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Introducing the Erlang Runtime System

Technically, BEAM only refers to the Abstract Machine model used for compiling, shipping, and executing Erlang code in the form of BEAM bytecode instructions, just like JVM is an abstract machine for Java, and you should be able to run the same compiled bytecode on any compliant implementation of the VM.

Writing a naive interpreter or even a basic JIT compiler to run some bytecode is however a relatively small task — just the tip of the iceberg. To do all that is expected of an industrial strength programming language, much more is required in the form of automatic memory management, efficient I/O, process scheduling, multicore utilization, OS signals, networking, file system integration, time handling, etc. This part — everything hidden under the water — is known as the Runtime System. In casual talk however, we often refer to the BEAM VM (and the JVM) as meaning the abstract machine including everything that makes it tick.

The Erlang RunTime System — ERTS — is a complex system with many interdependent components. It is written in the C Programming Language, in a very portable way so that it can run on anything from a gum stick computer to the largest multicore system with terabytes of memory. On top of this runs the BEAM virtual machine, which will be described in more detail in The Erlang Virtual Machine: BEAM.

ERTS and the Erlang Runtime System

There is a difference between any Erlang Runtime System and a specific implementation of an Erlang Runtime System. Erlang/OTP by Ericsson is the de facto standard implementation of the Erlang Runtime System and the BEAM. In this book I will refer to this implementation as ERTS or spelled out Erlang RunTime System with a capital T. (See ERTS for a definition of OTP).

There is no official definition of what an Erlang Runtime System is, or what an Erlang Virtual Machine is. You could sort of imagine what such an ideal Platonic system would look like by taking ERTS and removing all the implementation specific details. This is unfortunately a circular definition, since you need to know the general definition to be able to identify an implementation specific detail. In the Erlang world we are usually too pragmatic to worry about this.

We will try to use the term Erlang Runtime System to refer to the general idea of any Erlang Runtime System as opposed to the specific implementation by Ericsson which we call the Erlang RunTime System or usually just ERTS.

Note This book is mostly a book about ERTS in particular and only to a small extent about any general Erlang Runtime System. If you assume that we talk about the Ericsson implementation unless it is clearly stated that we are talking about a general principle you will probably be right.

How to read this book

In [P-Running] of this book we will look at how to operate ERTS, how to connect to and inspect a running system, and how to profile and debug your application and the runtime system. In order to really know how to tune the system you need to know what it does. In [P-ERTS] of this book you will get a deep understanding of how the runtime system works.

The following chapters will go over each component of the system by itself. You should be able to read any one of these chapters without having a full understanding of how the other components are implemented, but you will need a basic understanding of what each component is. The rest of this introductory chapter should give you enough basic understanding and vocabulary to be able to jump between the rest of the chapters in part I in any order you like.

However, if you have the time, read the book in order the first time. Words that are specific to Erlang and ERTS or used in a specific way in this book are usually explained at their first occurrence. Then, when you know the vocabulary, you can come back and use Part I as a reference whenever you have a problem with a particular component.


This section will give you a basic overview of the main components of ERTS and some vocabulary needed to understand the more detailed descriptions of each component in the following chapters.

The Erlang Node

When you start an Erlang or Elixir system, you get an OS process running the Erlang Runtime System, and inside that OS process, the BEAM VM is executing a number of Erlang processes. Such a running instance of the Runtime System is referred to as an Erlang node (regardless of whether it runs ERTS or another implementation of Erlang — see Alternative Erlang Implementations), and it can be given a name to distinguish it from other Erlang nodes that may be running in the same network or even on the same host machine. The equivalent in the Java world is a JVM instance; however, Erlang also has a built-in concept of transparent distribution, and Erlang nodes can be connected to each other in a cluster across the network.

Your BEAM application code will thus always be executing within the context of an Erlang node, and all the layers of the node will affect the performance of your application. We will look at the stack of layers that makes up a node. This will help you understand your options for running your system in different environments.

To be completely correct according to the Erlang OTP documentation, a node is actually an executing runtime system that has been given a name and is ready to participate in a cluster. That is, if you start Elixir without giving a name through one of the command line switches --name NAME@HOST or --sname NAME (or -name and -sname for an Erlang runtime) you will strictly speaking have a runtime but not a node. In such a system the function Node.alive? (or in Erlang is_alive()) returns false.

