BEAM (Bogumil’s/Björn’s Abstract Machine) is the machine that executes the code in the Erlang Runtime System. It is a garbage collecting, reduction counting, virtual, non-preemptive, directly threaded, register machine. If that doesn’t tell you much, don’t worry, in the following sections we will go through what each of those words means in this context.
The virtual machine, BEAM, is at the heart of the Erlang node. It is the BEAM that executes the Erlang code. That is, it is BEAM that executes your application code. Understanding how BEAM executes the code is vital to be able to profile and tune your code.
The BEAM design influences large parts of the rest of ERTS. The primitives for scheduling influences the Scheduler ([CH-Scheduling]), the representation of Erlang terms and the interaction with the memory influences the Garbage Collector ([CH-Memory]). By understanding the basic design of BEAM you will more easily understand the implementations of these other components.
As opposed to its predecessor JAM (Joe’s Abstract Machine) which was a stack machine, the BEAM is a register machine loosely based on WAM [warren]. In a stack machine each operand to an instruction is first pushed to the working stack, then the instruction pops its arguments and then it pushes the result on the stack.
Stack machines are quite popular among virtual machine and programming language implementers since they are quite easy to generate code for, and the code becomes very compact. The compiler does not need to do any register allocation, and most operations do not need any arguments (in the instruction stream).
Compiling the expression "8 + 17 * 2." to a stack machine could yield code like:
push 8 push 17 push 2 multiply add
This code can be generated directly from the parse tree of
the expression. By using Erlang expression and the modules
can build the world’s most simplistic compiler.
compile(String) ->
[ParseTree] = element(2,
generate_code({op, _Line, '+', Arg1, Arg2}) ->
generate_code(Arg1) ++ generate_code(Arg2) ++ [add];
generate_code({op, _Line, '*', Arg1, Arg2}) ->
generate_code(Arg1) ++ generate_code(Arg2) ++ [multiply];
generate_code({integer, _Line, I}) -> [push, I].
And an even more simplistic virtual stack machine:
interpret(Code) -> interpret(Code, []).
interpret([push, I |Rest], Stack) -> interpret(Rest, [I|Stack]);
interpret([add |Rest], [Arg2, Arg1|Stack]) -> interpret(Rest, [Arg1+Arg2|Stack]);
interpret([multiply|Rest], [Arg2, Arg1|Stack]) -> interpret(Rest, [Arg1*Arg2|Stack]);
interpret([], [Res|_]) -> Res.
And a quick test run gives us the answer:
1> stack_machine:interpret(stack_machine:compile("8 + 17 * 2.")).
Great, you have built your first virtual machine! Handling subtraction, division and the rest of the Erlang language is left as an exercise for the reader.
Anyway, the BEAM is not a stack machine, it is a register machine. In a register machine instruction operands are stored in registers instead of the stack, and the result of an operation usually ends up in a specific register.
Most register machines do still have a stack used for passing arguments to functions and saving return addresses. BEAM has both a stack and registers, but just as in WAM the stack slots are accessible through registers called Y-registers. BEAM also has a number of X-registers, and a special register X0 (sometimes also called R0) which works as an accumulator where results are stored.
The X registers are used as argument registers for function calls and register X0 is used for the return value.
The X registers are stored in a C-array in the BEAM emulator and they are globally accessible from all functions. The X0 register is cached in a local variable mapped to a physical machine register in the native machine on most architectures.
The Y registers are stored in the stack frame of the caller and only accessible by the calling functions. To save a value across a function call BEAM allocates a stack slot for it in the current stack frame and then moves the value to a Y register.
hend -> +----+ - |....| (fp) -> | AN | (y0) -> | | (y1) -> | | stop -> | | | | | | htop -> | | |....| |....| heap -> +----+ +----+ X1000 | | X999 | | ... .... X2 | | X1 | | (X0) | | +----+
Let us compile the following program with the 'S' flag:
add(A,B) -> id(A) + id(B).
id(I) -> I.
Then we get the following code for the add function:
{function, add, 2, 2}.
