One of the most important aspects of ERTS to understand is how ERTS stores data, that is, how Erlang terms are stored in memory. This gives you the basis for understanding how garbage collection works, how message passing works, and gives you an insight into how much memory is needed.
In this chapter you will learn the basic data types of Erlang and how they are implemented in ERTS. This knowledge will be essential in understanding the chapter on memory allocation and garbage collection, see [CH-Memory].
Erlang is strongly typed. That is, there is no way to coerce one type into another type, you can only convert from one type to another. Compare this to e.g. C where you can coerce a char to an int or any type pointed to by a pointer to (void *).
The Erlang type lattice is quite flat, there are only a few real sub types, numbers have the sub types integer and float, and list has the subtypes nil and cons. (One could also argue that tuple has one subtype for each size.)
The Erlang Type Lattice
digraph G { overlap=false; splines=false; node[fontname=Helvetica fontsize=22]; edge [penwidth=0.5] any[shape=plaintext, label="any()"]; number[shape=plaintext, label="number()"]; atom[shape=plaintext, label="atom()"]; reference[shape=plaintext, label="reference()"]; fun[shape=plaintext, label="fun()"]; port[shape=plaintext, label="port()"]; pid[shape=plaintext, label="pid()"]; tuple[shape=plaintext, label="tuple()"]; map[shape=plaintext, label="map()"]; list[shape=plaintext, label="list()"]; binary[shape=plaintext, label="binary()"]; integer[shape=plaintext, label="integer()"]; float[shape=plaintext, label="float()"]; nil[shape=plaintext, label="nil()"]; cons[shape=plaintext, label="cons()"]; boolean[shape=plaintext, label="boolean()"]; false[shape=plaintext, label="false()"]; true[shape=plaintext, label="true()"]; dummy0[shape=point, width=0.004]; dummy1[shape=point, width=0.004]; dummy2[shape=point, width=0.004]; none[shape=plaintext, label="none()"]; gt0[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; gt1[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; gt2[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; gt3[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; gt4[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; gt5[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; gt6[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; gt7[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; gt8[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; gt9[shape=plaintext, label="<" fontcolor=gray]; subgraph cluster_1 { style=invis {rank=same gt0 gt1 gt2 gt3 gt4 gt5 gt6 gt7 gt8 number, atom, reference, fun, port, pid, tuple, map, list, binary} number -> gt0 -> atom -> gt1 -> reference -> gt2 -> fun -> gt3 -> port -> gt4 -> pid -> gt5 -> tuple -> gt6 -> map -> gt7 -> list -> gt8 -> binary [color=transparent arrowhead=none labelcolor=gray]; } subgraph cluster_2 { style=invis {rank=same gt9 true, false} dummy1 dummy2 false -> gt9 -> true [color=transparent arrowhead=none labelcolor=gray]; } {rank=same integer, float, boolean, nil, cons, dummy0} any->number[dir=none]; number->integer[dir=none]; number->float[dir=none]; any->atom[dir=none]; atom->boolean[dir=none]; any->reference[dir=none]; any->fun[dir=none]; any->port[dir=none]; any->pid[dir=none]; any->tuple[dir=none]; any->map[dir=none]; any->list[dir=none]; list->nil[dir=none]; list->cons[dir=none]; any->binary[dir=none]; binary->dummy0[dir=none]; integer->dummy1[dir=none]; dummy1->none[dir=none]; float->dummy2[dir=none]; dummy2->none[dir=none]; atom->none[dir=none]; boolean->false[dir=none]; boolean->true[dir=none]; boolean->none[dir=none]; false->none[dir=none]; true->none[dir=none]; reference->none[dir=none]; fun->none[dir=none]; port->none[dir=none]; pid->none[dir=none]; tuple->none[dir=none]; map->none[dir=none]; nil->none[dir=none]; cons->none[dir=none]; dummy0->none[dir=none]; }
There is a partial order (< and >) on all terms in Erlang where the types are ordered from left to right in the above lattice.
The order is partial and not total since integers and floats are converted before comparison. Both (1 < 1.0) and (1.0 < 1) are false, and (1 =< 1.0 and 1 >= 1.0) and (1 =/= 1.0). The number with the lesser precision is converted to the number with higher precision. Usually integers are converted to floats. For very large or small floats the float is converted to an integer. This happens if all significant digits are to the left of the decimal point.
Since Erlang 18, when two maps are compared for order they are compared as follows: If one map has fewer elements than the other it is considered smaller. Otherwise the keys are compared in term order, where all integers are considered smaller than all floats. If all the keys are the same then each value pair (in key order) is compared arithmetically, i.e. by first converting them to the same precision.