$ iex
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.1] [source-0567896] [64-bit] [smp:4:4]
              [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Interactive Elixir (1.4.0) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> Node.alive?

The runtime system itself is not that strict in its use of the terminology. You can ask for the name of the node even if you didn’t give it a name. In Elixir you use the function Node.list with the argument :this, and in Erlang you can call nodes(this) or just node():

iex(2)> Node.list :this

In this book we will use the term node for any running instance of the runtime whether it is given a name or not.

In [P-ERTS] of this book you will learn all about the components of ERTS. In [P-Running], we describe how to run, inspect, debug, and profile an Erlang node. For information on how to build Erlang from source, see [AP-BuildingERTS].

Layers in the Execution Environment

Your application(s) will run in one or more nodes, and the performance of your program will depend not only on your application code but also on all the layers below your code in the ERTS stack. In ERTS Stack you can see the ERTS Stack illustrated with two Erlang nodes running on one machine.

ERTS Stack
       Node1              Node2

 +------+ +------+  +------+ +------+
 | App1 | | App2 |  | App1 | | App3 |
 +------+-+------+  +------+-+------+
 |      OTP      |  |      OTP      |
 +---------------+  +---------------+
 |      BEAM     |  |      BEAM     |
 +---------------+  +---------------+
 |      ERTS     |  |      ERTS     |
 |                OS                |
 |             HW or VM             |

If you are using Elixir there is yet another layer to the stack.

Elixir Stack
  Node1     Node2

 +------+  +------+
 | Apps |  | Apps |
 +------+  +------+
 |Elixir|  |Elixir|
 +------+  +------+
 | OTP  |  | OTP  |
 +------+  +------+
 | BEAM |  | BEAM |
 +------+  +------+
 | ERTS |  | ERTS |
 |       OS       |
 |    HW or VM    |

Let’s look at each layer of the stack and see how you can tune them to your application’s need.

At the bottom of the stack there is the hardware you are running on. The easiest way to improve the performance of your app is probably to run it on better hardware. You might need to start exploring higher levels of the stack if economical or physical constraints or environmental concerns won’t let you upgrade your hardware.

The two most important choices for your hardware is whether it is multicore and whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit. You need different builds of ERTS depending on whether you want to use multicore or not and whether you want to use 32-bit or 64-bit.

The second layer in the stack is the OS level. ERTS runs on most versions of Windows and most POSIX "compliant" operating systems, including Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, and Mac OS X. Today most of the development of ERTS is done on Linux and OS X, and you can expect the best performance on these platforms. However, Ericsson has been using Solaris internally in many projects and ERTS has been tuned for Solaris for many years. Depending on your use case you might actually get the best performance on a Solaris system. The OS choice is usually not based on performance requirements, but is restricted by other factors. If you are building an embedded application you might be restricted to Raspbian and if you for some reason are building an end user or client application you might have to use Windows. The Windows port of ERTS has so far not had the highest priority and might not be the best choice from a performance or maintenance perspective. If you want to use a 64-bit ERTS you of course need to have both a 64-bit machine and a 64-bit OS. We will not cover many OS specific questions in this book, and most examples will be assuming that you run on Linux.

The third layer in the stack is the Erlang Runtime System. In our case this will be ERTS. This and the fourth layer, the Erlang Virtual Machine (BEAM), is what this book is all about.

The fifth layer, OTP, supplies the Erlang standard libraries. OTP originally stood for "Open Telecom Platform" and was a number of Erlang libraries supplying building blocks (such as supervisor, gen_server and gen_tcp) for building robust applications (such as telephony exchanges). Early on, the libraries and the meaning of OTP got intermingled with all the other standard libraries shipped with ERTS. Nowadays most people use OTP together with Erlang in "Erlang/OTP" as the name for ERTS and all Erlang libraries shipped by Ericsson. Knowing these standard libraries and how and when to use them can greatly improve the performance of your application. This book will not go into any details of the standard libraries and OTP, there are many other books that cover these aspects.

If you are running an Elixir program the sixth layer provides the Elixir environment and the Elixir libraries.

Finally, the seventh layer (Apps) is your applications, and any third party libraries you use. The applications can use all the functionality provided by the underlying layers. Apart from upgrading your hardware this is probably the place where you most easily can improve your application’s performance. In [CH-Profiling] there are some hints and some tools that can help you profile and optimize your application. In [CH-Debugging] we will look at how to find the cause of crashing applications and how to find bugs in your application.