Here we can see that the code (starting at label 2) first allocates a
stack slot, to get space to save the argument B
over the function
call id(A)
. The value is then saved by the instruction
(read as move x1
to y0
or in imperative style: y0
:= x1
The id function (at label f4) is then called by
. (We will come back to what the argument "1" stands for later.)
Then the result of the call (now in X0
needs to be saved on the stack (Y0
), but the argument B
is saved in Y0
. Fortunately there is now a swap
instruction to handle this case.
Now we have the second argument B
in x0
(the first
argument register) and we can call the id
again {call,1,{f,4}}
After the call x0 contains id(B)
and y0
contains id(A)
now we can do the addition: {gc_bif,'+',{f,0},1,[{y,0},{x,0}],{x,0}}
(We will go into the details of BIF calls and GC later.)
Except for the x and y registers, there are a number of special purpose registers:
Htop - The top of the heap.
E - The top of the stack.
CP - Continuation Pointer, i.e. function return address
I - instruction pointer
fcalls - reduction counter
These registers are cached versions of the corresponding fields in the PCB.
The instruction decoder in BEAM is implemented with a technique called directly threaded code. In this context the word threaded has nothing to do with OS threads, concurrency or parallelism. It is the execution path which is threaded through the virtual machine itself.
If we take a look at our naive stack machine for arithmetic expressions we see that we use Erlang atoms and pattern matching to decode which instruction to execute. This is a very heavy machinery to just decode machine instructions. In a real machine we would code each instruction as a "machine word" integer.
We can rewrite our stack machine to be a byte code machine implemented in C. First we rewrite the compiler so that it produces byte codes. This is pretty straight forward, just replace each instruction encoded as an atom with a byte representing the instruction. To be able to handle integers larger than 255 we encode integers with a size byte followed by the integer encoded in bytes.
compile(Expression, FileName) ->
[ParseTree] = element(2,
file:write_file(FileName, generate_code(ParseTree) ++ [stop()]).
generate_code({op, _Line, '+', Arg1, Arg2}) ->
generate_code(Arg1) ++ generate_code(Arg2) ++ [add()];
generate_code({op, _Line, '*', Arg1, Arg2}) ->
generate_code(Arg1) ++ generate_code(Arg2) ++ [multiply()];
generate_code({integer, _Line, I}) -> [push(), integer(I)].
stop() -> 0.
add() -> 1.
multiply() -> 2.
push() -> 3.
integer(I) ->
L = binary_to_list(binary:encode_unsigned(I)),
[length(L) | L].
Now lets write a simple virtual machine in C. The full code can be found in [AP-listings].
#define STOP 0
#define ADD 1
#define MUL 2
#define PUSH 3
#define pop() (stack[--sp])
#define push(X) (stack[sp++] = X)
int run(char *code) {
int stack[1000];
int sp = 0, size = 0, val = 0;
char *ip = code;
while (*ip != STOP) {
switch (*ip++) {
case ADD: push(pop() + pop()); break;
case MUL: push(pop() * pop()); break;
case PUSH:
size = *ip++;
val = 0;
while (size--) { val = val * 256 + *ip++; }
return pop();
You see, a virtual machine written in C does not need to
be very complicated. This machine is just a loop checking
the byte code at each instruction by looking at the value
pointed to by the instruction pointer (ip
For each byte code instruction it will switch on the instruction byte
code and jump to the case which executes the instruction. This
requires a decoding of the instruction and then a jump to the correct
code. If we look at the assembly for vsm.c (gcc -S vsm.c
) we see
the inner loop of the decoder:
L11: movl -16(%ebp), %eax movzbl (%eax), %eax movsbl %al, %eax addl $1, -16(%ebp) cmpl $2, %eax je L7 cmpl $3, %eax je L8 cmpl $1, %eax jne L5
It has to compare the byte code with each instruction code and then do a conditional jump. In a real machine with many instructions this can become quite expensive.
A better solution would be to have a table with the address of the code then we could just use an index into the table to load the address and jump without the need to do a compare. This technique is sometimes called token threaded code. Taking this a step further we can actually store the address of the function implementing the instruction in the code memory. This is called subroutine threaded code.
