deploy public-achievement canisters
dfx start --clean --background
dfx deploy
deploy icrc-7 achievement collection
yuku_icrc7 Pass reputation_module to minter (owner)
dfx deploy icrc7 --argument '(record{
minting_account= opt record {
owner = principal "$(dfx canister id reputation_module)";
subaccount = opt blob "\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00";
icrc7_supply_cap= null;
icrc7_description= opt "Achievements issued by {your issuer name}";
tx_window= null;
permitted_drift= null;
icrc7_max_take_value= null;
icrc7_max_memo_size= null;
icrc7_symbol= "PAC";
icrc7_max_update_batch_size= null;
icrc7_max_query_batch_size= null;
icrc7_atomic_batch_transfers= null;
icrc7_default_take_value= null;
icrc7_logo= null;
icrc7_name= "Public Achievements"
Add metadata to reputation_module
dfx canister call reputation_module updateReputationModuleMetadata "record {achievement_collection=principal \"$(dfx canister id icrc7)\"; issuer_name=\"test\"; issuer_description=\"test\"; total_issued=0}"
Add metadata to deployed achievement
dfx canister call achievement updateAchivementMetadata '(record {achievement_name="Test achievement"; achievement_description="Description of test achievement"})'
Add deployed achievement to reputation_module
dfx canister call reputation_module changePermissionCanister "(principal \"$(dfx canister id achievement)\", true)"
dfx identity new pa_local_wallet
dfx identity new pa_identity_wallet
dfx identity list
%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%
state "Local Principal (connected to dapp)" as A1
state "Reputation Module" as D1
state "Identity Wallet (connected to HUB)" as C1
state "Achievement" as B1
A1 --> B1 : 1. Call method generateHashToIdentityWallet
B1 --> C1 : 2. Generate hach to identity Wallet
C1 --> B1 : 3. call receiveAchievementFromIdentityWalletWithHash
B1 --> C1 : 4. change achievement status to Allowed
C1 --> D1 : 5. call issueAchievementToIdentityWallet
D1 --> C1 : 6. issue achievement
Generate hash to identity wallet
Call the generateHashToIdentityWallet method in the Achievement canister from the local wallet and pass the identity wallet to which the achievement will be transferred in the arguments.
dfx --identity pa_local_wallet canister call achievement generateHashToIdentityWallet "(principal \"$(dfx --identity pa_identity_wallet identity get-principal)\", vec {})"
variant {
Ok = "Succesfully generate hash for Identity Wallet. Signature 5ac9cae0bd534ee09eea7bf9ddd85a53ba13efe9a416fb13155b46fa2af2f3f0671b2b79c534a29ade73811098cb947ccbd606b935aa1e0610093eac3b3ddc00"
Get allowed status from identity wallet with hash
Call receiveAchievementFromIdentityWalletWithHash method in the Achievement canister from the identity wallet. Use the address of the local wallet, which performed this action, as an argument. The function checks the hash match and if everything is fine, it changes the status of the identity wallet's achievement to 'allowed'.
dfx --identity pa_identity_wallet canister call achievement receiveAchievementFromIdentityWalletWithHash "(principal \"$(dfx --identity pa_local_wallet identity get-principal)\")"
(variant { Ok = "Achievement status changed to allowed" })
Receiving an achievement from identity wallet
Call issueAchievementToIdentityWallet method in the ReputationModule canister with the identity wallet (if the interface is present, this function is called from the hub). As an argument, we pass the address of the Achievement canister and if the function confirms that within the Achievement canister the status of the identity wallet is 'allowed', it issues an achievement in the format supported by the ReputationModule.
dfx --identity pa_identity_wallet canister call reputation_module issueAchievementToIdentityWallet "(principal \"$(dfx canister id achievement)\")"
(variant { Ok = "Achievement issued" })
%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%
state "Achievement" as B1
state "Identity Wallet (connected to HUB)" as C1
state "Reputation Module" as D1
C1 --> B1 : 1. call receiveAchievementFromIdentityWallet
B1 --> C1 : 2. change achievement status to Allowed
C1 --> D1 : 3. call issueAchievementToIdentityWallet
D1 --> C1 : 4. issue achievement
Suitable for people who do not use Internet Identity but use wallets such as Plug and use one address in all applications.
Get allowed status from identity wallet
Call the receiveAchievementFromIdentityWallet method, if the identity wallet meets the conditions for receiving an achievement, then the achievement status changes to 'allowed'.
dfx --identity pa_identity_wallet canister call achievement receiveAchievementFromIdentityWallet "(vec {})"
(variant { Ok = "Achievement status changed to allowed" })
Receiving an achievement from identity wallet
Call issueAchievementToIdentityWallet method in the ReputationModule canister with the identity wallet (if there is an interface, this function is called from the hub). As an argument, we pass the address of the Achievement canister, and if the function confirms that the status of the identity wallet inside the Achievement canister is 'allowed', it issues an achievement in the format supported by ReputationModule.
dfx --identity pa_identity_wallet canister call reputation_module issueAchievementToIdentityWallet "(principal \"$(dfx canister id achievement)\")"
(variant { Ok = "Achievement issued" })
Method checkAchievementEligibility
Blob - accepts additional parameters encoded in bytes, for example, an additional Metamask signature. If the function does not use this argument, an empty byte array is passed.