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Exporting Hopsworks metrics


Hopsworks services produce metrics which are centrally gathered by Prometheus and visualized in Grafana. Although the system is self-contained, it is possible for another federated Prometheus instance to scrape these metrics or directly push them to another system. This is useful if you have a centralized monitoring system with already configured alerts.


In order to configure Prometheus to export metrics you need to have the right to change the remote Prometheus configuration.

Exporting metrics

Prometheus can be configured to export metrics to another Prometheus instance (cross-service federation) or to a custom service which knows how to handle them.

Prometheus federation

Prometheus servers can be federated to scale better or to just clone all metrics (cross-service federation).

In the guide below we assume Prometheus A is the service running in Hopsworks and Prometheus B is the server you want to clone metrics to.

Step 1

Prometheus B needs to be able to connect to TCP port 9090 of Prometheus A to scrape metrics. If you have any firewall (or Security Group) in place, allow ingress for that port.

Step 2

The next step is to expose Prometheus A running inside Hopsworks Kubernetes cluster. If Prometheus B has direct access to Prometheus A then you can skip this step.

We will create a Kubernetes Service of type LoadBalancer to expose port 9090

!!!Warning If you need to apply custom annotations, then modify the Manifest below The example below assumes Hopsworks is installed at Namespace hopsworks

kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: prometheus-external
  namespace: hopsworks
    app: prometheus
  type: LoadBalancer
  selector: prometheus server
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 9090
      targetPort: 9090

Then we need to find the External IP address of the newly created Service

export NAMESPACE=hopsworks
kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get svc prometheus-external -ojsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

!!!Warning It will take a few seconds until an IP address is assigned to the Service

We will use this IP address in Step 2

Step 2

Edit the configuration file of Prometheus B server and append the following Job under scrape_configs

!!! note Replace IP_ADDRESS with the IP address from Step 1 or the IP address of Prometheus service if it is directly accessible. The snippet below assumes Hopsworks services runs at Namespace hopsworks

- job_name: 'federate'
  scrape_interval: 15s

  honor_labels: true
  metrics_path: '/federate'

      - '{namespace="hopsworks"}'

    - targets:
      - 'IP_ADDRESS:9090'

The configuration above will scrape for services metrics under the hopsworks Namespace. If you want to additionally scrape user application metrics then append '{job="pushgateway"}' to the matchers, for example:

      - '{namespace="hopsworks"}'
      - '{job="pushgateway"}'

Depending on the Prometheus setup you might need to restart Prometheus B service to pick up the new configuration. For more details on federation visit Prometheus documentation

Custom service

Prometheus can push metrics to another custom resource via HTTP. The custom service is responsible for handling the received metrics. To push metrics with this method we use the remote_write configuration.

We will only give a sample configuration as remote_write is extensively documented in Prometheus documentation In the example below we push metrics to a custom service listening on port 9096 which transforms the metrics and forwards them.

In order to configure Prometheus to push metrics to a remote HTTP service we need to customize our Helm chart values file with the following snippet after changing the url accordingly. You can also tweak other configuration parameters to your needs.

      - url: "http://localhost:9096"
          capacity: 10000
          max_samples_per_send: 5000
          batch_send_deadline: 60s

If the section already exists, then append the remoteWrite section.

Run helm install or helm upgrade if it's the first time you install Hopsworks or you want to apply the change to an existing cluster respectively.