One of the key insights by the Erlang language designers was that in order to build a system that works 24/7 you need to be able to handle hardware failure. Therefore you need to distribute your system over at least two physical machines. You do this by starting a node on each machine and then you can connect the nodes to each other so that processes can communicate with each other across the nodes just as if they were running in the same node. See [CH-Distribution] for details about distribution.

Distributed Applications
  Node1     Node2     Node3     Node4

 +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+
 | Apps |  | Apps |  | Apps |  | Apps |
 +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+
 |Elixir|  |Elixir|  |Elixir|  |Elixir|
 +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+
 | OTP  |  | OTP  |  | OTP  |  | OTP  |
 +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+
 | BEAM |  | BEAM |  | BEAM |  | BEAM |
 +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+
 | ERTS |  | ERTS |  | ERTS |  | ERTS |
 +------+--+------+  +------+--+------+
 |       OS       |  |       OS       |
 +----------------+  +----------------+
 |    HW or VM    |  |    HW or VM    |
 |              Network               |

The Erlang Compiler

The Erlang Compiler is responsible for compiling Erlang source code, from .erl files into BEAM virtual machine code. The compiler is itself an Erlang application, written in Erlang and compiled by itself into BEAM code. In a shipped Erlang-based system (a release), the compiler might or might not be included depending on whether that system needs to be able to compile code as well as run it.

To bootstrap the runtime system, the source distribution of Erlang includes a number of precompiled BEAM files, including the compiler, in the bootstrap and erts/preloaded directories.

For more information about the compiler see [CH-Compiler].

The Erlang Virtual Machine: BEAM

BEAM is the virtual machine used for executing Erlang code, just like the JVM is used for executing Java code. BEAM code runs in the context of an Erlang Node.

BEAM: The name BEAM originally stood for Bogdan’s Erlang Abstract Machine, but nowadays most people refer to it as Björn’s Erlang Abstract Machine, after the current maintainer.

Just as ERTS is an implementation of a more general concept of a Erlang Runtime System so is BEAM an implementation of a more general Erlang Virtual Machine (EVM). There is no definition of what constitutes an EVM but BEAM actually has two levels of instructions: Generic Instructions and Specific Instructions. The generic instruction set could be seen as a blueprint for an EVM.

A detailed description of the BEAM can be found in [CH-BEAM] and the following chapters.


An Erlang process basically works like an OS process. Each process has its own private memory (a mailbox, a heap and a stack) and a process control block (PCB) with information about the process. Erlang processes are not like threads — they have no shared memory to modify, they can only communicate via messages, and from one process' point of view there is very little difference if another process runs in the same VM or is running on another node connected over the network. Erlang programs do not need locking or protected sections.

All Erlang code execution is done within the context of a process. One Erlang node can have many processes, which communicate through message passing and signals. Erlang processes can also communicate with processes on other Erlang nodes as long as the nodes are connected.

To learn more about processes and the PCB see [CH-Processes].


The Scheduler is responsible for choosing the Erlang process to execute. Basically the scheduler keeps two queues, a ready queue of processes ready to run, and a waiting queue of processes waiting to receive a message.

The scheduler picks the first process from the ready queue and hands it to BEAM for execution of one time slice. BEAM preempts the running process when the time slice is used up and moves the process back to the end of the ready queue. If the process is blocked in a receive before the time slice is used up, it gets moved to the waiting queue instead. When a process in the waiting queue receives a message or gets a time out, it is moved to the ready queue.

Erlang is concurrent by nature, that is, each process is conceptually running at the same time as all other processes, but in reality the scheduler is just running one process at a time. Hence, even on a single core machine, and even if the underlying OS does not have preemption, the BEAM is still capable of running the same Erlang programs with hundreds of thousands of concurrent processes.

On a multicore machine, Erlang will automatically run more than one scheduler, in separate OS threads — usually one per physical core, each having their own run queues. If one scheduler runs out of work, it can take over some of the ready processes from the other schedulers. This way Erlang achieves true parallelism, without the programmer having to worry about it.

In reality the picture is more complicated with priorities among processes and the waiting queue is implemented through a timing wheel. All this and more is described in detail in [CH-Scheduling].

The Erlang Tag Scheme

Erlang is a dynamically typed language, and the runtime system needs a way to keep track of the type of each data object. This is done with a tagging scheme. Each data object or pointer to a data object also has a tag with information about the data type of the object.