This approach will make the decoding simpler at runtime, but it makes the whole VM more complicated by requiring a loader. The loader replaces the byte code instructions with addresses to functions implementing the instructions.
A loader might look like:
typedef void (*instructionp_t)(void);
instructionp_t *read_file(char *name) {
FILE *file;
instructionp_t *code;
instructionp_t *cp;
long size;
char ch;
unsigned int val;
file = fopen(name, "r");
if(file == NULL) exit(1);
fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(file);
code = calloc(size, sizeof(instructionp_t));
if(code == NULL) exit(1);
cp = code;
fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET);
while ( ( ch = fgetc(file) ) != EOF )
switch (ch) {
case ADD: *cp++ = &add; break;
case MUL: *cp++ = &mul; break;
case PUSH:
*cp++ = &pushi;
ch = fgetc(file);
val = 0;
while (ch--) { val = val * 256 + fgetc(file); }
*cp++ = (instructionp_t) val;
*cp = &stop;
return code;
As we can see, we do more work at load time here, including the decoding of integers larger than 255. (Yes, I know, the code is not safe for very large integers.)
The decode and dispatch loop of the VM becomes quite simple though:
int run() {
sp = 0;
running = 1;
while (running) (*ip++)();
return pop();
Then we just need to implement the instructions:
void add() { int x,y; x = pop(); y = pop(); push(x + y); }
void mul() { int x,y; x = pop(); y = pop(); push(x * y); }
void pushi(){ int x; x = (int)*ip++; push(x); }
void stop() { running = 0; }
In BEAM this concept is taken one step further, and BEAM uses directly threaded code (sometimes called only thread code). In directly threaded code the call and return sequence is replaced by direct jumps to the implementation of the next instruction. In order to implement this in C, BEAM uses the GCC extension "labels as values".
We will look closer at the BEAM emulator later but we will take a
quick look at how the add instruction is implemented. The code is
somewhat hard to follow due to the heavy usage of macros. The
macro actually hides the dispatch function which
looks something like: I += 4; Goto(*I);
#define OpCase(OpCode) lb_##OpCode
#define Goto(Rel) goto *(Rel)
Eterm result;
if (is_both_small(tmp_arg1, tmp_arg2)) {
Sint i = signed_val(tmp_arg1) + signed_val(tmp_arg2);
if (MY_IS_SSMALL(i)) {
result = make_small(i);
arith_func = ARITH_FUNC(mixed_plus);
goto do_big_arith2;
To make it a little easier to understand how the BEAM dispatcher is implemented let us take a somewhat imaginary example. We will start with some real external BEAM code but then I will invent some internal BEAM instructions and implement them in C.
If we start with a simple add function in Erlang:
add(A,B) -> id(A) + id(B).
Compiled to BEAM code this will look like:
{function, add, 2, 2}.
(See add.erl and add.S in [AP-listings] for the full code.)
Now if we zoom in on the three instructions between the function calls in this code:
This code first saves the return value of the function call (x0
) in a
new register (x1
). Then it moves the caller saves register (y0
) to
the first argument register (x0
). Finally it moves the saved value in
x1 to the caller save register (y0
) so that it will survive the next
function call.
