- 🎉 Displaying torrent, duplicate sizes + overall duplicate allocation in percents (for single torrents)
- 🎉 Performance boost via output buffering in CLI
- Code optimizations
- Bug fixes
Updates won't be published as a build while there's a padding file issue.
If you want to use it anyway, use the .php file from master branch instead.
The next release will support the generation of magnet download links without duplicates 🎉
And switch from tracing to a faster function JIT (in the context of tmrr).
To install & update the tmrr command systemwide via PATH environment, run the executable file with administrator privileges.
tmrr.exe: dd2a8c31dd097606f3cc33fdb9668d91fde122cee1db14ec674feffc973e623c
tmrr.exe: 7c7d24c6b4c7bea180a6ff137846ac4ada2f4f3c76216607801bcd43ba0c197d