Example Terragrunt deployment that includes Go test routines using Terratest.
This repository uses architecture decision records to record design decisions about important elements of the solution.
The ADR index is available here.
Tested on Go version 1.21 on Ubuntu Linux.
Uses installed packages:
- Install the packages listed above.
- Make a copy of the gcp/gcp.yaml file, named local.gcp.yaml, and fill in the fields with configuration values for the target platform.
- Use gcloud to log into the platform. Terraform uses application default credentials:
$ gcloud auth application-default login
- It's recommended to deploy a build project and folder first, and to use this project in the configuration for additional deployments. The build project can be deployed and managed using this framework with a couple of additional steps to create a local state configuration and then to migrate state to a remote state configuration after the project and bucket are created. ALternatively, the build resources can be pre-created and then imported into the framework using the import command. These considerations are not addressed in this example.
Automated installation configuration, and deployment steps are managed using Makefile targets. Use make help
for a list of configured targets:
$ make help
make <target>
help Show this help
pre-commit Run pre-commit checks
gcp_example_clean Clean up state files
gcp_example_configure Configure the deployment
gcp_example_deploy Deploy configured resources
gcp_example_init Initialize modules, providers
gcp_example_install Install Terraform, Terragrunt
gcp_example_lint Run Go linters
gcp_example_plan Show deployment plan
gcp_example_test Run deployment tests
Note that additional targets can be added in order to configure multiple environments, for example to create development and production environments.