v2.0.3 Minor bug fixes and changes
fixes and save edgelist file- Specify delimiter for edgelist file (thanks to @justinlboyer !)
- Random seeds for random walk generation
What's Changed
- Test PecanPy, fix AdjLst from_mat, and SparseGraph num_edges by @RemyLau in #63
- Save as edgelist file by @RemyLau in #64
- Refactor test graph by @RemyLau in #65
- Pass delimiter through when using cli by @justinlboyer in #66
- Upgrade dependencies; minor renaming by @RemyLau in #68
- Fix directed graph to_csr by @RemyLau in #69
- Random seed for random walk generation by @RemyLau in #71
- Static typing and format fixes by @RemyLau in #77
- Attach random seed to gensim word2vec by @RemyLau in #78
- Refactor n2v walk by @RemyLau in #81
- Refactor typing by @RemyLau in #82
New Contributors
- @justinlboyer made their first contribution in #66
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3