Basically, some bits of a pointer are reserved for the tag, and the VM can then determine the type of the object by looking at the bit pattern of the tag.

These tags are used for pattern matching and for type tests and for primitive operations, as well as by the garbage collector.

The complete tagging scheme is described in [CH-TypeSystem].

Memory Handling

Erlang uses automatic memory management and the programmer does not have to think about memory allocation and deallocation. Each process has a heap and a stack, and these can both grow and shrink as needed. There are no stack size limits to worry about, and no preallocated address ranges for stacks, as there can be for OS threads. Initially, both the stack and the heap for a process are quite small, which allows you to have many thousands or even millions of processes.

When a process runs out of heap space, the VM will first try to reclaim free heap space through garbage collection. The garbage collector will then go through the process stack and heap and copy live data to a new heap while throwing away all the data that is dead. If there still isn’t enough heap space, a new larger heap will be allocated and the live data is moved there.

The details of the current generational copying garbage collector, including the handling of reference counted binaries can be found in [CH-Memory].

The Command Line Interface and the Interpreter

When you start an Erlang node with erl you get a command prompt. This is the Erlang read eval print loop (REPL) or the command line interface (CLI) or simply the Erlang shell.

You can type in Erlang expressions and execute them directly from the shell. In this case the code is not compiled to BEAM code and executed by the BEAM. Instead, the code is parsed and interpreted by the Erlang interpreter. In general, the interpreted code behaves exactly as compiled code, but there are a few subtle differences — in particular, the interpreted code is slower. These differences and all other aspects of the shell are explained in [CH-Ops].

Alternative Erlang Implementations

This book is mainly concerned with the "standard" Erlang implementation by Ericsson/OTP called ERTS, but there are a few other implementations available and in this section we will look at some of them briefly.

Erlang on Xen

Erlang on Xen ( is an Erlang implementation running directly on server hardware with no OS layer in between, only a thin Xen client.

Ling, the virtual machine of Erlang on Xen is almost 100% binary compatible with BEAM. In Erlang On Xen you can see how the Erlang on Xen implementation of the Erlang Solution Stack differs from the ERTS Stack. The thing to note here is that there is no operating system in the Erlang on Xen stack.

Since Ling implements the generic instruction set of BEAM, it can reuse the BEAM compiler from the OTP layer to compile Erlang to Ling.

Erlang On Xen
  Node1     Node2       Node2     Node3

 +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+
 | Apps |  | Apps |   | Apps |  | App  |
 +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+
 | OTP  |  | OTP  |   | OTP  |  | OTP  |
 +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+
 | Ling |  | Ling |   | BEAM |  | BEAM |
 +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+
 | EoX  |  | EoX  |   | ERTS |  | ERTS |
 +------+--+------+   +------+--+------+
 |      XEN       |   |       OS       |
 +----------------+   +----------------+
 |      HW        |   |    HW or VM    |
 +----------------+   +----------------+


Erjang ( is an Erlang implementation which runs on the JVM. It loads .beam files and recompiles the code to Java .class files. Erjang is almost 100% binary compatible with (generic) BEAM.

In Erlang on the JVM you can see how the Erjang implementation of the Erlang Solution Stack differs from the ERTS Stack. The thing to note here is that JVM has replaced BEAM as the virtual machine and that Erjang provides the services of ERTS by implementing them in Java on top of the JVM.

Erlang on the JVM
  Node1     Node2       Node3     Node4

 +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+
 | Apps |  | Apps |   | Apps |  | Apps |
 +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+
 | OTP  |  | OTP  |   | OTP  |  | OTP  |
 +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+
 |Erjang|  |Erjang|   | BEAM |  | BEAM |
 +------+  +------+   +------+  +------+
 | JVM  |  | JVM  |   | ERTS |  | ERTS |
 +------+--+------+   +------+--+------+
 |       OS       |   |       OS       |
 +----------------+   +----------------+
 |    HW or VM    |   |    HW or VM    |
 +----------------+   +----------------+

Now that you have a basic understanding of all the major pieces of ERTS, and the necessary vocabulary, you can dive into the details of each component. If you are eager to understand a certain component, you can jump directly to that chapter. Or if you are really eager to find a solution to a specific problem, you could jump to the right chapter in [P-Running] and try the different methods to tune, tweak, or debug your system.