pre-v16" code will need substantial changes to work "post-v16".

      To make matters worse, due to the CHIME pre-deployment scramble, the changes are mostly undocumented, and some pre-v16 functionality is not working yet. See for current status.

      In summary, everything is a little unstable right now, but will hopefully converge to something stable, well-tested, and documented in a few more revisions.

      This enormous commit is part of the "2017 Mega Merge" affecting many parts of the CHIMEFRB pipeline.

  • Version 15:

    • From Maya: multi-tree bonsai plotter

    • From Masoud: integration with L1B (Alex Josephy's event grouping/sifting code)

  • Version 14:

    • Minor changes to bonsai_dedipserser, following API changes in bonsai v9.

    • From Maya: integration of frb_injector and variance_estimator transforms

    • From Maya: improved bonsai trigger plot cosmetics to make events above detection threshold visually apparent.

  • Version 13:

    • From Dustin: new stream class to read CHIMEFRB msgpack files.

    • From Maya: new transform (variance_estimator) to estimate per-channel, slowly varying variance from RFI-masked data.

    • From Maya: new transform (mask_filler) to fill in the RFI mask with simulated Gaussian noise, given variance_estimator output from a previous pipeline run.

    • The bonsai_dedisperser can now be constructed from a .txt config file (.hdf5 is no longer necessary). It still uses the analytic_weights, but can compute them on the fly if needed, rather than needing to read them from an hdf5 config file.

    • Minor updates to bonsai_dedisperser, needed to stay in sync with bonsai v8.

    • Rename "time" field in JSON output to "cpu_time", to avoid confusion with timestamp-like fields.

  • Version 12:

    • Backwards-incompatible: the boolean 'noisy' argument to has been replaced with an integer-valued 'verbosity' argument (see docstring or comments for details).

    • From Maya: new python bonsai_dedisperser which makes zoomable plots for the web viewer.

    • From Masoud: remove 'imitate_cpp=False' option from python RFI transforms, now that C++ transform logic has been validated

    • Minor internal changes reflecting API changes in bonsai v7.

  • Version 11:

    • Backwards-incompatible: The 'simd_helpers' library ( is now a prerequisite.

    • Backwards-incompatible: names of three core transforms have been changed

      • legendre_detrender -> polynomial_detrender
      • clipper_transform -> intensity_clipper
      • std_dev_filter -> std_dev_clipper
    • Assembly language kernels! The three core transforms above now have fast implementations, written in C++ with assembly language kernel "cores". The CHIME RFI removal is now faster by a factor 30!

    • From Masoud: lots of tweaks to RFI removal scheme. Most of the CHIME RFI code has now been moved to a new repository 'ch_frb_rfi':

    • From Maya: plotter_transform now has zoom levels, for use in zoomable web viewer.

  • Version 10:

    • Network streams:

      • New stream class chime_network_stream which receives packetized intensity data
    • New transform chime_packetizer which sends packetized data

    • New example (examples/example5_network) to illustrate how these are used

    • Example scripts (examples/example5_network) illustrating python interface to chimefrb networking code.

    • Internal API changes which should only affect you if you're writing new streams (I don't think anyone is currently doing this, but let me know if you'd like more details)

  • Version 9:

    • From Masoud: New transform mask_expander (masks out weights, relative to a threshold value in 2D, in 1D along the time axis, or in 1D along the frequency axis)
  • Version 8:

    • Backwards-incompatible: jsoncpp library now required (see for installation instructions)

    • Backwards-incompatible: it's now considered an error to use the same transform twice in a pipeline. This was necessary in order to implement automatic timing of transforms.

    • Backwards-incompatible: transforms must initialize in their constructors.

    • Potentially backwards-incompatible: transforms which write output files should do so through a new interface (transform.add_file(), transform.add_plot())

    • Streams can now be written in python (not just transforms).

    • Pipelines now write a JSON file containing summary information such as which plots were written. This is intended to be the input to a browser-based pipeline "viewer" being written by Masoud.

    • syntax changed in a backwards-compatible way, with optional arguments to control the placement of output files, and retrieve the summary json data.

  • Version 7:

    • From Alex Josephy: four new transforms

    • std_dev_filter: masks freqs whose standard deviation deviates from the others by some sigma

      • kurtosis_filter: masks channels on the basis of excess kurtosis
    • thermal_noise_weight: optimally weight channels assuming thermal noise (from Kiyo's ch_L1Mock)

      • RC_detrender: bidirectional high-pass filter designed to remove noise source "steps"
    • From Alex Jospehy: code to group bonsai triggers to form L1 events

    • Bugfix: postpadded transforms didn't work in python (reported by Alex Josephy)

  • Version 6:

    • From Masoud: New transform legendre_detrender (polynomial fitting along either time or frequency axis)

    • From Masoud: New transform clipper_transform (clips outlier intensities, relative to a variance estimate which can be computed either in 2D, in 1D along the time axis, or in 1D along the frequency axis)

  • Version 5:

    • The bonsai trigger hdf5 file output can now be generated in multifile mode. Previously all triggers were written to one "monster file" of unbounded size. Multifile mode is needed for long-running network streams, and also makes the rf_pipelines trigger plots easier to interpret, since they can be generated in 1-1 correspondence with intensity waterfall plots. (See example3_chime for an example)
  • Version 4:

    • plotter_transform: fix bug which sometimes caused outlier intensities to be superfluously masked

    • plotter_transform: determine color mapping using outlier-clipped mean/variance (without this, the plots were sometimes misleading!)

  • Version 3:

    • From Masoud: New transform badchannel_mask, which reads a text file containing a list of bad frequency ranges, and masks channels which overlap (currently python-only)
  • Version 2:

    • new transform chime_file_writer, which writes a stream to disk in CHIME hdf5 format.

    • fix end-of-stream bug in plotter transform