The same is true when comparing for equality, thus
#{1 => 1.0} == #{1 => 1}
but #{1.0 => 1} /= #{1 => 1}
In Erlang versions prior to 18 keys were also compared arithmetically.
Erlang is dynamically typed. That is, types will be checked at runtime and if a type error occurs an exception is thrown. The compiler does not check the types at compile time, unlike in a statically typed language like C or Java where you can get a type error during compilation.
These aspects of the Erlang type system, strongly dynamically typed with an order on the types puts some constraints on the implementation of the language. In order to be able to check and compare types at runtime each Erlang term has to carry its type with it.
This is solved by tagging the terms.
In the memory representation of an Erlang term a few bits are reserved for a type tag. For performance reasons the terms are divided into immediates and boxed terms. An immediate term can fit into a machine word, that is, in a register or on a stack slot. A boxed term consists of two parts: a tagged pointer and a number of words stored on the process heap. The boxes stored on the heap have a header and a body, unless it is a list.
Currently ERTS uses a staged tag scheme, the history and reasoning behind the this scheme is explained in a technical report from the HiPE group. (See The tagging scheme is implemented in erl_term.h.
The basic idea is to use the least significant bits for tags. Since most modern CPU architectures aligns 32- and 64-bit words, there are at least two bits that are "unused" for pointers. These bits can be used as tags instead. Unfortunately those two bits are not enough for all the types in Erlang, more bits are therefore used as needed.
The first two bits (the primary tag) are used as follows:
00 Header (on heap) CP (on stack) 01 List (cons) 10 Boxed 11 Immediate
The header tag is only used on the heap for header words, more on that later. On the stack 00 indicates a return address. The list tag is used for cons cells, and the boxed tag is used for all other pointers to the heap. The immediate tag is further divided like this:
00 11 Pid 01 11 Port 10 11 Immediate 2 11 11 Small integer
Pid and ports are immediates and can be compared for equality efficiently. They are of course in reality just references, a pid is a process identifier and it points to a process. The process does not reside on the heap of any process but is handled by the PCB. A port works in much the same way.
There are two types of integers in ERTS, small integers and bignums. Small integers fits in one machine word minus four tag bits, i.e. in 28 or 60 bits for 32 and 64 bits system respectively. Bignums on the other hand can be as large as needed (only limited by the heap space) and are stored on the heap, as boxed objects.
By having all four tag bits as ones for small integers the emulator
can make an efficient test when doing integer arithmetic to see if
both arguments are immediates. (is_both_small(x,y)
is defined as
(x & y & 1111) == 1111
The Immediate 2 tag is further divided like this:
00 10 11 Atom 01 10 11 Catch 10 10 11 [UNUSED] 11 10 11 Nil
Atoms are made up of an index in the atom table and the atom tag. Two atom immediates can be compared for equality by just comparing their immediate representation.
In the atom table atoms are stored as C structs like this:
typedef struct atom { IndexSlot slot; /* MUST BE LOCATED AT TOP OF STRUCT!!! */ int len; /* length of atom name */ int ord0; /* ordinal value of first 3 bytes + 7 bits */ byte* name; /* name of atom */ } Atom;
Thanks to the len
and the ord0
fields the order of two atoms can
be compared efficiently as long as they don’t start with the same four
If you for some reason generate atoms with a pattern like name followed by a number and then store them in an ordered list or ordered tree the atom comparison will be more expensive if they all have the same first letters (e.g. foo_1, foo_2, etc.). |
Not that you should ever generate atom names, since the atom table is limited. I’m just saying, there is an evil micro optimization to be found here.
You would of course never do this, but if you find code that generates atom with a number followed by a postfix name, now you know what the author of that code might have been thinking.
The Catch immediate is only used on the stack. It contains an indirect pointer to the continuation point in the code where execution should continue after an exception. More on this in [CH-Calls].
The Nil tag is used for the empty list (nil or []
). The rest of the
word is filled with ones.
Erlang terms stored on the heap use several machine words. Lists, or cons cells, are just two consecutive words on the heap: the head and the tail (or car and cdr as they are called in lisp and some places in the ERTS code).
A string in Erlang is just a list of integers representing characters. In releases prior to Erlang OTP R14 strings have been encoded as ISO-latin-1 (ISO8859-1). Since R14 strings are encoded as lists of Unicode code points. For strings in latin-1 there is no difference since latin-1 is a subset of Unicode.
