- M365
- Markdown
- Timezones
- Drawing and diagramming
- Git
- Powershell
- Development tools
- Server stuffs
- Computer stuffs
Microsoft 365 Roadmap
Admin roles and what they do
Least privileged roles by task in Microsoft Entra ID
Entra ID permissions list
Microsoft 365 IP ranges via API
Component service ID's
Deploying Office templates via SharePoint
Exchange Online Filter properties
Microsoft accepted language codes
Intune IP ranges and URL's used to open for Intune connectivity
Intunewin file / Content prep tool
https://api.vdwegen.app/api/reverseAADapp?appid={ApplicationID-here} - Get info on apps in M365 via API
Intune install commands for Win32 apps
Another silent intall and uninstall command finder
Win32 logs and how to decipher the logs
Intune management extension logs diagnostics
CMtrace download link
Windows default icons locations
Icon extractor from .dll files
Limit App registration to only send mail from members of group
Enroll existing Entra/Azure joined devices into Intune
Oh god no dont do HAADJ
Excalidraw - Great for quick drawings
Oh shit git / Un-fucking your git repo when mistakes were made
PowerShell Gallery
Online HTML editor
Webhook.site - Great for testing webhooks