Imagine that we would implement three instruction in BEAM called
, move_yx
, and move_xy
(These instructions does not exist
in the BEAM we just use them to illustrate this example):
#define OpCase(OpCode) lb_##OpCode
#define Goto(Rel) goto *((void *)Rel)
#define Arg(N) (Eterm *) I[(N)+1]
x(Arg(1)) = x(Arg(0));
I += 3;
OpCase(move_yx): {
x(Arg(1)) = y(Arg(0));
I += 3;
OpCase(move_xy): {
y(Arg(1)) = x(Arg(0));
I += 3;
Note that the star in goto *
does not mean dereference, the
expression means jump to an address pointer, we should really write it
as goto*
Now imagine that the compiled C code for these instructions end up at
memory addresses 0x3000, 0x3100, and 0x3200. When the BEAM code is
loaded the three move instructions in the code will be replaced by the
memory addresses of the implementation of the instructions. Imagine
that the code ({move,{x,0},{x,1}}, {move,{y,0},{x,0}},
) is loaded at address 0x1000:
/ 0x1000: 0x3000 -> 0x3000: OpCase(move_xx): x(Arg(1)) = x(Arg(0)) {move,{x,0},{x,1}} { 0x1004: 0x0 I += 3; \ 0x1008: 0x1 Goto(*I); / 0x100c: 0x3100 {move,{y,0},{x,0}} { 0x1010: 0x0 \ 0x1014: 0x0 / 0x1018: 0x3200 {move,{x,1},{y,0}} { 0x101c: 0x1 \ 0x1020: 0x0
The word at address 0x1000 points to the implementation of
the move_xx instruction. If the register I
contains the instruction
pointer, pointing to 0x1000 then the dispatch will be to fetch *I
(i.e. 0x3000) and jump to that address. (goto* *I
In [CH-Instructions] we will look more closely at some real BEAM instructions and how they are implemented.
Most modern multi-threading operating systems use preemptive scheduling. This means that the operating system decides when to switch from one process to another, regardless of what the process is doing. This protects the other processes from a process misbehaving by not yielding in time.
In cooperative multitasking which uses a non-preemptive scheduler the running process decides when to yield. This has the advantage that the yielding process can do so in a known state.
For example in a language such as Erlang with dynamic memory management and tagged values, an implementation may be designed such that a process only yields when there are no untagged values in working memory.
Take the add instruction as an example, to add two Erlang integers, the emulator first has to untag the integers, then add them together and then tag the result as an integer. If a fully preemptive scheduler is used there would be no guarantee that the process isn’t suspended while the integers are untagged. Or the process could be suspended while it is creating a tuple on the heap, leaving us with half a tuple. This would make it very hard to traverse a suspended process stack and heap.
On the language level all processes are running concurrently and the programmer should not have to deal with explicit yields. BEAM solves this by keeping track of how long a process has been running. This is done by counting reductions. The term originally comes from the mathematical term beta-reduction used in lambda calculus.
The definition of a reduction in BEAM is not very specific, but we can see it as a small piece of work, which shouldn’t take too long. Each function call is counted as a reduction. BEAM does a test upon entry to each function to check whether the process has used up all its reductions or not. If there are reductions left the function is executed otherwise the process is suspended.
Since there are no loops in Erlang, only tail-recursive function calls, it is very hard to write a program that does any significant amount of work without using up its reductions.
There are some BIFs that can run for a long time only using 1
reduction, like Also, if you write your own NIFs, make sure they can yield and that they bump the reduction counter by an amount proportional to their run time. |
We will go through the details of how the scheduler works in [CH-Scheduling].
Erlang supports garbage collection; as an Erlang programmer you do not need to do explicit memory management. On the BEAM level, though, the code is responsible for checking for stack and heap overrun, and for allocating enough space on the stack and the heap.
The BEAM instruction test_heap
will ensure that there is as much
space on the heap as requested. If needed the instruction will call
the garbage collector to reclaim space on the heap. The garbage
collector in turn will call the lower levels of the memory subsystem
to allocate or free memory as needed. We will look at the details
of memory management and garbage collection in [CH-Memory].
The BEAM is a virtual machine, by that we mean that it is implemented in software instead of in hardware. There has been projects to implement the BEAM by FPGA, and there is nothing stopping anyone from implementing the BEAM in hardware. A better description might be to call the BEAM an Abstract machine, and see it as blueprint for a machine which can execute BEAM code. And, in fact, the "am" in BEAM stands for "Abstract Machine".
In this book we will make no distinction between abstract machines, and virtual machines or their implementation. In a more formal setting an abstract machine is a theoretical model of a computer, and a virtual machine is either a software implementation of an abstract machine or a software emulator of a real physical machine.
Unfortunately there exist no official specification of the BEAM, it is currently only defined by the implementation in Erlang/OTP. If you want to implement your own BEAM you would have to try to mimic the current implementation not knowing which parts are essential and which parts are accidental. You would have to mimic every observable behavior to be sure that you have a valid BEAM interpreter.