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1 | column | description | source |
2 | iso_code | ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 – three-letter country codes | International Organization for Standardization |
3 | country | Geographic location | Our World in Data |
4 | year | Year of observation | Our World in Data |
5 | co2 | Annual production-based emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), measured in million tonnes per year. | Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
6 | co2_growth_prct | Percentage change in CO2 emissions from one year relative to the previous year. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
7 | co2_growth_abs | Annual change in CO2 emissions from one year relative to the previous year, measured in million tonnes. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
8 | consumption_co2 | Annual consumption-based CO2 emissions, measured in million tonnes per year. | Global Carbon Project |
9 | trade_co2 | Net CO2 emissions embedded in trade; this is the net difference between CO2 embedded in exported and imported goods, measured in million tonnes. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Global Carbon Project |
10 | trade_co2_share | CO2 emissions embedded in trade, given as a percentage of national production-based emissions. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Global Carbon Project |
11 | co2_per_capita | Average per capita CO2 emissions, measured in tonnes per year. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on CDIAC and Global Carbon Project; and Gapminder and UN population estimates |
12 | consumption_co2_per_capita | Per capita consumption-based CO2 emissions, measured in tonnes per year. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Global Carbon Project and UN Population estimates |
13 | share_global_co2 | National or regional annual CO2 emissions, measured as a percentage of the global total | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
14 | cumulative_co2 | Cumulative emissions of CO2 from 1751 through to the given year, measured in million tonnes. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
15 | share_global_cumulative_co2 | National or regional annual cumulative CO2 emissions, measured as a share of the global total | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
16 | co2_per_gdp | CO2 emissions measured per unit of gross domestic product. GDP is adjusted for inflation and cross-country price differences (PPP-adjusted). | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project; and Maddison Project Database |
17 | consumption_co2_per_gdp | Consumption-based CO2 emissions measured per unit of gross domestic product. GDP is adjusted for inflation and cross-country price differences (PPP-adjusted). | Calculated by Our World in Data based on the Global Carbon Project and Maddison Project Database |
18 | co2_per_unit_energy | CO2 emissions measured per unit of energy consumed. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on Global Carbon Project and BP Statistical Review of World Energy |
19 | cement_co2 | CO2 emissions from cement production, measured in million tonnes. | Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
20 | coal_co2 | CO2 emissions from coal production, measured in million tonnes. | Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
21 | flaring_co2 | CO2 emissions from gas flaring, measured in million tonnes. | Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
22 | gas_co2 | CO2 emissions from gas production, measured in million tonnes. | Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
23 | oil_co2 | CO2 emissions from oil production, measured in million tonnes. | Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC) and Global Carbon Project |
24 | cement_co2_per_capita | Per capita CO2 emissions from cement production, measured in tonnes. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on CDIAC, Global Carbon Project and UN Population estimates |
25 | coal_co2_per_capita | Per capita CO2 emissions from coal production, measured in tonnes. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on CDIAC, Global Carbon Project and UN Population estimates |
26 | flaring_co2_per_capita | Per capita CO2 emissions from flaring, measured in tonnes. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on CDIAC, Global Carbon Project and UN Population estimates |
27 | gas_co2_per_capita | Per capita CO2 emissions from gas production, measured in tonnes. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on CDIAC, Global Carbon Project and UN Population estimates |
28 | oil_co2_per_capita | Per capita CO2 emissions from oil production, measured in tonnes. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on CDIAC, Global Carbon Project and UN Population estimates |
29 | total_ghg | Annual greenhouse gas emissions, measured in million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. | CAIT Climate Data Explorer |
30 | ghg_per_capita | Greenhouse gas emissions per capita, measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on CAIT Climate Data Explorer and UN Population estimates |
31 | methane | Annual methane emissions, measured in million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. | CAIT Climate Data Explorer |
32 | methane_per_capita | Methane emissions per capita, measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on CAIT Climate Data Explorer and UN Population estimates |
33 | nitrous_oxide | Annual nitrous oxide emissions, measured in million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. | CAIT Climate Data Explorer |
34 | nitrous_oxide_per_capita | Nitrous oxide emissions per capita, measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on CAIT Climate Data Explorer and UN Population estimates |
35 | primary_energy_consumption | Primary energy consumption, measured in terawatt-hours per year. | BP Statistical Review of World Energy |
36 | energy_per_capita | Primary energy consumption per capita, measured in kilowatt-hours per year. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on BP Statistical Review of World Energy and UN Population estimates |
37 | energy_per_gdp | Primary energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product, measured in kilowatt-hours per international-$. | Calculated by Our World in Data based on BP Statistical Review of World Energy and Maddison Project Database |
38 | population | Total population | Gapminder and UN Population estimates |
39 | gdp | Total real gross domestic product, inflation-adjusted | Maddison Project Database |