A web application built atop Django, that uses your twitter account for authentication, post which it can display user information, collect tweets on the authenticated user's timeline and list out the associated domains and usernames.
The website is live at http://kopal.pythonanywhere.com/
Tweepy: Python library to access the Twitter API
tld: Python library to extract domain from a url
- Clone the repository https://github.com/kchakravarty/vouch_twitter.git
- Add your consumer key and your secret key in utils.py (vouch_twitter/twitter_login/login_page/utils.py). Visit https://developer.twitter.com/en to register your app. Be sure to mention a callback url in the app configuration.
- Switch to the twitter_login directory(cd vouch_twitter/twitter_login). Run on localhost using python3 manage.py runserver.
The web application uses Tweepy.OAuthHAndler() for authentication, post which the application is redirected to the callback url.
User information is accessed using the API.me() endpoint , and the timeline using the API.home_timeline() endpoint http://docs.tweepy.org/en/latest/api.html