The string "hello" might look like this in memory:
hend -> +-------- -------- -------- --------+ | ... | | ... | |00000000 00000000 00000000 10000001| 128 + list tag -----------------+ stop -> | | | | htop -> | | | 132 |00000000 00000000 00000000 01111001| 120 + list tag -----------------|--+ 128 |00000000 00000000 00000110 10001111| (h) 104 bsl 4 + small int tag <--+ | 124 |00000000 00000000 00000000 01110001| 112 + list tag --------------------|--+ 120 |00000000 00000000 00000110 01011111| (e) 101 bsl 4 + small int tag <-----+ | 116 |00000000 00000000 00000000 01110001| 112 + list tag -----------------------|--+ 112 |00000000 00000000 00000110 11001111| (l) 108 bsl 4 + small int tag <--------+ | 108 |00000000 00000000 00000000 01110001| 96 + list tag ---------------------------|--+ 104 |00000000 00000000 00000110 11001111| (l) 108 bsl 4 + small int tag <-----------+ | 100 |11111111 11111111 11111111 11111011| NIL | 96 |00000000 00000000 00000110 11111111| (o) 111 bsl 4 + small int tag <--------------+ | ... | heap -> +-----------------------------------+
All other boxed terms start with a header word. The header word uses a
four bit header tag and the primary header tag (00), it also has an
arity which says how many words the boxed term uses. On a 32-bit
machine it looks like this: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttt00
The tags are:
0000 ARITYVAL (Tuples) 0001 BINARY_AGGREGATE | 001s BIGNUM with sign bit | 0100 REF | 0101 FUN | THINGS 0110 FLONUM | 0111 EXPORT | 1000 REFC_BINARY | | 1001 HEAP_BINARY | BINARIES | 1010 SUB_BINARY | | 1011 [UNUSED] 1100 EXTERNAL_PID | | 1101 EXTERNAL_PORT | EXTERNAL THINGS | 1110 EXTERNAL_REF | | 1111 MAP
Tuples are stored on the heap with just the arity and then each
element in the following words. The empty tuple {}
is stored just as
the word 0 (header tag 0, tuple tag 0000
, and arity 0).
hend -> +-------- -------- -------- --------+ | ... | | ... | |00000000 00000000 00000000 10000010| 128 + boxed tag ---------------+ stop -> | | | | htop -> | | | 150 |00000000 00000000 00000110 11111111| (o) 111 bsl 4 + small int tag | 144 |00000000 00000000 00000110 11001111| (l) 108 bsl 4 + small int tag | 140 |00000000 00000000 00000110 11001111| (l) 108 bsl 4 + small int tag | 136 |00000000 00000000 00000110 01011111| (e) 101 bsl 4 + small int tag | 132 |00000000 00000000 00000110 10001111| (h) 104 bsl 4 + small int tag | 128 |00000000 00000000 00000001 01000000| 5 bsl 6 + tuple & header tag <-+ | ... | heap -> +-----------------------------------+
A binary is an immutable array of bytes. There are four types of internal representations of binaries. The two types heap binaries and refc binaries contains binary data. The other two types, sub binaries and match contexts (the BINARY_AGGREGATE tag) are smaller references into one of the other two types.
Binaries that are 64 bytes or less can be stored directly on the process heap as heap binaries. Larger binaries are reference counted and the payload is stored outside of the process heap, a reference to the payload is stored on the process heap in an object called a ProcBin.
We will talk more about binaries in the [CH-Memory].
Integers that do not fit in a small integer (word size - 4 bits) are
stored on the heap as "bignums" (or arbitrary precision integers). A
bignum has a header word followed by a number of words encoding the
bignum. The sign part of the bignum tag (s
) in the header encodes the
sign of the number (s=0 for positive numbers, and s=1 for negative
TODO: Describe bignum encoding. (And arithmetic ?)
A reference is a "unique" term often used to tag messages in order
to basically implement a channel over a process mailbox. A reference
is implemented as an 82 bit counter. After 9671406556917033397649407
calls to make_ref/0
the counter will wrap and start over with ref 0
again. You need a really fast machine to do that many calls to
within your lifetime. Unless you restart the node, in which
case it also will start from 0 again, but then all the old local refs
are gone. If you send the pid to another node it becomes an external
ref, see below.
On a 32-bit system a local ref takes up four 32-bit words on the heap. On a 64-bit system a ref takes up three 64-bit words on the heap.
|00000000 00000000 00000000 11010000| Arity 3 + ref tag |00000000 000000rr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr| Data0 |rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr| Data1 |rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrr| Data2
The reference number is (Data2 bsl 50) + (Data1 bsl 18) + Data0
The implementation of floats, ports, pids. Strings as lists, IO lists, lists on 64-bit machines. Binaries, sub binaries, and copying. Records.
Possibly: The half-word machine. Sharing and deep copy. (or this will be in GC)